Raymond Cassarin (Muscletime.com) raporttia Mr. Olympiasta:
The hardest thing about starting to write any report is: well - just how to start it. But I guess without even knowing I have started it already. I like that one - if you let me say that. Now let us get right down to it. Should Jay Cutler have won? Or should the reigning champ Ronnie Coleman have won? Or maybe someone other then them two? I am going to tell you right of the bat what I think! Here is what a Mr. Olympia should look like: Someone with a clean look to their muscles - as I call it. Did Cutler or Coleman have that? The answer is NO! Someone with great proportion - you know, just the right size and shape everywhere. Did Jay or Ronnie have that - NO again! Someone who looks really good in most of his poses - if not all of them. Again NO for Ronnie and Jay. And Mr. Olympia should definetely have a small waist! NO again for the top two! So I give you who I think should have won the 2006 Mr. Olympia. (when you ask 50 people who they rather look like if they could 45 would say they prefer a different look than Ronnie or Jay) Here it comes Ladies and Gentlemen:
Either Dexter Jackson or Victor Martinez should have been declared the 2006 Mr. Olympia! Just because Jay has been 4-times Olympia runner-up does not mean he should have won it. Don`t get me wrong: I happen to like Jays and Ronnies physiques, but this year I felt that Dexter or Victor should have won. And here comes another one: Between Jay and Ronnie I would have given it to Ronnie. I am not going to say why or why not - just look at the photos and you tell me. I know that many of you would say that Jay winning was the right decision. Everybody has their own saying as to who should have won but I believe 9 out of 10 guys would agree to what I have said and think. Victor and Dexter along with Phil Heath are the future of our beloved sport. And I must say that Victor was at his best ever shape and Dexter was close to it. The next two surprises to me were Melvin Anthony and Tony Freeman. These guys were on!
I will start with Melvin. He finally has won the condition war as he was at his all time best, better than when he won the 2004 N.O.C.! Way to go Melvin.
Now for Mr. Freeman: Toney impressed me alot! It was a great Olympia debut for him. Just keep on coming looking like this and you will keep moving up.
What can I say about Gustavo Badell. He has what it takes to win it too. But he is playing the size game and I do not think that is the way he should go. He`ll be back next year - do not count him out just yet.
One of the clear audience favorites was big Markus Ruhl. One reason being his incredible most muscular poses. He just is the KING of these shots. It was nice to see him back in great shape. (If the Olympia was based on most muscular poses Markus would be the owner of many Sandow trophies by now!).
Dennis James came in 9th place and I bet it was a great dissapointement for him as I am sure he was hoping for a top 6 finish. This might have been possible for him if it wasn`t for a bit of water he was holding. None the less - he looked great.
Last spot in the top ten went to Gunter Schlierkamp. If Dennis was disappointed Gunter must have been devastated. I would have had him higher for sure! I had seen him just a few hours before the Friday prejudging - as we are doing a DVD on him - and I thought he would be in the top 3. He looked out of this world! But come showtime he was holding water. Buy the DVD this September and you will know what I am talking about.
The comeback man at the Olympia was Vince - The Prince - Taylor. At 50 years young the man was unreal. I would have liked him to be in the top 10 as he was in super shape. No one would have complained if he`d made it. Way to go Vince - you are living prove that with Bodybuilding you can look and feel and stay younger. The man looked as if time had stood still for him.
Now I am going to talk about some of the guys who didn`t make the top 15 - BUT SHOULD HAVE: The first one is Ronny Rockel. It is hard to find a better looking body anywhere than what Ronny displayed at this Olympia. OK - he wasn´t 250 lbs but who cares? I and many fans would choose to weigh 210 lbs and look like him! Same goes for Dave Henry. Dave just keeps geting better and better with every show he enters. Next guy who got overlooked was Dennis Wolf from Germany as he too was in excellent shape. Very proportioned. I can see him winning a show come 2007. These 3 should have been in the top 15!!!! All in all this years show was much better than last year. Although I must say that more people attended the contest last year.
Now let me go down the list as to who had the best bodyparts:
Best Biceps - Ronnie Coleman
Best Triceps - Gustavo Badell
Best arms - Gustavo Badell
Best Chest: - Ronnie Coleman
Best back: - Victor Martinez
Best abs: - Dexter Jackson
Best calves: - Vince Taylor
Best legs: - Jay Cutler
Best poser: - Melvin Anthony
Best shoulders: - Dexter Jackson
Most improved: - Victor Martinez
Best posing routine: - Ronnie Coleman
Best conditioned: - Dave Henry
Most overlooked: - Ronny Rockel