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3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%
Perkeles että tuli makiasti se 380 ensimmäinen toisto... Eipi oo kaukana se 400kg ku nytten veteli kolomosia "lämppäreiksi" ja hyyty se toinen 380 nosto reisien päälle. Ainaki tuo 390 ois tullu kunnollaki ylös ilman nuita kolomosen sarjoja.

edit. Ai perkeles ku katto pariin kertaan uusiksi tuon 390 noston, niin kylläpä tuli polville ikävää vääntöä. Toivottavasti ei ittiään telo :)

M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe

Tässäpä olisi hieman Werner Gunthorin (yli 22-metrin kuulamies, moninkertainen arvokisamitalisti mm. 1987 Rooman maailmanmestari) treenistä erittäin mielenkiintoinen pätkä, video on 4-osainen jossa hän käsittelee harjoitteluaan, joka on valitettavasti ranskankielinen, mutta kyllä noista puheista minäkin jotain tajuan, etenkin penkkipunnerruksessa raudat liikkuvat aika mukavaa vauhtia ja kimmoisuus on aika rajua tasoa, tuollaisia vahvamiesten pitäisi olla, olisi hauska nähdä savickasin hyppäävän aitahyppyjä(ps. tämä videosarja on jo
osa 2:
osa 3:
osa 4:
Juuri tuollainen teho-voimapakkaus on ihanne itselleni, kroppa on samaan aikaa elastinen, vahva, nopea ja kestävä.
The Werner Günthör Program

As told to Dave Caster by Cor Booysen

Special thanks to Dr. Carel le Roux who gave this program to Cor, after various visits and training sessions with Werner Günthör and his coach, Jean-Pierre Egger


This 16 week program is divided up into five phases: one extensive loading phase of 4 weeks, two intensive phases of 3 weeks each, and two explosive phases of 3 weeks each. The program is designed so that the athlete should peak two weeks after the completion of the last phase.

Special attention should be given to the organization of exercises, organization of phases, organization of training loads, and the exercise means used to develop the targeted abilities. As in the program of any elite athlete, the volumes are particular to the elite athlete in question. This training program makes more sense if it is analyzed alongside the Werner Günthör Training Video. The jumping protocols are hard to understand without visual analysis.

The Program:

Phase I: Extensive

Phase Duration: 4 Weeks
-Increase Load Every Week

Monday: Bodybuilding: 3x10 reps on all exercises chosen
2 types of abdominal exercises
1 type of back exercise
+/- 300 reps in low-impact jumps

Tuesday: Technique Coordination:
Glide drills with a bar and/or dumbbell on a gymnastic beam

Wednesday: Sprints & Medicine Balls; Power cleans and snatches of low intensity

Thursday: Throws: 60 glides with 6.8kg shot; Massage

Friday: Same as Monday, plus some cardiovascular training

Saturday: Technique Coordination (see Tuesday)
Phase II: Intensive I

Phase Duration: 3 Weeks
-High intensity week 1
-Medium intensity week 2
-Active rest week 3


Bench and Squat Series:
1.) Do 2 exercises for back and one for abs to warm up
2.) Do the following series for bench, then squat. Repeat the series twice, resting 5 minutes between each type of strength application:

1.) Eccentric Lowering and Weight Release Raise:
6 lowering reps @ 90%-raise up with 50-60% very explosively after the weight releases disengage from the bar and the load is lightened at bar path reversal.
-Lower both the bench and squat SLOWLY
-Lower the squat to a 120 deg. knee bend

2.) Static/Dynamic Repetitions:
6 reps @ 60%, going from static to dynamic movement
-Lower bar to the chest in bench, pause 1-2 seconds, press out.
-Squat parallel, raise up to 120 deg, pause 1-2 seconds, jump up.

3.) Isometric Holds:
2 holds @ 70%-Lower squat to 120 deg kneebend, hold for 30 sec.
-Lower bench to 6” off chest and hold for 30 sec.

4.) Concentric Repetitions:
6 reps @ 50%, done very explosively after quick drop.

Power: Do 5 x 5 in the push press, and/or 5 x 5 in the power clean (post series).

