Sistema ja venäläiset
Nythän on ensinnäkin muistettava että kaikenlainen huuhaa on äärettömän suosittua Venäjällä ja oli sitä myös Neuvostoliitossa. Venäläiset lehdet ovat täynnä isoja ilmoituksia ennustajilta, selvänäkijöiltä, kaikenmailman ihmeparantajilta. Neuvostoliitossa oli POP pitää kupariranneketta suojaamassa "magneettimyrskyiltä", "poppamies" kaspirovskia katsoivat mummot silmät tapillaan TV:stä, puhumattakaan urinoterapiasta yms.
Se onko systemaa harjoitettu/harjoitellaan Venäjän erikoisjoukoissa on minulle avoin kysymys. Suosittelen Vikror Suvorov:n kirjaa "Spetznaz". Alla lainaus englanninkielisestä kirjasta(alkuperäsikielinen on toki parempi, mutta kansainvälisellä se kuuluu näin:
"Today sambo is one of the compulsory features in the training of every
spetsnaz fighting man. It is one of the most popular spectator sports in the
Soviet Army. It is not only in the Army, of course, that they engage in
sambo, but the Soviet Army always comes out on top. Take, for example, thechampionship for the prize awarded by the magazine Sovetsky Voin in 1985.
This is a very important championship in which sportsmen from many different
clubs compete. But as early as the quarter finals, of the eight men left in
the contest one was from the Dinamo club (an MVD lieutenant), one from the
mysterious Zenit club, and the rest were from ZSKA, the Soviet Army club.
The words `without weapons' in the name sambo should not mislead the
reader. Sambo permits the use of any objects that can be used in a fight, up
to revolvers and sub-machine-guns. It may be said that a hammer is not a
weapon, and that is true if the hammer is in the hands of an inexperienced
person. But in the hands of a master it becomes a terrible weapon. An even
more frightful weapon is a spade in the hands of a skilled fighter. It was
with the Soviet Army spade that we began this book. Ways of using it are one
of the dramatic elements of sambo. A spetsnaz soldier can kill people with a
spade at a distance of several metres as easily, freely and silently as with
a P-6 gun.
There are two sides to sambo: sporting sambo and battle sambo. Sambo as
a sport is just two men without weapons, restricted by set rules. Battle
sambo is what we have described above. There is plenty of evidence that many
of the holds in battle sambo are not so much secret as of limited
application. Only in special teaching institutions, like the Dinamo Army and
Zenit clubs, are these holds taught. They are needed only by those directly
involved in actions connected with the defence and consolidation of the
Viktor Suvor wikipedia:
Seikka mikä voisi puhua sisteman puolesta(omaa pohdintaani). Ainakin osa spetznaz-sotilaista olisi joutunut lähitaisteluun syvällä vihollisen alueella esim pahoin nälkiintyneenä, jolloin voisi kuvitella, että sisteman/aikidon kaltaiset tekniikat, jotka pyrkivät etupäässä vastustujan taistelutahdon nujertamiseen voisivat ollakin merkityksellisiä.