Tuttua on..
Kyseessä on nk. ylikunto, joka ei ole loppujenlopuksi ylikuntoa vaan jotain muuta.
Joku huippu-urheilija tai joku joka painaa salille apinanraivolla 7 päivää viikossa voi vetää ittensä piippuun, mutta jos treenaa malitillisesti ja silti tulee oireilula, niin sitten on aika suurella varmuudella kyse jostain muusta.
Adrenal-associated health disorders are far more prevalent than often recognized. Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome and Fibromyalgia have their root causes due to adrenal gland dysfunction, and there are
many other disorders in which adrenal gland dysfunction is a major component.
Itsellä on päällä taas tällainen vaihe ja olen tutkinut asiaa todella paljon ja tullut siihen tulokseen, että se on jotain CFS eli Kroninen väsymys oireyhtymä ja tai Ardenal fatigue eli lisämunuaisten väsymysoireyhtymä.
Lisämunuainen vaikuttaa yli 30 eri hormooniin, eli se on erittäin tärkeä ja menee yllättävän helposti sekaisin.
Jos mittautat DHEA arvot, niin uskon että ne on alhaiset. Liika kortisooli painaa ne alas.
Stressi pikällä aikavälillä voi vetää systeemin sekasin:
"Stressed Out? How Did This Happen?”
How a maladapted cortisol response occurs is usually over some period of time being involved in
distress. It may be after a relatively short period of multiple stressors (example: Moving, getting
married or divorced, death of a close relative, loss of a child, and a major injury all within a year)
or it may be after many years of poor diet and lifestyle habits, surgery, and reliance on
pharmaceuticals that lead to depressed cortisol output. Nevertheless, the pattern is that there is
initially an elevated set point of cortisol output, which remains elevated over time, where finally
there begins to be a decrease and inadequate output of cortisol.
When the adrenal glands get to a stage where they unable to make adequate cortisol to respond to
even normal stress of everyday life, this is often termed "adrenal exhaustion". There are relative
ranges of adrenal exhaustion, and with a complete shutdown of cortisol output, death would
occur. However many people have some range of inadequate output of cortisol once they begin
to have noticeable symptoms. With the reliance on pharmaceutical drugs by many people, along
with inadequate nutrition, poor exercise habits, stress producing dietary habits and already
stressful lifestyle habits, and now with the additional stress of a global downturn in the economy,
adrenal gland dysfunction is already pervasive among many unsuspecting victims of this disorder.
Täältä voi tilata sylkitestin jolla näkee lisämunuaisen kunnon:
Suosittelen tätä testiä, vaikka se maksaa 150e, niin sillä selivää HETI että onko kyse lisämunuaisesta vai ei. Monet ei halua investoida 150e teseihin ja alkaa itsehoitmaan tätä juttua ja alkaa vetään jotain lisäravinteita jne. mutta niihin menee äkkiä toi 150e ja voi olla että ne ei edes auta. Eli suosittelen tätä testiä heti alussa.
Täällä tosi paljon hyvää infoa:
Adrenal Gland Dysfunction: A Common Cause of
Puzzling Health Problems (Part 1)
Copyright © 2008; Douglas Husbands, DC, CCN, ABAAHP. All rights reserved.
What organ system imbalance in our body could be the root cause of the following symptoms?
· Difficulty getting to sleep at night even when you're tired ("tired and wired")
· Waking up at 2 or 3 AM for no apparent reason with difficulty going back to sleep
· Difficulty waking up by 7 or 8 AM even though you've gone to bed by about 10 PM
· Your deepest sleep being 1-2 hours before you wake up in the morning
· Not feeling rested when you wake up even though you've slept 7 to 8 hours
· Just feeling awake at about 10 AM even though you've been up for 3 hours
· Low thyroid function, or low normal thyroid function
· Unresponsive thyroid function even with treatment of hypothyroidism
· PMS: Bloated with "crabbiness", constipation, cramping and chocolate cravings
· Sexual dysfunction, lack of libido, infertility (for both men and women)
· Increased perimenopause and menopausal signs and symptoms
· Inability to lose weight even though exercising regularly
· Inability to gain muscle mass even with heavy weight training
· Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
· Emotional irritability, instability, decreasing motivation to excel and depression
· Light-headed/dizzy upon arising from a lying to standing position, or from bending over
to standing up
· Poor wound healing
· Frequent colds, flu and infections
· Decreasing athletic performance
· Lack of stamina
· Increased likelihood of heart attack and decreased likelihood to survive a heart attack
· General feeling of "unwellness"
Kaikilla ei ole kaikkia oireita; ne riippuvat paljoti kuinka pahassa mallissa kenekin keho ja mieli ovat.
Stages of Adrenal Dysfunction: A Review
As mentioned in part one of this article the first stage is arousal due to some type of immediate stress or
acute emergency situation and is a healthy protective response. It is only when our body gets "stuck" in
the stage of resistance that there is a problem.
The second stage, the stage of resistance, involves our body adapting to stress by changing the set point
of activation of the sympathetic nervous system and secretion of cortisol by the adrenal glands. In other
words our body (and brain) gets stuck in a response where everything is seen as an emergency situation.
This second stage can persist for days, months or years depending on the individual and the severity or
cumulative total of stressors in a given period of time, but it will almost always lead to the final stage of
adrenal dysfunction. In this stage another key adrenal hormone called DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone)
tends to become depleted. Thyroid gland function often starts to go awry during this stage of adrenal
In the final stage, the stage of exhaustion, this involves the depletion of the adrenal glands ability to
make cortisol and other key hormones such as DHEA. This stage is also called "Adrenal Fatigue". This
stage occurs with many people who have had a major stressor that their body never recovered from, or
with multiple cumulative stressors eventually taking their toll on the person where the adrenal glands
don't make enough cortisol or DHEA to adapt to everyday stressors. Common cumulative stressors are
allergies, smoking or repeated exposure to second-hand cigarette smoke, lack of sleep, poor diet, lack of
excessive exercise, many prescription and nonprescription drugs, caffeine, dissatisfaction with work
and relationships, and lack of relaxation. By the time adrenal fatigue sets in, often thyroid gland
dysfunction progresses to hypothyroidism.
Eli ensin on joku stressaava aika elämässä, keho ja lisämunuaiset vastaa siihen oikein, mutta jostain syystä tämä vaihe jää päälle jopa vuosiksi ja siten sekoittaa lisämunaiset. Ja sitten jos tähän vielä päälle treenaa likaa, niin elimistö ei vaan kestä.
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