HUOM! !!!!! Ukrainan sota 2022 !!!!!

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Tuossa eilen kuulin, että venäläisten käyttäytymisessä sosiaalisen median puolella (VK) on tapahtunut viime viikkojen aikana iso muutos. Ennen sotaa ja Putinia uskalsivat kritisoida vain ne venäläiset, jotka itse asuivat jossain muualla, suojassa rangaistuksilta. Nyt näkyy todella paljon on tykittelyä ihan suoraan Venäjältä ja omalla nimellään hyvin kriittistä ja myös alatyylistä settiä. Siis sellaista, joka on rangaistavaa niiden uusien lakien mukaan. Näyttää siltä, että tyytymättömyys on ohittanut rangaistuksen pelon. LKP lienee suurin syy mutta taustalla varmasti myös elintason romahtaminen keskiluokkaa myöten. Tämä siis yhden blondin varmastikin biasoitunut näkemys mutta tuskin ihan tuulesta temmattua.

Eikä välttämättä tarkoita vielä mitään mutta tulee sitä näkemystä, mistä mediassakin on ollut nyt juttua, että Venäjä voi lähteä hajoamaan sisältäpäin, kun ihmiset alkavat kyseenalaistaa Putinin toimintaa julkisesti. Saapa nähdä iskeekö Kreml vastaan ja yrittää hiljentää voimalla väärät mielipiteet.
Voi tulla jano Krimilla kun nyt ei saada juomavettä roudattua vaunuilla.

No vodkallahan nuo ryssät muutenkin elää.
Lainattu toiselta foorumilta:

Kerchin silta on "yllättäen" suljettu: Yandex Maps

Anti-Putin venäläisissä telegrammeissa:

Rospartizan (anti-putin partisaanitelegrammi)t:

And here is the best present for Putin's birthday. Rail guerrillas have something to strive for
The fire was extinguished three hours later. As a result, minus seven fuel tanks, the railway track is unusable, the movement of cars is impossible due to the destruction of two spans of the bridge.

We are interested in an important question: was it a shahid-mobile? Or did the partisan (whoever he was) still manage to escape?

''Nauretaan ryssän ministeriöille korruptiosta ja viitataan mm. Il-80 keissiin parin vuoden takaa. 🤦😂''


The undermining of the Crimean bridge is the fixation of the final turning point in the war between Russia and Ukraine. Russia lost the war, and Putin's attempts to continue aggression will lead to a revolution .
Abbas Gallyamov, a political scientist and ex-speech writer for Putin, writes about this in a column for MO:

It seems that there is already every reason to say that Russia has lost the war. Further hostilities will only worsen its strategic position - devour resources, worsen the economy, embitter the population. It is necessary to admit defeat, sign peace and begin to restore the country. Putin is incapable of all this. So it must be someone else. It is in the replacement of Putin that the interest of the system lies.. Because an unsigned peace and a protracted massacre will eventually lead to a revolution that will destroy this system.

In principle, the Russian elites have already formed an understanding that their interests are completely at odds with those of Putin . Unable to win, the president simply drags out the war, while the interests of the main part of the elites are met by its speedy end. However, the establishment has done little to nothing so far. A situation has developed in the country when everyone is waiting for the first step from each other.

The ruling class froze in anticipation of the collapse- which, however, it is not clear what it will look like - either the people will rise up and go to burn down the manors' estates, or the military will turn their bayonets against the Kremlin, or a nuclear war will happen; whether national republics will begin to secede; Or all of this combined. So far, the people, too, do not want to act themselves, instead they write with might and main in social networks: “ Well, is there really no one next to him who will finally hit him .”

Perhaps it is the undermining of the Crimean bridge that will be the impetus for action . If Putin does not find an answer to Ukraine, then this may be the reason for starting a difficult conversation: “Well, dear father, don’t you know what to do? Here we don't know. But something needs to be done. While we are sitting here and sighing, they are acting ... "

What can Putin do now? Shelling the center of Kyiv? It will not change anything. Russia shells Ukrainian cities every night, there is no news in this. Use nuclear weapons? This would be a clearly inadequate answer. Why precisely because of the bridge , and not, for example, because of the shelling of the Belgorod region? Why is the bridge more expensive? People are dying there, but here not a single person is reported to have been hurt. Passing out the explosion of the bridge for an existential threat will not work. Zelensky, in his yesterday's interview with the BBC, clearly formulated: we will not go beyond our borders, what will happen with Putin is none of our business, let the Russians deal with him themselves. The Russian president, of course, can give another lecture on the history of colonialismbut it certainly won't impress anyone. Last time, they listened to him with hard-to-disguise irritation ...

