BB PRO Antoine Vaillant

If you want to get to 300lb, think again! This video is about the daily struggles involved in being a 300lb bodybuilder. We start the day with the gym then move on to more lifestyle stuff. ;)

Teamed up with IFBB PRO @Robin Strand as my training partner lately and we've been getting into the groove. Sick pumps, hard training and good results. In this video we hit chest hard on this "pump" day.


3 kpl M-Nutrition Anabolic Overdrive 6 kg

Orange - Sweet berry - Rasberry kiwi

This workout was chest and triceps, saturdays are always extra pump up day where I go in and focus on getting a pump. I had the great idea of doing all the tricep push down attachements of the gym as a giant set. ow. Hope you enjoy!

Hopefully we don't have to workout at home again. D:

In this video I get a pump with my home equipment then fail to use the Kabuki strength shouldrok. You can't win them all.

his video contains me and my girlfriend reviewing fruits, neck training and me losing a sponsorship. Pretty random video I hope you enjoy!

Part 1 of my latest trip with my friend Jujimufu! In this video we hit chest and some legs at his GYM HOME! Not home gym... it's not a gym in a home... IT'S A HOME IN A GYM!


This was shot 28 days out from the FITLOG CLASSIC... I am guest posing there so I have to get in shape! good timing as I wanted to lose bodyfat and downsize. I will monitor my progress and share it with you guys on the tubesss!!!

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