Uusit tutkimus: Herahydro vs kaseiini (salirottatutkimus)

EAA-valmisjuoma 24-pack

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Oisko kellään heittää (sportsnutrition at luukku.com) tätä fulltextiä:

Amino Acids. 2006 Sep 20; [Epub ahead of print] Links
Effects of resistance training and protein plus amino acid supplementation on muscle anabolism, mass, and strength.Willoughby DS, Stout JR, Wilborn CD.
Exercise and Biochemical Nutrition Laboratory, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, U.S.A..

This study examined 10 wks of resistance training and the ingestion of supplemental protein and amino acids on muscle performance and markers of muscle anabolism. Nineteen untrained males were randomly assigned to supplement groups containing either 20 g protein (14 g whey and casein protein, 6 g free amino acids) or 20 g dextrose placebo ingested 1 h before and after exercise for a total of 40 g/d. Participants exercised 4 times/wk using 3 sets of 6-8 repetitions at 85-90% of the one repetition maximum. Data were analyzed with two-way ANOVA (p<0.05). The protein supplement resulted in greater increases in total body mass, fat-free mass, thigh mass, muscle strength, serum IGF-1, IGF-1 mRNA, MHC I and IIa expression, and myofibrillar protein. Ten-wks of resistance training with 20 g protein and amino acids ingested 1 h before and after exercise is more effective than carbohydrate placebo in up-regulating markers of muscle protein synthesis and anabolism along with subsequent improvements in muscle performance.

PMID: 16988909 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Kamoon Anssi... kai sulla nyt on varaa noita artikkeleita lunastaakin kun oot "Senior Science Editor" + "tutkija" + "mitälie" vai eikö ne maksa sulle palkkaa perkules :)
IJSNEM, 16(5), October 2006, Copyright © 2006

The Effect of Whey Isolate and Resistance Training on Strength, Body Composition, and Plasma Glutamine

Paul J. Cribb; Andrew D. Williams; Michael F. Carey; Alan Hayes Full Article Table of Contents for Vol. 16, Iss. 5


Different dietary proteins affect whole body protein anabolism and accretion and therefore, have the potential to influence results obtained from resistance training. This study examined the effects of supplementation with two proteins, hydrolyzed whey isolate (WI) and casein (C), on strength, body composition, and plasma glutamine levels during a 10 wk, supervised resistance training program. In a double-blind protocol, 13 male, recreational bodybuilders supplemented their normal diet with either WI or C (1.5 gm/kg body wt/d) for the duration of the program. Strength was assessed by 1-RM in three exercises (barbell bench press, squat, and cable pull-down). Body composition was assessed by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. Plasma glutamine levels were determined by the enzymatic method with spectrophotometric detection. All assessments occurred in the week before and the week following 10 wk of training. Plasma glutamine levels did not change in either supplement group following the intervention. The WI group achieved a significantly greater gain (P < 0.01) in lean mass than the C group (5.0 ± 0.3 vs. 0.8 ± 0.4 kg for WI and C, respectively) and a significant (P < 0.05) change in fat mass (–1.5 ± 0.5 kg) compared to the C group (+0.2 ± 0.3 kg). The WI group also achieved significantly greater (P < 0.05) improvements in strength compared to the C group in each assessment of strength. When the strength changes were expressed relative to body weight, the WI group still achieved significantly greater (P < 0.05) improvements in strength compared to the C group.

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Olisi kiva tietää mihin tuloksiin tutkimuksissa tultiin, sillä ilmeisesti tuloksissa on, jotain mielenkiintoista mistä on hyötyä puntinveivaajille.

3 kpl M-Nutrition EAA+

Mango - Hedelmäpunssi - Sitruuna - Vihreä omena

Minkä ihmeen takia et vaivaudu laittamaan edes muutaman lauseen suomennosta noista englannin kielisistä julkaisuista?

Ihminen, joka osaa huonosti englantia ja vielä huonommin ymmärtää teknisten julkaisuiden merkintöjä/sanastoa, ei tajua tuosta mitään.

Olisi kiva tietää mihin tuloksiin tutkimuksissa tultiin, sillä ilmeisesti tuloksissa on, jotain mielenkiintoista mistä on hyötyä puntinveivaajille.

Heraryhmä sai enempi pattia kuin kaseiiniryhmä.

hera 5.0 ± 0.3 kg
kase 0.8 ± 0.4 kg

Sen lisäksi heraryhmä menetti enempi läskiä.

Luotettavuudesta en tiedä. 5kg pattia on aika paljon.. On sitten LBM:ää tai vettä. Paljon molemmissa tapauksissa.
Laitan tulemaan. Juttelin ton Willoughbyn kanssa keväällä, prkl että oli iso sälli (ja lihasta)!

Oisko kellään heittää (sportsnutrition at luukku.com) tätä fulltextiä:

Amino Acids. 2006 Sep 20; [Epub ahead of print] Links
Effects of resistance training and protein plus amino acid supplementation on muscle anabolism, mass, and strength.Willoughby DS, Stout JR, Wilborn CD.
Exercise and Biochemical Nutrition Laboratory, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, U.S.A..

This study examined 10 wks of resistance training and the ingestion of supplemental protein and amino acids on muscle performance and markers of muscle anabolism. Nineteen untrained males were randomly assigned to supplement groups containing either 20 g protein (14 g whey and casein protein, 6 g free amino acids) or 20 g dextrose placebo ingested 1 h before and after exercise for a total of 40 g/d. Participants exercised 4 times/wk using 3 sets of 6-8 repetitions at 85-90% of the one repetition maximum. Data were analyzed with two-way ANOVA (p<0.05). The protein supplement resulted in greater increases in total body mass, fat-free mass, thigh mass, muscle strength, serum IGF-1, IGF-1 mRNA, MHC I and IIa expression, and myofibrillar protein. Ten-wks of resistance training with 20 g protein and amino acids ingested 1 h before and after exercise is more effective than carbohydrate placebo in up-regulating markers of muscle protein synthesis and anabolism along with subsequent improvements in muscle performance.

PMID: 16988909 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Heraryhmä sai enempi pattia kuin kaseiiniryhmä.

hera 5.0 ± 0.3 kg
kase 0.8 ± 0.4 kg

Sen lisäksi heraryhmä menetti enempi läskiä.

Luotettavuudesta en tiedä. 5kg pattia on aika paljon.. On sitten LBM:ää tai vettä. Paljon molemmissa tapauksissa.

LBM sisältää sen veden. Eli "pattia" on voinut tulla herahydro ryhmässä noin kilon verran enemmän (ehkä max. 1.2 kg). Sekin on helvetisti jos se on lihasproteiinia (lähinnä supistuvaa komponenttia). Eli AST:n sivuilla olevat "johtopäätökset" on ihan skeidaa.
Miten noi tyypit on treenannu, kelpaa mullekin 5kg "lihaa" kymmenessä viikossa. Vaikka se sitten tarkoittaisikin hydron kiskomista.

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