Donald Trump

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Onkohan tuo raportti ollut tuon puheen aikana jo valmis?
Sekä siinähän arvioidaan ei väitetä.
Siis nimenomaan se oli silloin jo valmis, kun sen sisältökin vuodettiin julkisuuteen ja se kuitattiin "fake newsiksi" silloin. Aika erikoista, että pressa kävelee kerta toisensa jälkeen omien tiedustelupalveluidensa ylitse eikä se oikeastaan aiheuta mitään kummastusta omien joukossa.
Sanamuodoiltaan viranomaistekstit, CIAn mukaanlukien, ovat hyvin neutraaleja - "highly likely/unlikely" on ne äärimmäisimmät kannanotot.
Georgian osavaltiossa lähdetään tutkimaan Trumpin "täydellisiä" puheluita liittyen epäilyihin kiristyksestä:

Saapas nähdä kuinka käy - ilmeisen kovia tuomioita "racketeering"-nimikkeellä tuolla on jaeltu ja harvemmin on lusimiselta vältytty.
Voihan lollero näitä Trumpin viime hetken armahduksia:

"Mr. Muzin, working on behalf of Rabbi Margaretten, and Mr. Dershowitz also pushed for the release of another prisoner, Sholam Weiss, who was convicted in 2000 of siphoning $450 million from an insurance company, leading to its collapse. Mr. Weiss spent more than a year on the run, before being arrested in Austria and extradited to the United States to serve an 845-year sentence.

“The case had been discussed for years in the White House and was a key priority for criminal justice advocate groups, but it had met some resistance and wasn’t moving,” Mr. Muzin said. He brought the request to the White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows.

With hours left in his term, Mr. Trump commuted Mr. Weiss’s sentence, and, when Mr. Weiss was released after serving 18 years in prison, he was greeted by Rabbi Margaretten.

Mun oikeustajun mukaan 18 vuotta on kyllä kova rangaistus, mutta 845 vuoden kakusta se on aika hiton vähän :hyper:

Eikös valtaosa Trumpia äänestäneistä nyt kuitenkin mennyt ottamaan vaalivilppipuheet tosissaan :LOL:
Noh, toivottavasti edes Giuliani tai se "My Pillow Guy" uskaltaa lähteä hyökkäämään, eikä tuolla tavoin nöyristelemään substanssin puuttumisen takia.
Eikös valtaosa Trumpia äänestäneistä nyt kuitenkin mennyt ottamaan vaalivilppipuheet tosissaan :LOL:
Noh, toivottavasti edes Giuliani tai se "My Pillow Guy" uskaltaa lähteä hyökkäämään, eikä tuolla tavoin nöyristelemään substanssin puuttumisen takia.
Niinpä :LOL:. Trumpistit ovat hassuja. Eikös Giuliani pitänyt lehdistötilaisuuden tän Powellin kanssa? Se Kraken olikin sitten pelkkää paskaa...en ois millään uskonut :sneaky:.
Niinpä :LOL:. Trumpistit ovat hassuja. Eikös Giuliani pitänyt lehdistötilaisuuden tän Powellin kanssa? Se Kraken olikin sitten pelkkää paskaa...en ois millään uskonut :sneaky:.
Joo, tännekin taidettiin linkata videoita, joissa tuo täti puheli pöhköjä jo ennen tuota kahelia lehdistötilaisuutta. Eikä niitä taidettu laittaa ironisessa mielessä...

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Ei nyt hyökätä nimimerkkejä vastaan, mutta tällainenkin helmi tästä ketjusta löytyi:

"Sidney Powell ei todellakaan kuulu mihinkään ropellipäisiin salaliittoteoreetikkoihin, eikä varmasti ihan heppoisin perustein lähde tuhoamaan omaa tulevaisuuttaan."

Nauratti jo silloin.

- This defamation lawsuit is yet another attempt to silence critics and citizens who want to investigate voter fraud. The statements Dominion claims are defamatory are actually protected speech under the First Amendment because they deal with matters of public concern, i.e., election integrity. The Fake News media and their allies are spinning meritless claims because their arguments have neither the facts nor the law needed to hold up in a courtroom.
- The statements complained of are also protected because Dominion is a public figure and must prove that Ms. Powell acted with malice. This is impossible, as Ms. Powell’s lawyer has explained, because Ms. Powell’s statements were based on sworn affidavits, declarations, expert reports and documentary evidence. She presented this evidence for all to see in four court filings and on her website.
- Contrary to what the Fake News is pushing, Sidney did NOT claim in court that ‘no reasonable person would believe her claims’. The press is using twisted legalese and manipulating the legal standard to confuse the issue, as they have done before in other high-profile cases. Ms. Powell’s statements were legal opinions that she stands behind, as they were based on sworn affidavits, declarations, expert reports and documentary evidence.
- Dominion claims that the evidence Ms. Powell relied upon to assert her claims concerning the lack of election integrity is incredible and not believable. Ms. Powell responded by pointing out that her assertions were her legal opinions based on the evidence she presented to four different courts. Accordingly, her statements are not subject to challenge under defamation law."

