No band unites its fans under such a brotherhood as Slayer. If another fan sees you walking down the street with a Reign In Blood shirt, he?ll respect you. The bond is almost instant, and more often than not, the true fan will buy you a beer or at least give one piercing scream of ?SLAYER? before leaving you.
Everyone needs to buy this fucking box set. It?s perfect ? it?s better than perfect. It offers a sense of empowerment no drug can offer. It offers enormous amounts of ?street-cred? with the brotherhood. It offers violence, melody, musicianship and ecstasy. Hell, if anyone pays attention to my words and buys it ? I?ll shout them a beer at the Winsor sometime. Dead set.
I don?t care if you have to sell your liver to get the Soundtrack To The Apocalypse?
Just get it.
*nauraa rätkättää*
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