Georges "Rush" St-Pierre

3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%
Oon kattonut nyt ensimmäisen erän 3 kertaa läpi ilman roganin ja kullipierun paskanjauhantaa. GSP:lle hyvä alasvienti heti alkuun jonka jälkeen subiyritys, clinchailua jossa molemmat osapuolet tarjoilee polvea reisiin, Johny ehkä vähän napakampi mutta ei niiden ansiosta nyt voi erää sille antaa. Loppuun Johny sai vielä takedownin ja ei saanut mitään aikaan, gsp pääs heti takasin pystyyn ja tasasta paskaa jälleen. 10-9 GSP.
Oli miten oli, mutta gsp:n naaman kunnon vetäminen on tässä tapauksessa jotenkin erityinen?
Sehän on aina pienemmästäkin tällistä ihan luumuna, jopa niissä otteluissa mitkä on vienyt ihan selvästi.

Se ei ole naamari ei ole edelleenkään mukana pisteytyksessä tai arvioiko tuomarit joka erän jälkeen naaman kondiksen.... todennäköisesti edes näe ottelijoiden naamoja asian oman toimenkuvan tiimellyksessä.
Oon nyt kattonu tuon matsin jo varmaan 5 kertaa ja en vaan saa millään sitä Hendricksille. GSP voitti ottelun näillä säännöillä ja that's it.

Oon nyt katsonut ton matsin 10 kertaa ja gsp:n kulmamies sanoo matsin lopussa (luin huulilta), että pakkislaiset on homoja.
Omasta mielestä 1,3 ja 5 oli GSP:n. Johny munasi kun ei vetänyt täysillä sitä 5 erää (tai eikö pystynyt). Joka tapauksessa tiukka matsi, mutta GSP voitti.
Joe: Have you had an experience with aliens?
GSP: No, no, no...
Joe: I don't believe you!
GSP: I don't know.
Joe: You don't know? You *might have had an experience with aliens?*
GSP: (Laughing) My manager is going to have a heart attack...
Joe: I would never lead you down a path that is bad for your career.
(Joe rags on him, says he needs to talk about it if he had sex with an alien)
Joe: (More serious) Something happened George.
GSP: I don't know. It is either I am crazy, or it really happened. I hope that I am crazy.
Joe: I don't think you are crazy.
GSP: I hope I am crazy. I know some people, some great mind, they have been hallucinating stuff, some people are [manic] depressive, some people are ocd, some people are this, some people are that...and they are still great. They have been able to acheive great stuff in their life. So maybe I am crazy, who knows, I don't know. I hope I am crazy.
(Joe attempts to talk about a chemical released in the brain at night, but GSP starts to open up about what it could be).
GSP: I am going to tell you something. Sometimes I am staring at the clock and I wake up and I look at the clock right after and its like the clock advances 4 hours or 2 hours there is a time zone where I don't know what happened.
Joe: Its called falling asleep.
GSP: I hope so.
Joe: Do you think you are getting snatched up and taken away for a few hours?
GSP: No, no. I don't think...maybe I've fallen asleep...thats what I hope.
(GSP talks about a similar thing happening while driving)
Joe: Thats very minor stuff. It could be you are tired, you push yourself, it could be stress.
GSP: That is exactly what I hope.
Joe: But you don't have any memory of grey dudes putting fingers up your butt?
GSP: No. None of that.
(Joe goes back to talking about DMT, the chemical he tried to bring up earlier)
Joe: When people are having these experiences, and they are very realistic and do believe they are being taken abord by a UFO somewhere, they might not be wrong...
GSP: But this is not a UFO encounter. The UFO is a an unidentified flying object, the encounter you talk about if they have been taken abord, this is different, like it could be a third type encounter, anyways, but this is different. You talk about me, but I don't have any memory of such things. Sometimes I fall asleep, then I wake up and the time has passed.
Joe: But that is just because you are tired. Thats not aliens. Are you worried, like maybe it's aliens?
GSP: No, no...I feel like I didn't fall asleep, and I am not tired and I am wide wide awake, but I fall asleep like this, it is kind of wierd.
Joe: Are these on hard sparring days?
GSP: No, it could happen every day.
Joe: How long has this been going on?
GSP: Since I was a kid.
(Joe jokes about GSP maybe being made by aliens)
(GSP jokes that maybe Jon Jonesm Anderson Silva, and Jose Aldo were)
GSP: I promise one day I will talk about it, but it is not what people think.
GSP: I am doing research, I am researching on myself.
(Joe talks about the earlier chemical again and talks about sleep with GSP)
Joe: They might be stealing time, "this mother fuckers got too much time"
GSP: The truth is, I feel like I have had an experience, but I don't know what it is. So for me to say it is alien, or the drug chemical you talk about...I don't know. I don't know what it is. I felt like it could have been an experience...or not. Maybe I am crazy or maybe it is a normal thing that everybody...I don't know it is too...I am making my own research to it to find out about that.

Here is what Rogan said on 11/18/2013:
"I think Georges should retire. One of the reasons I think Georges should retire is he was on my podcast and he was talking about being abducted by aliens :face:. I was going, 'you think you've been abducted by aliens?' He starts talking about missing time. He started talking about driving his car and all of a sudden he's at home and he has no idea [how] he got there. I think it's head kicks."
(Despite GSP saying that he has suffered from this since he was a child and specifically denying when questioned if he knew it was aliens)
"That fight he had some serious memory loss (at UFC 167). I think he's taken too many shots. An interesting statistic is that Georges has taken more punches and kicks in the last three fights than any of his fights, ever. In fact, 50% of the shots he's taken his entire career were in the last three fights. I think he should get out. I know the UFC probably doesn't want to hear me say that. I know that could be a huge rematch.
(This is incorrect if you are looking at significant strikes. The actual percentage is closer to 33%. He actually took more hits from the Shields fight than he did in the Diaz and Condit fights combined and that was 4 fights ago. Perhaps Joe meant the Hendricks fight plus the three before it? In any case, for comparison, GSP has a fight history and average strikes sustained very similar to Benson Henderson.)
"I think they should just give Johny Hendricks the belt. I think Johny Hendricks won that fight. I think there's real problems with judging and I don't think there should be a way for a guy to win a fight, but yet lose a fight."

Vitun Rogan :face:

GSP didn't say he was abducted by aliens : MMA

M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe

Rogan on aina tehny tollasta paskaa kaikille. Kunnon kusipää jätkä ja ihan uskomattoman tekopyhä.
Melkoista tuubaa Roganilta. Rogan on hauska jätkä ja varmaan hyvä tyyppi, muttei selvästikään kovin älykäs. Intoa löytyy mutta aika usein läikkyy yli ja jututkin kiertää samaa rataa podcasteissa.
Tiukka matsi josta voi olla montaa mieltä, tosin GSP:n naamasta mulla on sellainen näkemys että; otti enemmän koppeja ja noilla otteluminuuteilla arpikudostakin varmaan kertynyt enemmän kun Hendricksille. Toivottavasti saadaan uusinta ja asia pois päiväjärjestyksestä.

Video: Dana White promises to revamp UFC’s sponsorship structure, talks Georges St-Pierre, rising pay-per-view prices and Anderson Silva vs. Roy Jones Jr.
2.22 -->
avaa kauppakeskuksen ja media saa kysellä 10min. Mutta Dana jutellu Lorenzon kanssa aiheesta GSP:n kanssa..taitaa tietää, mitä tuleman pitää. Jotenki vaikutti toi "lets see what happens" sellaselta, että antaa GSP:n kertoa eläköitymis-uutisen.

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