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AndyS jos sulla on joskus ylimäärästä aikaa, niin voisit laittaa näistä Gloryn sotureista pientä taustatietoa kehiin, kun HW sarja poislukien moni näistä on ihan uusia tuttavuuksia mulle ja varmaan monelle muullekin.
Esim. ketä kannattaa seurata ja missä arvojärjestyksessä pidät ottelijoita yms.
AndyS jos sulla on joskus ylimäärästä aikaa, niin voisit laittaa näistä Gloryn sotureista pientä taustatietoa kehiin, kun HW sarja poislukien moni näistä on ihan uusia tuttavuuksia mulle ja varmaan monelle muullekin.
Esim. ketä kannattaa seurata ja missä arvojärjestyksessä pidät ottelijoita yms.

Kannatan, mullakaan ei oo pienintäkään hajua kavereista. Vaikkakin touhu tuntuu mielenkiintoiselta :D
Tuli katsottua Glory 13. Ei tuo yltäny lähellekkään 12 tasoa. Turnauksessa taso oli melkosen vaatimaton. Finaali oli parasta antia. Ihmetytti tuo Amerikan hippajumppaihme. Kaveri oli aivan järkyttävän paska. Ei kuulunnut ollenkaan kehään. Varmaan haluttiin mies valjastaa katsojakalastukseen, mikä epäonnistui melkosen pahasti. Ei millään hippakarate pohjalla pärjää, minkään oikean potku- tai thainyrkkeilijän kanssa. Aerts :haart: Vaikka ottelu ollu kovin ihmeellinen, niin kovat respectit silti mies saa minulta aina.
Jos rupean kattavampaa esittelyä tekemään noista Gloryn ottelijoista, niin se on ehkä pikemmin lehtiartikkelin paikka. Ottelijoita kun on kuitenkin aika paljon. Gloryn ja Liverkickin rankingeista saa jotain kuvaa.

Fighters Rankings
LiverKick |

Wikipedia on myös aika hyvä lähde ja useimmista Gloryn ottelijoista on artikkeli siellä.

Alle 77 kilon painoluokka on ehkä Gloryn huonoin; toinen heikko on -65. Syy tähän on se, että K-1:n aikaan ainoa rahakas painoluokka superin lisäksi oli -70kg joten ottelijat laihduttivat tai lihottivat itseään siihen. Samasta syystä sellaiset ottelijat kuin Spong, Saki ja Zamedov ovat otelleet superissa eivätkä heille sopivammassa -95:ssa. Turnauksen taso näkyi myös palkkapussissa, Holzken sai "vain" 100 000$ mikä on toki hyvä summa potkunyrkkeilyssä sekin, mutta aiempien turnausten voittajien palkkiot ovat olleet 150 - 250 000$.

Noita jenkkejä tungetaan tietysti aika väkisin turnauksiin, koska halutaan Amerikan markkinoille ja tokihan kaikkien maiden katsojat haluavat nähdä oman maan poikia ottelemassa. Kuitenkin tässä on onnistuttu kokonaisuutena aika hyvin. Joe Schilling voitti -85kg turnauksen ja on löytynyt muitakin ihan lupaavia kykyjä kuten Ky Hollenbeck, Francois Ambang, Wayne Barrett, Joseph Valtellini (joka tosin on kanukki) sekä Brian Collette. Raskaassa sarjassa ei tosin ole yhtään kunnollista jenkkiä.
Taas on saatu katsojalukuja lisättyä, vaikka ohjelma tuli jälkilähetyksenä. Joku voi miettiä, että nämä TV-katsojaluvut eivät ole kovin mielenkiintoisia verrattuna siihen, kuka tyrmäsi kenetkin. No niinhän se onkin, mutta kokonaisuuden kannalta on aivan elintärkeää, että tapahtumat myyvät. Ilman katsojia ei ole palkkiorahoja ja ilman palkkiorahoja ei ole ottelijoita. Ja kovin pitkään tappiollinen bisnes ei tietenkään pyöri.