Tuesday: Throws: 40-50 glides with the 6.3kg, 7.26kg , 8.0kg shot

Wednesday: Jumps of high intensity plus the following throws:
5 sets of 6 reps, standing throws with strong non-reverse block (7.26kg shot); 5 sets of 6 reps, overhead shot throws (7.26kg shot)

Thursday: Same as Monday

Friday: Technique Coordination work with bar in ring plus sprints & gymnastics

Saturday: Same as Tuesday
Phase III: Intensive II

Phase Duration: 3 Weeks
-High intensity week 1
-Medium intensity week 2
-Active rest week 3

Monday: Bench: 6-8 sets x 5 reps, 80-85%
Squat: 6-8 sets x 5 reps, 80-85%
Add 2 ab exercises and one back exercise as well
Sprints: 5 x 40m, standing start

Tuesday: Throws: 20 glides, no reverse, 8kg; 20 glides, no reverse, 6.8kg.

Wednesday: Supersets: 3 groups of 2 exercises, done for two supersets each:
-Powercleans (5 x 80%) supersetted w/ standing puts (3x 7.26kg);
-Powercleans (5 x 80%) supersetted w/ overheads (3x7.26kg);
-Clean & Press (5 x 75%) supersetted w/ medball throws (3x5kg).

Thursday: Same as Tuesday

Friday: Same as Monday, plus do the following supersets after each set:
-Bench: after each bench set, do push & catch w/ pendulum shot;
-Squat: after each squat set, jump over a series of high hurdles with
feet together, and jump up a set of large stairs with feet together.

Saturday: Technique Coordination work

Phase IV: Explosive I

Phase Duration: 3 Weeks
-High intensity week 1
-Medium intensity week 2
-Active rest week 3

Monday: Bench: 1x5 (1 set of 5 reps) x 80%; 1x4 x 85%; 1x3 x 90%
Squat: 1x5 (1 set of 5 reps) x 80%; 1x4 x 85%; 1x3 x 90%
Add 2 ab exercises and one back exercise as well
Sprints: 6 x 30m, out of starting blocks

Tuesday: Throws:
10 glides, 6.8kg shot, with reverse
10 glides, 7.26kg shot, with reverse
10 glides, 8.0kg shot, no reverse

Wednesday: Clean & Continuous Press: 6 sets of 3 reps, 80-90%
Overhead Shot Throws: 7 x 6.8kg shot; 7 x 7.26kg shot
Standing Puts: 7 x 6.8kg shot; 7 x 7.26kg shot
Jumps: 5-10 sets

Thursday: Technique Drills:
(3 Bar drill reps plus 3 x 8.0kg puts) x 5 sets
(3 Bar drill reps plus 3 x 6.8kg puts) x 5 sets

Friday: Same as Monday

Saturday: Rest

Phase V: Explosive II

Phase Duration: 3 Weeks
-High intensity week 1
-Medium intensity week 2
-Active rest week 3

Monday: Bench: 5 sets x 3 reps x 90% supersetted w/ medball throws
Squat: 5 sets x 3 reps x 90% supersetted w/ medball throws
Supersets to be done within 10 sec for ATP purposes
Sprints: 6 x 30m, out of starting blocks
Gymnastics, Knee Jumps

Tuesday: Throws: 10-12 glides, 6.8kg shot, with reverse . . .quality throws!
10-12 glides, 7.26kg shot, with reverse . . . quality throws!
Wednesday: Clean & Continuous Press: 6 sets of 3 reps, 80-90% supersetted with medball throws; Jumps: 5-10 sets

Thursday: Throws: same as Tuesday, maximal quality.

Friday: Same as Monday

Saturday: Rest/Competitio n


käännös tuosta videosta: Video Translation.pdf
Viimeksi muokattu:
On kyllä aika raju fysiikka tuolla Wernerillä ja uskomattoman monipuolista tuo harjoittelu. Eipä taida löytyä vastaavia fysiikka-arvoja omaavaa jamppaa mitä nykyurheilijoihin tulee. Vahvempia ja ketterämpiä varmasti on, mutta ei tuollaista pakettia.

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