BB PRO Arnold Schwarzenegger

"The Terminator. We start filming in the middle or in the end of April and it will be a four or four-and-a-half month long shoot. We will be filming it in New Orleans with some of it in San Francisco and maybe a little of it in LA but most of it will be done in New Orleans. I'm really looking forward to that because as you know, the last time when they did the Terminator, it was when I was Governor and so I couldn't be in that movie but now I'm back again and they are very excited about having me in the film. And David Ellison, who has produced all the big movies lately, has plenty of money to do it well. He's in partnership with Paramount Pictures who are going to release the movie through their distribution. I'm really looking forward to that and it's going to come out on July 4th weekend in 2015. The movie preparation is going well. The script is fantastic so I'm really looking forward to this film."






The new film is about Conan's efforts to stay on his throne and the final cycle of a life spent obliterating anyone who got in his way. The Legend Of Conan, planned to go into production later this year after Terminator: Genesis, is being produced by Fredrik Malmberg through Paradox Entertainment and Chris Morgan & Emile Gladstone through their Chris Morgan Productions. Paradox owns the rights to the Robert E. Howard series.

"The idea is that this takes place AFTER Conan has been king," Malmberg tells TheArnoldFans. "The whole idea that got Arnold so enthusiastic about the new creative take is, CAN HE live up to the legend he is?" Conan is in his mid 60s now, so he will have to fight through an aging warrior body, having cracking bones, aches and having to get back into the battle."

"Conan is very much alive," Schwarzenegger tells TheArnoldFans. "Age doesn't mean anything to me, because I work out every day. I work out twice a day, as a matter of fact. At night I work out with weights, and in the morning I do cardiovascular training. So for me, to get on the set and to swing the sword around again and to ride the horses and all those things doesn't mean anything [does not scare me], because I feel like I did thirty years ago. So as long as I stay in shape, that's the key thing, and to keep your body young."

"When Arnold is sitting on the throne as an older king, it left such an impression on me," Sven-Ole Thorsen tells TheArnoldFans. "That character of that movie has to be made. They can make it when he's 80 years old or 70 years old. I'm sure that Conan is very close to his heart, and we very often talk about the days in Spain because we spent so long there shooting the first Conan, and we were really bonding with all the stuntmen and all the actors. So many great locations. So I do know that Conan is very close to Arnold's heart."

Several of Arnold's close friend's and previous co-stars tell TheArnoldFans that they want a role in The Legend of Conan, including Sven-Ole Thorsen, Ralf Moeller and Franco Columbu. But no one wants a role in the Legend of Conan more than I do. I'd do anything to have the mighty Conan lop off my head in a battle scene. I'll ask Crom to grant me this one request. Maybe Crom's listening skills have improved.

- - - Updated - - -

Arnold Schwarzenegger Kill Count 509

This video is rated SUPER R for NBV (nothing but violence)

K-18 :lol2:
Viimeksi muokannut ylläpidon jäsen:

ollaan toisella keskustelu palstalla laitettu viestiä nordisk filmille, palautetta ollaan laitettu:( toivottavasti muuttavat mieltään kun ja jos leffa menestyy muualla

nordisk filmin vastaus

"Julkaisupäätökset tekee elokuvan levitysyhtiö ja tällä kertaa elokuva päätettiin julkaista ainoastaan tallenteena. Näin käy valitettavasti välillä elokuvalle nykyisessä elokuvamarkkina- ja kilpailutilanteessa. Elokuvateattereissa kannattaa toki käydä ja tukea monipuolisesti elokuvan monimuotoisuutta valkokankailla.

Arnold Schwarzenegger ilahduttaa onneksi fanejaan elokuvateattereissa jatkossakin, sillä häneltä on valmistumassa & suunnitteilla jopa viisi uutta elokuvaa."

Ei tuo varmaan suurinta osaa haittaa kun eikös nykypäivänä melkein kaikki leffat hankita/katsota netin kautta? :D

Eli ihan sama vaikka kiinassa vaan näytettäisiin niin näkeehän sen hetken päästä missä vaan

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