GLORY 13 Scores Big on Spike TV |
When it comes to television ratings on Kickboxing events, we've been forced to be extremely patient as American fans both warm up to the sport of Kickboxing and learn when and where to watch it, something that all combat sports fans are familiar with. So while GLORY has had a bit of a slow start on Spike TV, the ratings have shown improvement for every single event. Going into GLORY 13 there were definitely some lingering concerns that any momentum gained would be lost due to the nature of the event; tape delayed from Japan with results readily available 12 hours before the broadcast.

Yet, those fears seem to be unfounded as GLORY 13 was able to pull in what I'd consider a tremendous number at 659,000 viewers on average. Take into account UFC's ratings on Fox Sports 1 fall within this range and that the UFC is a well-established brand and this is even more amazing to consider. Also consider that it is in the range of Bellator events on Spike TV as well. The final factor to consider is that it was on tape delay which will of course deter some viewers, yet, there was still an increase of 38% from the previous event.

When talking television there is also talk of peak numbers, the numbers when there are the most viewers for the given program. The last few events have seen a lone peak early on, which we consider a bleedover effect from the previous program, COPS, which always tends to pull in a million and a half or so. So the first peak was at 9:11 at 905,000 which is expected. The thing is, there was a second peak that came at 10:42pm, near the tail end of the event, and that was 873,000, which is nothing short of tremendous.
Katselin Spike_HD torrentin joka oli aivan mainiosti pätkitty ehkä jopa liian tiiviiseen formaattiin. Lieneekö ollut näin jo alkuperäisessä lähetyksessä vai vasta torrentin tekijän toimesta. Aikaisemmin Glory-tapahtumissa on ollut kaikenlaista turhaa huttua matsien välissä, mutta nyt matsit seurasivat toisiaan soljuvana virtana. Kaikkiaan oli onnistuneen oloinen tapahtuma hiljaisesta japanialaisyleisöstä ja vähän matalatasoisesta ottelijakaartista huolimatta. Erityismaininnan ansaitsevat japanialaissoturi joka voitti käsittämättömän split-decisionin ja näin todisti että kyllä japanissakin vedetään kotiinpäin, amerikkalainen hippakarateka joka todisti että tiivis paketti on perusteltu kehäottelussa ja Aerts jolla on melkoinen eläimen sydän.
Yleensä aika säyseästi esiintynyt Daniel Ghita nimittää FB-sivuillaan Verhoevenia feikkimestariksi ja haluaa uusintamatsia. Lisäksi hän vihjailee Sakin aikovan "paeta" 95-kiloisiin.

I will not give the chance next year to anybody. Saki and the fake "champion " of wrong decisions Rico Verhoeven are next! I m tired of his. Hope the next match is now with Rico.

We will see the next match with Saki. Till there I hope he do not run away by 95 Kg

Ghitallahan oli jotain ongelmia treeneissään/siviilielämässään, mikä ehkä selittää pientä notkahdusta tasossa, mutta ilmeisesti ne ovat nyt takana päin.
No niin, Glory 14 pidetäänkin sitten Kroatian Zagrebissa ja pääottelussa on tietysti Crocop. Huonompi juttu on se, että ilta on vasta maaliskuun 8.



New York, NY – GLORY, the world’s premier kickboxing league, today announced the date and headline bout for its next event, GLORY 14 ZAGREB, to be broadcast from Arena Zagreb in Zagreb, Croatia on Saturday, March 8th.

Building on GLORY 13 TOKYO's ratings momentum on SPIKE TV, GLORY 14 ZAGREB is headlined by Heavyweight hometown hero Mirko 'Cro Cop' Filipovic (22-7-0, 12 KOs) making his GLORY debut against fellow living legend Remy Bonjasky (98-12-0, 36 KOs). The bout is a rematch from 2002, with Filipovic winning the first encounter via TKO.

The full fight card for GLORY 14 ZAGREB will be announced at a later date.

GLORY 14 Zagreb Tuolta selviää että co-mainevent on Nieky Holzken vs. Marc de Bonte. Bontehan on siis se kaveri, joka vetaisi yllättäen It's Showtimen kultapojan L'houcine "Aussie" Ouzgnin levyksi ensimmäisessä erässä. 82-9-1 rekordi on muuten aika kunnioitettavaa luokkaa 23-vuotiaalta mieheltä.

