So in between rounds, (Team St. Pierre’s Steven Friend) had this little drill that you do – and Phil Nurse is the one who knows how to do it … he rubbed your back and tapped your chest; I don’t know exactly how it works. But anyways, what that’s supposed to do is get your energy in line, or motivated or whatever. So in between rounds, we had Phil Nurse do that. The controversy came because Phil Nurse also was putting Vasoline on Georges’ eyebrows … So Phil Nurse put all the Vasoline on his face, so his hands might have had a miniscule amount left over from that, when he went around the side and rubbed a little point on his back, and tapped on his chest … If we were trying to grease the back we’d be greasing up and down, we would make it count. We wouldn’t do a little tiny spot in the back … The whole greasing thing is pretty ridiculous … They check your body before you get into the cage, there’s an inspector right there. In order for us to grease him up, it would be insane. There are cameras everywhere. We don’t cheat. We don’t need to cheat to win.”