BB PRO Branch Warren


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Uutinen: Branch Warren suffers leg injury in Atlanta, Georgia!

Today 2011 Arnold Classic Champion Branch Warren suffered a leg injury in Atlanta, Georgia.

Muscular Development Editor in Chief Steve Blechman has been in contact with Warren and has learned these latest details:

Warren was in Atlanta for a guest posing appearance. He was in a parking lot and attempting to step into his car. The pavement was slick and his left foot slipped out from under him. He fell onto his left leg and heard/felt a "SNAP" from his left knee/quad area. He was immediately taken to an Atlanta hospital for testing.

He has been released from the hospital and wearing a wrap around his left knee/quad. He is now trying to catch the earliest flight he can back to Texas where he plans to go directly to Baylor hospital to meet with his team of doctors to conduct more tests to ascertain the extent of the injury.

Mr. Blechman says that Warren is "upbeat" about the injury and its potential ramifications. Blechman will personally be contacting Warren throughout the weekend for any more updates.

Lähde: MD
Ohhoh, aika pahassa paikassa tuli tuo loukkaantuminen. Mitenköhän paljon lihaa Branchin kintuista ehtii kadota neljässä viikossa, jos hän ei voisi enää treenata jalkoja ennen Olympiaa?
On muuten aina yhtä jännä, että salilla nää jätkät repii hirveitä romuja kummallisilla tekniikoilla ja loukkaantumisia tulee suhteellisen vähän. Sitten kun tyyliin kolaat lunta omassa pihassa niin reidet repee ja tiskikonetta täyttäessä hauikset menee poikki.:D
Voihan se olla just, että sen 50 kg käsihanttelin tilalle ku on joku pesuainepurkki, niin rasitus on niin erilaista, että sitte lihas vaan napsahtaa katkipoikki.:D

Branch Warren left Atlanta this morning at 10:30 Eastern and expects to meet with his team of doctors at Baylor Hospital immediately after landing in Texas (approximately 11:30 Central time.) After phone consultations with his doctors they are prepared to perform surgery tomorrow morning if they think it is necessary. Currently his knee is swollen and his leg is in a wrap. will continue to provide updates to Warren's condition throughout today and in the days to come.

Edit. Ei kuulosta kovin hyvältä :(

3 kpl M-Nutrition Anabolic Overdrive 6 kg

Orange - Sweet berry - Rasberry kiwi


Doctors at Baylor Hospital in Texas diagnosed Branch Warrens leg injury as a torn quad tendon in his left leg. Warren will have surgery Monday morning. Doctors expect him to recover 100% and be able to return to the stage to defend the Arnold Classic title in March 2012.

"Branch is upbeat and relieved that he will be competing again in just seven months time," said Muscular Development Editor in Chief Steve Blechman who spoke to Warren after the diagnosis. "Branch is a fighter," said Blechman. "He will recover from this just like he recovered from his tricep injury. Its great news that he will be so soon after such a potentially devastating setback."

Ts. Ei tule kilpailemaan tämän vuoden Olympiassa.
"‎Branch Warren was in Atlanta for a guest posing appearance. He was in a parking lot and attempting to step into his car. The pavement was slick and his left foot slipped out from under him. He fell onto his left leg and heard/felt a "SNAP" from his left knee/quad area. He was immediately taken to an Atlanta hospital for testing."
Ihan helvetisti :) sorry. Enää ei tarvi ihmetellä miksi Functional Training on jenkeissä kovassa nosteessa ja täälläkin aletaan ymmärtämään, että lihaksikas, vahva ja TOIMIVA kroppa on oikeastaan aika kova juttu ;) Pikaista paranemista Warrenille toivotellen.
Ihan helvetisti :) sorry. Enää ei tarvi ihmetellä miksi Functional Training on jenkeissä kovassa nosteessa ja täälläkin aletaan ymmärtämään, että lihaksikas, vahva ja TOIMIVA kroppa on oikeastaan aika kova juttu ;) Pikaista paranemista Warrenille toivotellen.
Juu, mutta harva functional training -mies kilpailee mr. Olympiassa. Lajia varten harjoitellaan niin kuin lajia varten pitää harjoitella. Jos meinaa pärjätä.
Ihan helvetisti :) sorry. Enää ei tarvi ihmetellä miksi Functional Training on jenkeissä kovassa nosteessa ja täälläkin aletaan ymmärtämään, että lihaksikas, vahva ja TOIMIVA kroppa on oikeastaan aika kova juttu ;) Pikaista paranemista Warrenille toivotellen.

Voi Lollojen Lollo.
MD päivittää: Guad tendon repair surgery goes well

This morning Arnold Classic Champion Branch Warren had surgery to repair his left quad tendon.
His doctors at Baylor Hospital in Texas said the surgery went better than expected.
According to his wife, Trish, he is recovering comfortably at home and plans to begin rehabilitation as soon as possible.

Warren's doctors expect him recover 100 percent and have no doubt that he will be able to defend his Arnold Classic title.

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