BB PRO Evan Centopani

Ah toivottavasti Evanin pätkiä rupeaa tulemaan enemmän. Ehdottomasti scenen parhaimpia hahmoja :)
Ja kovin kaveri, safkajuttuja kuuntelis mielellään lisää Evanilta.


I’ve been dieting for 3 weeks and hitting daily cardio for 4 weeks. I’m down 10 pounds from 292 to 282 this morning. I can definitely see a difference in my physique in terms of increased fullness (or the appearance of it anyway)--less bloat, thinner skin, increased vascularity, and overall better condition. Training is also getting better. When I first started doing cardio 4 weeks ago, 15 minutes on the step mill killed me. Now, 30 minutes is no problem. My next step will be increasing cardio intensity, although sometimes I do add in a second cardio session later in the day just because I feel like it’s beneficial without any downside. As far as weight training, I’m getting stronger every week on all lifts. While this certainly isn’t powerlifting, this gives me an indication that I’m holding onto muscle and that, generally speaking, things are headed in the right direction. As far as the diet goes, I’ve dropped some carbs in the form of rice because I just didn’t feel like I needed it. I feel better but I also feel my appetite increasing. My guess is that by next week or so those carbs might be back in. I’m also toying with the idea of doing some scheduled carb cycling but I haven’t made any decisions yet, mainly because things are still improving at a nice rate.


Time stamps:
2:36 Evan joins the show! 6:33 Evan talks about the one movement that helped him after his quad tare. 9:21 What are the main lessons that Evan has learned that could help someone? 18:20 What does Montanari Brothers Powerhouse Gym mean to Evan? 24:32 When did Evan become obsessed with organic foods? 30:10 What lessons did Evan learn building his home gym? 45:30 Evan is just a real dude! Who doesn’t do the B#!!$*!T 53:58 What moment triggered Evan to love bodybuilding? 1:01:20 Did Evan find it was hard to put on weight after being an over weight child? 1:04:50 When will Evan do more cooking shows? 1:06:28 Evan talks about having to dig deep and go hardcore. 1:12:08 What projects does Evan have coming up? 1:19:45 Show recap with Ron and Dusty 1:35:44 Ron and Dusty describe the vibe at the Arnold 1:42:49 Ron and Dusty talk about the Arnold Classic results
Vahvasti näyttää siltä, että NY Pro siirtyy, saas nähdä mikä on ensimmäinen Pro kilpailu mikä järjestetään.
Kävi "tuuri" kun rakensi oman pienen kuntosalin. Mielellään näitä katsoisi useamminkin, vaikka viikon välein :D.


Man, A LOT can change in just a few weeks. Since my last check-in, the world has come under attack by COVID-19, areas are on lockdown, people are being quarantined, and an extremely unfortunate number of people have actually died from the virus. Along with this has come panic buying. Many everyday food items are either sold out or they are being limited by retailers. Despite the interruption in availability, I’ve been able to pull together a good bit of food to ensure that I will have what I need while I continue to prep. Additionally, all gyms have been shut down. I couldn’t be more thankful that I have all of the fundamentals available to me through my home gym. At this point, I don’t even know if the NY Pro will go on, but I will continue on with my prep as planned. That puts me 8 weeks out at the moment. Things are coming along nicely in terms of progress, as my conditioning and performance continue to improve. Ultimately, though, while I put this content out for the fans who like to watch along (and I’m very thankful that you do), I want us to keep in mind all of the people whose lives are being affected by this virus. I feel it’s especially important to think of them when we begin to get slightly frustrated by this situation. As long as we still have a roof over our heads, a job to call our own, and our health, we are doing great.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Joo, aika optimaalisesti ajoitettu. Oli taas hyvä video. Hieman nauratti tuo, kun kertoili, ettei ole huolissaan(omasta puolestaan) ja kaikki hänellä hyvin. Samaan aikaan helvetillinen kasa tyhjiöpakattua kalaa, kanaa, munia sekä lisäravinneprotskut taustalla ja video tehdään omassa kellarissa. Kunnon maailmanloppuun varautuja, jos ei tietäisi.

Pure Creatine 300 g -25%

Puhdaslaatuinen kreatiinimonohydraatti

Erittäin hieno ja inspiroiva henkilö, sekä kehonrakentajana että ihmisenä.


4.5 weeks out, changed to 16 or 17 weeks out. Happy for the extra time, could enjoy Eastern a few treats.
A lot has changed in the last month--the world is constantly in motion with changes and adjustments.
While this whirlwind blows through the US, Evan Centopani updates us on the status of his prep for
a postponed show, how his mindset has changed over the years,
and how current events are affecting his approach to the bodybuilding game.
Hyvät jutut oli taas C:llä. Realistinen näkemys omasta fysiikasta. Mielenkiintoinen seurata, miten toimii tuo pidennetty dieetti ja suunnitelma
Johan oli pitkä tauko edellisestä videosta, 6 viikkoa.
Toivottavasti seuraavaa videota ei tarvitse vielä kauemmin odottaa.


While maintaining good mental health has always been important for our overall wellbeing, it's more relevant now than ever due to current events derailing many of our normal routines. There are many strategies that we can employ to help ourselves keep our heads "screwed on straight." Evan Centopani, one of Animal's most grounded and logical athletes, highlights some ways we can make sure our brains and thought processes are operating optimally.
Näitä Centopanin juttuja on kyllä hiton mukava seurailla. Leppoisaa, mutta asiapitoista ja perusteltua jutunjuurta pukkaa. Sitten tulee noita omiakin liikkeiden tekemistä aina vähän kelailtua

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