Kortti ei kuulosta kovinkaan ihmeelliseltä, mutta tarkoitus lienee taas herätellä eurooppalaisia faneja ja tuoda 77 kilon painoluokkaa enemmän esiin.

Glory 13:n matsit pitäisi tulla tänään jakoon Gloryn sivuille, mutta vielä ei ollut mitään.
ei taida olla samanlaista ilotulitus luvassa kuin reilu kymmenen vuotta sitten:(

oi niitä kulta-aikoja:hyvä:
kovat oli lyönnitkin silloin piukka pöksyisellä mirkolla:hyvä:
Viimeksi muokannut ylläpidon jäsen:

3 kpl M-Nutrition EAA+

Mango - Hedelmäpunssi - Sitruuna - Vihreä omena

Tapahtuma oli itseasiassa ihan kohtuullinen vaikka paperilla kortti näytti vaatimattomalta.

Valtellini vs. Danielsissa tosiaan nähtiin miksi se bruce lee -tyyli ei ole paras. Jos haluaa otella noin, niin pitäisi osata perusjutut ensin. Valtellinilla oli vaikeaa eka erä, kun Daniels kuitenkin liikkuu hyvin ja lyö ilmeisen kovaa rynnätessään. Siksi ei kai uskaltanut painsotaa riittävästi. Toka erään sai neuvot kulmasta ja siitä alamäki alkoi Danielsilla. Etukäden käyttö oli Danielsilla ihan nollassa ja köysiin se jäi vain olemaan kun Bazooka Joe mättää. Karapetilla ei ollut alunlakaenkaan mitään jakoja Holzkenia vastaan. Tasoero oli vain liian iso.

Holzken lyö todella kovaa. Osumien määrässähän Valtellini oli aivan ylivoimaisessa johdossa, mutta Gloryn arvostelussa tuotettu vahinko painaa enemmän. Valtellinin alapotkut ovat kyllä hyviä. Holzken on myös niitä harvoja ottelijoita, jotka pystyvät vaihtamaan puolta tehokkaasti. Kotimaisista tähdistä Reinikainen oli tunnettu tästä vaikka oli toki muuten ihan erilainen ottleija kuin Holzken. Joka tapauksessa pisteillä ei ole väliä jos vastustaja on levynä.

Verhoeven voitti ihan selvästi. Tuomaristossa oli varmaan joku vanha K-1-fani joka väkisin halusi saada legendan voittamaan. Aertsin taktiikka oli juuri oikea, mutta se ei nyt vain riittänyt enää.
Nyt on sitten superfightitkin jaossa: Videos - Media

Kubo vs. Amrani oli todella rikkonainen matsi, ehkä illan huonoin. Syynä lähinnä Kubon sätkyily ympäri kehää. Kyshenko pieksi Kenmunin oikein kunnolla ja japanilaisen pelasti lähinnä pakoilu ja ottelun välttäminen. Japanilaisten tyyli on kyllä todella ärsyttävä. Toivottavasti Kyshenko nähdään jatkossa vähän normaalimpien otteliojoiden kanssa 77-kiloisissa. Stetcurenko esiintyi hyvin, mutta ei nyt ole esim. Holtzkenin tasolla.

Bonjasky oli ehkä esiotteluiden positiivisin yllätys. Mies oli aika paksussa kunnossa, mutta ottelun alussa näkyi vielä häivähdyksiä entisestä herkkyydestä ja liikkeestä. Kunto Remyllä ei enää riittänyt täysiin eriin, mutta lopussa hän vei hyvällä ottelusilmällään viimeisen erän aivan selvästi. Mielestäni Bonjasky olisi ansainnut voiton, mutta ymmärrän että kaksi ensimmäistä erää saattoi saada Braddockillekin.

