BB PRO Antoine Vaillant


In this video I do a couple photoshoot, train with big Mike and then practice posing. Hope you guys enjoy the video!

Big Mike is back on the channel! He pushes me through a hard leg workout the only way big Mike knows to : pedal to the METAL!
Sydänuutisten jälkeen näyttää Vaillant malttaneen pudottaa painoa hienosti.
Aika paljon sitä lihaa vieläkin on vaikkei toki pro massoissa enää olekaan. Kyllähän se parempi olisi ottaa ihan oikea offi, mutta ehkei se ole vaan mentaalipuolella niin helppoa.

Vaillant muuten vitsailee videon alussa, jotta "hieno aamu kun on vielä hengissä". On kyllä show mies loppuun asti (y)

Guest posing MACHO MAN did back in may! (2022) at the Fitlog Classic! Hope you guys enjoy! super rare footage!

3 days out from the Vancouver pro show! Quick update to announce it. Thanks everyone for the support!

Came in to support my crew and big Q competing saturday. I got some food in me and feel pretty good after my win so decided to have a good time in tampa with the people I love! Sharing it with you guys with some vlogs, here is day 1! Enjoy and like the vid if you do!

3 kpl M-Nutrition Anabolic Overdrive 6 kg

Orange - Sweet berry - Rasberry kiwi


Good times in Tampa. This was friday before the show. I worked out, sneaked my way in with Flex Lewis into the seminar, and then got bloated from too much of the good food. Pretty much it lol!

Last day in tampa! Chill day at the pool, got a pump and ate some good food. What more can one ask? :)

This is the video kick off for my 2022 Olympia prep series. Filmed at 14 weeks out! Been dieting for 3 weeks and things are going well. Stay tuned! I also give 2 chest techniques I like doing in this video, then explain my diet and how I feel. Thanks for watching!
Kaistapäistä hommaa :eek: Ei siitä ole kuin vajaa vuosi kun Vaillant oli vielä lopettamassa bodausta kokonaan sydänongelmien takia. Lääkärin mukaan tilanne oli silloin kriittinen.

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