BB PRO Antoine Vaillant

Antoinella on ollut aiemmin korkea verenpaine, mutta antaa ymmärtää että se ongelma olisi nyt saatu kuriin. Sepelvaltimot on myös tutkittu ja niistä ei löytynyt vielä merkittävää ahtaumaa. On hänellä noilla taustoilla kuitenkin suuret riskit tässä lajissa.

Few days out before the Olympia! Dragged myself to the gym and went through a workout with @WYCKEDTRAINING ... the time is near! More uploads coming!!

Carl (@wheels4life on IG) has been helping me with my posing for this prep! This is a good video explaining a lot of what we did together, so I hope you enjoy!

The show is over! Mr.Olympia 2022 : COMPLETED. This is a recap video where we talk about the highlights of the show and how it went down. Special thanks to all you guys who supported me a long the way, hope you enjoyed the Olympia series! More to come.. I am going to keep the uploads going so thanks for subscribed if you did I appreciate!

That was one of the highlights of my olympia weekend! Meeting up with all these legends and hanging out. @JayCutlerTV , @89jhollingshead , @GuyCisternino , @RealLeePriest , @EvanCentopaniOfficial , @jujimufu , @flexlewis etc etc....

Me and Cob go way back!!!

Ystävänpäivä meni jo mutta...

I was actually curious with this one. Gathered some info and learned some interesting conclusions!

Been hammering my back pretty good! I always do. I put a lot of energy and focus on my two weak points : chest and back! In this video I show and explain 3 of my favourite back exercises. Thanks for watching!

Teamed up with @codyamey1123 and Noah that day to attack PECS AND DELTS... and we sure did! take some notes while you watch but most of all enjoy the video!

Sick pump though. Try this arm workout for yourself and you will BURST!

Waited a while for this one!

That was a good one! Lot's of hammies and then two quad movements. Knee felt good! This is a great "ham focused" leg workout you can try.

Guest posing I did back april 1st!

We felt that one!!! We all love to see the WART in action!

I'm going to be one week on a boat cruise. let's see if I can keep these gains going while I am off shore. TO BE CONTINUED.

Trained delts with IFBB PRO Morgan McDonald that day! Great pump, Morgan is moving in the area soon! Pure Muscle and Fitness is becoming the ultimate destination to move and pursue a bodybuilding career. More content to come!

New uploads coming! This series will be about parts of my life, including the upcoming contest prep for the Arnold Classic.

Didn't really get a good pump that day but we still get it in!

In the groove now!!

Time to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I'm all outta gum! BACK TRAINING!

3 kpl M-Nutrition Anabolic Overdrive 6 kg

Orange - Sweet berry - Rasberry kiwi


Shout out to the guy who invited pickles, Dill or whatever his name was.

Chest training when I was 9 weeks out. It's funny posting stuff that's 2 weeks old, makes you realize how fast you change during prep! More vids coming soon, CHASE THE PUMP

Prep is getting a bit harder, but we are getting much harder. Name of the game, no gain without pain!!

Did delts with Morgan Mac last week we had a great pump!

The next upload should be around 2 weeks out... damn it's going fast this year!! very excited to do this show. Thanks for all the support hope you've been enjoying this little series on my Arnold Classic prep!

As I am uploading this, I am driving to the Arnold! Let the fun begin!

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