Teixeira pysyi yhden erän mukana yllättävän hyvin, mutta sitten Gerges otti omansa alapotkuilla ja polvilla. Jotenkin Gerges ei silti vakuuttanut ja on mennyt alaspäin niistä ajoista kun oli It's Showtimen mestari. Jos Bonjaskyssa oli jotain samaa kuin entisaikoina, niin kyllä oli LeBannerissakin: nimittäin heikko iskunkestävyys. LeBanner ei ollut alussa missään kauheassa hädässä, mutta kävi sitten kahdesti konttaamassa ja sen jälkeen matsi olikin taputeltu, eikä Jerome enää edes yrittänyt.
Liverkickin mietteitä Crocopin paluusta: A New Chapter for Cro Cop Ahead of Glory Debut |


Peter Aerts has shown us that while a 40-year-old body that has endured a lifetime of physical punishment may not respond as vigorously as it once could, a smart gameplan can still provide a path to victory for an older fighter. Aerts’ shocking upset of Semmy Schilt in 2010 and near upset of Rico Verhoeven in 2013 was a testament both to his unreal physical and mental toughness as well as to his ability to execute an effective gameplan that pushed his opponents out of their desired fighting styles. Indeed, adapting and finding a way to win is both Peter Aerts’ unique forte and the source of his career longevity, remaining in the top-10 across multiple decades and generations of fighters.

When 39-year-old Mirko Cro Cop makes his Glory debut, he will find himself in a division full of dangerous young opponents ranging from skilled technical fighters like Rico Verhoeven to bloodthirsty knockout artists like Daniel Ghita, Gokhan Saki, and Errol Zimmerman. After enduring years of trauma fighting through the ranks of K-1, Pride, and the UFC, Cro Cop will have to fight smart, trading physical prowess for intelligent and perceptive kickboxing. He will have to become a crafty and tactically adept fighter to stay afloat in a shark tank of heavyweight talent.

Perhaps sensing the need for reinvention, Cro Cop has actually developed a close-ranged dirty boxing style in his return to kickboxing. This tactic appears to have paid off for the Croatian, who has now gone 6-0 with notable wins over SuperKombat veterans Ismael Londt, Pavel Zhuravlev, and Loren Javier Jorge as well as young American upstarts Randy Blake and Jarrell Miller, controversial home town decisions notwithstanding. While his new style may not please those who wish to see Cro Cop turn back the clock, the move reflects Cro Cop’s growth as a fighter and signifies his maturing expectations. It’s a wise decision that has allowed him to remain competitive in today’s kickboxing world.

While a fight against semi-retired Remy Bonjasky may not necessarily provide great insight into Cro Cop’s place in the heavyweight division, it will undoubtedly offer kickboxing fans around the world the chance to see one of the great legends of the sport return to the sport’s grandest stage, and in 2014, following a year of upsets which saw long-held titles, ranks, and orthodoxies overturned, Cro Cop may have some surprises--which hopefully include some vintage LHK finishes--left in store.
Glory hehkuttaa jenkkiottelijoitaan: News - Team America: The Rise of US Kickboxing

In 2012, even the most hardened kickboxing fans would have struggled to name more than a handful of American fighters. Despite being a world superpower in boxing and MMA, the USA had never made its presence felt on the international kickboxing circuit.

It was widely thought that, for whatever reason, the USA simply didn’t have any high-level kickboxers. 2013 was the year that myth was shattered. GLORY World Series talent scouts had ventured across the US and found a new breed of fighters waiting for their time to shine.

American kickboxing turned out to be a bubbling pot of talent, which was waiting to explode. GLORY gave the likes of Joe Schilling, Wayne Barrett, Brian Collette and Ky Hollenbeck a chance to prove themselves, and they seized it with both hands.

The year’s highlight, in American terms, was undoubtedly Joe Schilling’s victory in the GLORY 10 LOS ANGELES Middleweight Championship Tournament.

Schilling (16-5, 10 KO’s) had established himself as a top name on the US circuit but there weren’t many who thought he could win a tournament which had world #1 Artem Levin (46-4-1, 33 KO’s) in the line-up. The doubters added fuel to Schilling’s fire - he loves proving people wrong almost as much as he loves proving himself right.

Russia’s Levin has dominated the weight class for a long time. Tricky, intelligent and unorthodox, he is a very difficult opponent for anyone. Schilling met him in the final and brought his A-Game, a career-best performance in which he matched Levin trick for trick and showed his own fighting heart and intelligence.

Prior to that fight, Levin had not been dropped since 2008. Schilling did it by setting Levin up perfectly, outfoxing the fox and tricking him into lowering his hands and eating a hard right. If that blow had resulted in a clean KO it would have been one of the biggest upsets in all of kickboxing history.

