Here is a description of the six head locks - needed for your Orange belt grading. These were taken from a post on the forum a long while back, so no promises for accuracy.
As with anything, if there is any discrepancy between what you know and what's here, go with whatever you were taught by the highest grade currently on the mat.
Head lock 1
Defend as if doing Koshi Garuma. Tight grip of neck and as you turn in bring his head down to your belt. Feet should be in kibadatch, parallel, shoulder width knees bent. Knuckles should be resting on uke's jaw. Now all in one, bend your knees slightly more, flex groin out (i.e. leaning back slightly) and drop youe weight on to his neck. While your doing this your knuckles are leavering his jaw round to touch his forehead.
Head lock 2
Standard 2 arm block for a punch, then your right hand hits his right temple with your knuckles and you wrap right round and over his head. This should bend him over and your right hand should now be resting under his jaw. His right temple resting under your floating rib and you should be able to look down and see his right ear. From there place your other hand over your right cupping his jaw. Rotate his jaw up towards you left shoulder in a circular motion.
Head lock 3
Block a punch to the outside, make sure you step deep and get right behind uke. Right hand shoots across uke's jaw turning his head to the left, stop with knuckles on jaw, palm facing out. Place left hand palm to palm with right hand, with your left arm running down uke's back. Step back and push with left elbow in to back and pull with righthand to arch back.
Head lock 4
Same start as three, but when head turns left, keep right hand moving so now you can see all of the back your hand and your forearm is running down uke's jaw line. Move left arm so right hand is in bend of left elbow. Place your left hand just above the temple of the side of uke's head you can see. Step back and push right arm left to twist head even more and push forward with left hand.
Head lock 5
Same as 4, but when moving left arm into position drive it up under uke's left arm and get his shoulder in the mix.
Head lock 6
Bolck outside, stand right behind uke facing in same direction i.e. you look forwards and see the back of his head. drive both arms up and force his shoulders up. If you do it had enough he'll jump up a bit. Place you hands, hand over hand (DO NOT interlink fingers) on uke's crown (the place where their hair swirls at the back). Step back and push forward with hands. Uke almost sits on your knee.
The main tip for headlocks is posture. Always have back straight and knees bent, whether in kibadatch type stance (1 and 2) or yoi type stance (4 to 6).