BB PRO Keone Pearson

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4 days out from Olympia, Keone "The Prodigy" Pearson sits down with Gasp and talks everything Olympia from his 212 prep to what he does differently to keep himself ahead. Can't wait to see what he brings to the stage on Friday!

2 days out from the Mr. Olympia 2023. Dialing in the final touches before the show with a killer workout!

Onko mitään hajua milloin Allun kanssa tulee taas podcastia?


Keone and Amanda have arrived in DFW for a couple of days of celebrating his 212 Olympia victory and training and seminars for you guys. Here is the first training video we have captured with Keone since catching him at at the Dragons Lair prior to the Texas Pro. Stay tuned and subscribe so you dont miss a thing.

Becoming the best in the world does not come without believing in yourself...
Keone Pearson shares some insight to his own personal growth and what it took mentally and physically to pursue being the best.
Here we are celebrating his victory with the unveiling of his Olympia champion jersey.

M-Nutrition juomat hurjassa alessa, jopa puoleen hintaan



What's up guys! here back with another video.

What's up guys!
Im back with another video, this time trying chest and shoulders at Destination

What's up guys!
Back with another video, is officially chest day!

What's up guys!
Back with another video! My favorite day, BACK DAY

What's up guys!
Back with another video, Operation Repeat!

What's up guys!
I am back with a new video and Fridays are for upper body!!

What's up guys!
Back with a new video of a full upper body day!

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