As it was, Schilling went on to win a decision in a classic encounter. The USA vs. Russia undertone added spice to it, and Schilling also went on record pre- and post-fight to say he had felt pressure to represent American kickboxing to the world.

The tournament prize money allowed Schilling to buy a house for his young family, rewarding them for their years of patient support as he clawed his way to the top. Schilling broke down in tears after the fight, a mixture of joy, relief and pride overwhelming him on what was a huge night for himself and American kickboxing.

Watching closely was Wayne Barrett (4-0, 3 KO’s). A native of New York, Barrett had fought and won in the night’s tournament reserve match, dispatching Robby Plotkin - also a New Yorker - by way of KO. In his post-fight interviews he said he wanted to fight Schilling as soon as possible. He got his wish at GLORY 12 NEW YORK in November.

The fight took place at Madison Square Garden, giving Barrett home field advantage. The East Coast vs. West Coast clash was hard-fought, with significant bragging rights on the line. Barrett put Schilling down, Schilling came back and put Barrett down. Barrett boxed, Schilling showboated. The fans loved it.

Despite a finish looking close on several occasions, sheer determination took both men to the final bell. Barrett won the decision; Schilling looked crushed. A lot of heat had been exchanged between the two both in and out of the ring; Schilling/Barrett has the potential to be one of the more significant rivalries in US kickboxing. They will surely meet again.

Schilling’s win in the Middleweight Championship Tournament painted a target on his back. Fellow US fighters wanted to take his shine. Barrett was the first to step up and towards the end of the year Dustin Jacoby also threw his hat in the ring.

Jacoby (4-3, 3 KO‘s), a UFC veteran and training partner of Chris Camozzi, blasted his way into GLORY by winning an eight-man tournament in Oklahoma at the start of the year. He stopped three opponents in succession to earn himself a contract.

His debut at GLORY 5 LONDON didn’t exactly go to plan though, as he met the experienced Dutch fighter Michael Duut (38-5, 17 KO’s). The wide gulf in experience quickly became apparent as Duut put Jacoby down three times in quick succession to end the fight under the three-knockdown rule.

Undeterred, Jacoby trained hard through the year. He enjoyed mixed results but his increasing skill was clear for all to see. As a wrestler turned MMA fighter, Jacoby actually had an 0-0 kickboxing record when he entered the Oklahoma tournament. That he has held his own in the GLORY ranks is testament to his toughness, heart and commitment.

Jacoby is now on his way to middleweight and has set his sights on a fight with Schilling, saying he wants to establish himself as the US #1 in his new weight class. ‘Top American Middleweight’ is a subplot set to produce some serious dogfights in 2014.

Jacoby also has some interesting ideas about American fighters and weight-cutting. US fighters are well used to the concept, it being a core part of MMA and wrestling, but it is hardly used in Europe and Japan. Jacoby thinks American fighters are increasingly going to use that to their advantage as the US presence in GLORY increases.

“I think in the next couple of years as GLORY expands and the American presence expands, the weight-cut will become an advantage for the US fighters,” he says.

“A lot of us have wrestling backgrounds or train at MMA gyms. Weight-cutting is much more prevalent here. The Europeans are going to have to figure that out and respond to it.

“Actually I trained over in Holland with guys who were at heavyweight and light-heavyweight and I thought that with a better diet and a little cutting, they could easily make one weight-class down.”

A good example of what Jacoby is talking about was the fight between Ky Hollenbeck and Warren Stevelmans at GLORY 12 NEW YORK.

Hollenbeck (46-3, 23 KO’s) is Muay Thai to the core but also has some jiu-jitsu and MMA experience. He knows how to cut weight. When he squared off with Stevelmans (64-20-1, 20 KO’s) he looked twice the size of him and proceeded to rag-doll the hapless South African around the ring.

In his preceding fight, Hollenbeck had scored another one of the year’s major upsets when he dominated the decorated veteran Albert Kraus (73-17-3, 43 KO’s) over three rounds. Hollenbeck imposed himself on the fight from start to finish and, by the end, the usually slick Kraus was left swinging at air in frustration.

