- Liittynyt
- 2.4.2008
- Viestejä
- 308
Otteluhan lopetettiin siihen, että Varner ei omien sanojensa mukaan nähnyt ja lääkäri "vahvisti" tämän pupillitempuillaan ei siis pelkästään tuohon polveen. Polvi tuomittiin laittomaksi mutta tahattomaksi jonka takia mentiin tuomareille. Aivan sama oliko Varnerilla kaikki raajat poikki vain tuon silmän tilannehan tässä kiinnostaa, jonka takia ottelu keskeytettiin.
"Then I go next week to see my eye doctor to make sure my retina isn’t detached. And if it’s detached it could be a career-ending injury.”
Varner, who said he is still having trouble with his peripheral vision four days following the injury, has been indefinitely suspended until he can provide medical documentation that says the eye has recovered.
Varnerin tilitystä aina ymmärtäväisille MMA katsojille, jotka kyllä hoitaisivat homman kotiin jos vain sohvaltaan jaksaisivat nousta:
“My medical bills are going to be way more than what I made in this fight. I had to get a bunch of X-Rays done, a CAT scan, I had to go get surgery on my hand, I’m gonna have to get my foot casted, I have to go back to the doctor and have my eyes checked out again, all that stuff adds up. It’s crazy that people can sit there and talk shit about me when they have no idea what I did [on Sunday night]. I laid it all on the line, I put my body through Hell. My hand’s broken, I can barely walk, my foot’s broken, I’m on crutches and I got a cast on my hand. I don’t know what the hell people wanted from me. It’s crazy.”
-Jamie Varner
"Then I go next week to see my eye doctor to make sure my retina isn’t detached. And if it’s detached it could be a career-ending injury.”
Varner, who said he is still having trouble with his peripheral vision four days following the injury, has been indefinitely suspended until he can provide medical documentation that says the eye has recovered.
Varnerin tilitystä aina ymmärtäväisille MMA katsojille, jotka kyllä hoitaisivat homman kotiin jos vain sohvaltaan jaksaisivat nousta:
“My medical bills are going to be way more than what I made in this fight. I had to get a bunch of X-Rays done, a CAT scan, I had to go get surgery on my hand, I’m gonna have to get my foot casted, I have to go back to the doctor and have my eyes checked out again, all that stuff adds up. It’s crazy that people can sit there and talk shit about me when they have no idea what I did [on Sunday night]. I laid it all on the line, I put my body through Hell. My hand’s broken, I can barely walk, my foot’s broken, I’m on crutches and I got a cast on my hand. I don’t know what the hell people wanted from me. It’s crazy.”
-Jamie Varner