In general, how is it with Vysotsky? "No, guys, it's not like that. It's not like that guys."

The Crimean bridge was blown up. What is known:

👉Two spans of the automobile bridge were destroyed , and the railway part was also damaged from the fire of the train with tanks.

👉It all happened around 6:00 am. According to the National Anti-Terrorist Committee of the Russian Federation, a “ truck was blown up” on the Crimean bridge .

👉 Ukraine has already indirectly confirmed its involvement in the incident. Advisor to the Office of the President of Ukraine Mykhailo Podolyak wrote on his page: “Crimea, bridge, beginning. Everything illegal must be destroyed, everything stolen must be returned to Ukraine, everything occupied by Russia must be expelled.”

👉 The bridge is closed to traffic . In Crimea, there are huge queues for gas stations, and because of the excitement, the “authorities” have already begun to impose restrictions on the sale of products. Ferry crossings will be used to communicate Crimea with the Krasnodar Territory .

👉A criminal case was initiated , Putin ordered the creation of a government commission. Insurers estimated the damage from the explosion at 200-500 million rubles . However, we all understand that the damage is disproportionately greater .

Crimea. " There is no panic. " Just giant gas lines



While the Crimean authorities claim that everything is fine and there is nothing to be afraid of, citizens do not think so . After the news of the bridge blowing up, people rushed to gas stations to replenish gasoline supplies. There were huge traffic jams on the roads.

The government of Sevastopol drew attention to the concerns of citizens. Officials said that fuel and food supplies would last for 40 days and urged people to stop stocking up on gasoline so as not to create an artificial shortage.
It is naive to hope that the words will have an effect on citizens who were previously promised the inviolability of the Crimean bridge.

While Russian President Vladimir Putin is holding emergency meetings and deciding how to respond to the "incident on the Crimean bridge," top-level Crimean officials have been advised to take families and movable property to "any safe area in Russia." Bryansk, Kursk, Belgorod, Voronezh and Rostov regions are not considered safe. The Kremlin believes that the situation in Crimea could "deteriorate".

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Näinpä, ei todellakaan ole millään logiikalla samaa paskaa molemmilta osapuolilta. Tai ehkä jollain venäläisellä propagandalogiikalla.
Mjoo, kyllä toi venäjän koulujen, sairaaloiden sun muiden siviilikohteiden pommitus on jotain ihan eri tasoa. Eikunii, siinä kauppakeskuksen vieressähän oli sotilaskohde, ohjus vaan meni puoli kilometriä ohi.

Sotatieteiden tohtori: Kertšinsalmen sillan räjähdys on strategisesti merkittävä kolmesta syystä​

Katja Incoronato - 6 h sitten

”Putinilla nyt kirjaimellisesti rakenteet romahtavat ja epätoivo lisääntyy”, Jarno Limnéll kommentoi.
Jarmo Limnéll.
Jarmo Limnéll.© Toimittanut Uusi Suomi
Sotatieteiden tohtori, kyberturvallisuuden työelämäprofessori ja kokoomuspoliitikko Jarno Limnéll pitää varhain lauantaiaamuna tapahtunutta Kertšinsalmen sillan räjähdystä strategisesti merkittävänä.
Hän nostaa Twitterissä esiin kolme eri syytä, joista ensimmäinen on se, että räjähdys heikentää Venäjän huollon toimintamahdollisuuksia merkittävästi. Lisäksi tapahtuneella on Limnéllin mukaan mittava psykologinen vaikutus etenkin Venäjän sisällä.
”Tämänkaltaiset tapahtumat voivat jopa katkaista Kremlin selkärangan”, hän sanoo.
Katso upotus täältä
19 kilometriä pitkä Kertšinsalmen silta on Euroopan pisin. Venäjän presidentti Vladimir Putin avasi sillan vuonna 2018. Limnéllin mukaan sillalla on erityisen suuri merkitys juuri Putinille.
”Aikanaan suurieleisesti avatun ja Venäjän suuruutta ilmentämään pyrkivän sillan tuhoutuminen on valtava arvovalta- ja symbolitappio Putinille. Vastaavasti lisää päättäväisyyttä Ukrainan joukoissa. Putinilla nyt kirjaimellisesti rakenteet romahtavat ja epätoivo lisääntyy.”


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