Hollenbeck’s two fights in 2013 have showed him to be a high-end talent and one to keep an eye on. They also earned him a title shot - on Saturday, March 8 he will face Andy ‘The Machine’ Ristie (41-3-1, 21 KO’s) at GLORY 14 ZAGREB with the GLORY World Lightweight Championship title on the line.

Last year also saw solid performances from the likes of Brian ‘The Lion’ Collette (21-2, 18 KO‘s), Eddie ‘Showtime’ Walker (11-4-1, 9 KO’s) and Raymond ‘The Real Deal’ Daniels (24-1, 14 KO’s), fighters with very different styles but all of them proud Americans.

2013 was the year that American kickboxing arrived on the world stage. 2014 is the year that ‘Team USA’ begins its campaign to carry the Stars and Stripes to the top.

Are you an Team American fan? Catch all the GLORY World Series action on SPIKE TV and follow us at @GLORY_WS for all the latest news, updates and videos.
Glory 15 pidetään sitten Istanbulissa 12.4. Gökhan Saki siirtyy oikeaan sarjaansa. Saki vs. Spong olisi kyllä nannaa.

GLORY Announces GLORY 15 Istanbul |

In one of the least shocking moves that we've seen in quite a while, GLORY has announced that GLORY 15 Istanbul will go down on April 12th and that it will feature Gokhan Saki. Seeing as though Gokhan Saki is from Turkey and is actually a pretty big star there, this makes a whole lot of sense. While there aren't much by the way of details yet, there are rumors of a Light Heavyweight contender's tournament and those rumors point to Gokhan Saki being a part of this tournament.

If you want to know who is unhappy about that, look no further than GLORY Light Heavyweight Champion Tyrone Spong who doesn't feel that Gokhan Saki should have the red carpet rolled out to him for moving down in weight by being placed in a tournament to contend for a title in his hometown. Hard not to agree with that, huh?

NOW WE ARE TALKIN! Jos Zagrebin Glory 14 on vähän vaisu, niin Istanbulin Glory 15 onkin sitten eri luokkaa. Saki, Carnage, Spong ja Cavalari samassa turnauksessa. Parhautta!


New York, NY – GLORY, the world’s premier kickboxing league, today announced the fight card for GLORY 15 ISTANBUL, featuring a one-night, four-man Light Heavyweight World Championship Tournament, to be broadcast on SPIKE TV from Ülker Sports Arena in Istanbul, Turkey on Saturday, April 12th.

Turkish knockout artist Gokhan 'The Rebel' Saki (79-16-0, 56 KOs) will make his Light Heavyweight debut at GLORY 15 ISTANBUL when he faces Australia's Nathan 'Carnage' Corbett (57-4-0, 45 KOs) to form one half of GLORY's Light Heavyweight World Championship Tournament. On the other side of the bracket, #1 ranked Tyrone 'King of the Ring' Spong (90-5-0, 60 KOs), who has not been defeated since 2011, takes on young and hungry Saulo ‘Cassius Clay’ Cavalari (28-2-0, 18 KOs), currently ranked #3 at Light Heavyweight.

GLORY 15 ISTANBUL is headlined by Heavyweight power puncher Errol Zimmerman (101-11-1, 42 KOs) battling heavy handed Ben Edwards (36-9-3, 31 KOs). The evening's co-headline bout features Lightweight action as Robin van Roosmalen (31-6-0, 19 KOs) of the Netherlands squares off against Marat Grigorian (35-4-2, 18 KOs) of Armenia.


Tournament Final Bout C: Semifinal Bout A Winner vs. Semifinal Bout B Winner
Headline Bout: Errol Zimmerman vs. Ben Edwards
Co-Headline Bout: Robin van Roosmalen vs. Marat Grigorian
Tournament Semifinal Bout B: Gokhan Saki vs. Nathan Corbett
Tournament Semifinal Bout A: Tyrone Spong vs. Saulo Cavalari
WAR Bonjasky, ihan vaan sen takia että miehellä on koko potkunyrkkeilyskenen paras sisääntulobiisi! :D Mirko sais kyl lopettaa jo, vaikkei Remykään mikää nuori mies ole :D


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