- This defamation lawsuit is yet another attempt to silence critics and citizens who want to investigate voter fraud. The statements Dominion claims are defamatory are actually protected speech under the First Amendment because they deal with matters of public concern, i.e., election integrity. The Fake News media and their allies are spinning meritless claims because their arguments have neither the facts nor the law needed to hold up in a courtroom.
- The statements complained of are also protected because Dominion is a public figure and must prove that Ms. Powell acted with malice. This is impossible, as Ms. Powell’s lawyer has explained, because Ms. Powell’s statements were based on sworn affidavits, declarations, expert reports and documentary evidence. She presented this evidence for all to see in four court filings and on her website.
- Contrary to what the Fake News is pushing, Sidney did NOT claim in court that ‘no reasonable person would believe her claims’. The press is using twisted legalese and manipulating the legal standard to confuse the issue, as they have done before in other high-profile cases. Ms. Powell’s statements were legal opinions that she stands behind, as they were based on sworn affidavits, declarations, expert reports and documentary evidence.
- Dominion claims that the evidence Ms. Powell relied upon to assert her claims concerning the lack of election integrity is incredible and not believable. Ms. Powell responded by pointing out that her assertions were her legal opinions based on the evidence she presented to four different courts. Accordingly, her statements are not subject to challenge under defamation law."
Ihan kuin kukaan ei voisi itse mennä katsomaan asiakirjoista mitä siellä on sanottu. Ns. "Tucker Carlson -puolustus" saattaa toimia vielä viihdeohjelmien tekijöiden kohdalla, mutta asiakastaan edustavalta asianajajalta odotetaan hieman enemmän.

- This defamation lawsuit is yet another attempt to silence critics and citizens who want to investigate voter fraud. The statements Dominion claims are defamatory are actually protected speech under the First Amendment because they deal with matters of public concern, i.e., election integrity. The Fake News media and their allies are spinning meritless claims because their arguments have neither the facts nor the law needed to hold up in a courtroom.
- The statements complained of are also protected because Dominion is a public figure and must prove that Ms. Powell acted with malice. This is impossible, as Ms. Powell’s lawyer has explained, because Ms. Powell’s statements were based on sworn affidavits, declarations, expert reports and documentary evidence. She presented this evidence for all to see in four court filings and on her website.
- Contrary to what the Fake News is pushing, Sidney did NOT claim in court that ‘no reasonable person would believe her claims’. The press is using twisted legalese and manipulating the legal standard to confuse the issue, as they have done before in other high-profile cases. Ms. Powell’s statements were legal opinions that she stands behind, as they were based on sworn affidavits, declarations, expert reports and documentary evidence.
- Dominion claims that the evidence Ms. Powell relied upon to assert her claims concerning the lack of election integrity is incredible and not believable. Ms. Powell responded by pointing out that her assertions were her legal opinions based on the evidence she presented to four different courts. Accordingly, her statements are not subject to challenge under defamation law."
Samaa sarjaa tämäkin on. Tämän mukaan rouva Powellin ei voida katsoa tietoisesti puhuneen paskaa, koska hän vain toisteli muiden foliohattuteorioita... Giuliani taasen vetoaa sananvapauteen. Kumpikaan ei enää edes yritä esittää noita hölinöitään faktoina, vaan molemmat keskittyvät hakemaan oikeutusta paskanpuhumiselleen.
Nyt Dominion kiskaisi Foxin mukaan vastaajien penkille:

Aika ovela veto, kun Powell ja Giuliankin ovat siirtäneet vastuun omista puheistaan kuulijan harteille. Joutuuko nyt siis Foxin uutistoimitus myöntämään kuuluvansa "unreasonable"-kategoriaan :unsure:
Niin lumostahan tässä on kysymys. Jos tämä uutinen pitää paikkansa, niin teillä Turd-Trumpisteilla on taas tehtävää kiillottaa paskaa kullaksi:

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