Pride Open-Weight GP 2n round 1.7.2005 Lauantai

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3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%
Kyllä Crocop on mukana jälleen.Hyvä hyvä!
Mirko interview. ( forum)

SN: How much do you weight at the moment?
Mirko: "101 kg."

SN: Are you satisfied with this weight?
Mirko: "Very much so"

SN: It's August, do you know how many tranings you had this year?
Mirko: "I don't count trainings but I can say I had about 350 tranings this year"

SN: Are you ever tired of the same tranings every day - running, streching, weight lifting, tranings for explosiveness, sparring tranings,.. to such measures that you just want to say "the hell with it, I'm quitting"?
Mirko: "Of course. Sometimes it can get very difficult even for me, but what's the solution? To quit training would mean to quit fighting. Even the slightest relaxing in tranings can enlarge the risks when stepping into the ring. One who is not preapared is out."

SN: What would you say to your son if he decided to do Ultimate Fighting?
Mirko: "If he would really want it then we would train together. But I would rather see him not to go my way, because it's extremely difficult and dangerous."

SN: "What do you find the hardest, boxing or grappling traning?
Mirko: "Both are difficult but grappling is more exhausting."

SN: Before the WC (World Cup) match between Croatia and Japan we had an honour to interview the Japanese ambasador in Croatia who said that Japanese Prime Minister Yunichiro Koizumi warned him before he left to Zagreb - Croatia "be careful, you are going to CroCop land".. what does such statement from the Japanese Prime Minister means to you?
Mirko: "It means a lot to me and it sure is nice to hear such words. Yunichiro Konizumi is an outstanding gentleman. As he respects me I honestly respect him too and his country in which I became what I am now."

Then Mirko was asked about some less pleasant things where his name was involved in Serbian political matters which Mirko smoothly denied.

SN: OWGP is just behind the door. How are your preparations going?
Mirko: "I will stay in Zagreb until the 20th August. Then I'm going to Pula for 2 weeks where I will train with my friend Enver Šeparoviæ, my conditional traning who works through the instruction of professor Jukiæ. In Pula I will have great backround and condition for my final stage of preparations. 4 great sparring partners are waiting me there, I paid big bucks for them and they are great, big career is ahead of them."

SN: Who will go with you to Japan?
Mirko: "the same squad with pr. Jukiæ and dr. Kapulica"

SN: Was the match against Yoshida the most mature so far?
Mirko: "Not all have seen this much this way. Some saw it differently, something like a joke. Unfortunately in Croatia everyone seems to know everything. I've heard all kind of silly comments. People seem to be forgetting who Yoshida is, they forgot that he's a great fighter, Olympic gold medalist. Because he's was wearing a kimono I couldn't kick that good because leg doesn't come back that soon after the kick because of the kimono fabric. Yoshida subbed many people with kimono, I had many problems with my left leg so I had to come up with a stragety which in the end decided the match."

SN: In the SemiFinals waits Wanderlei Silva?
Mirko: "I don't like him, he's the only fighter who I really dislike in PRIDE. He's weird, without character but he is an outstanding fighter. But I will beat him."

SN: "Who would you like to see in the finals, if you get there?"
Mirko: Doesn't matter. Maybe I prefer Minotauro a little bit although I've beaten Barnett two times. Match between them is going to be great. Minotauro is Minotauro but Barnett is in super shape this year."

SN: The relation with PRIDE DSE lead men was tense these past few days. If you couldn't come in to terms would you participate?
Mirko: "No, I would not."

SN: But surely you have other solutions?
Mirko: "Of course, alternative in USA which is constantly sending me serious offers. But I'm a PRIDE fighter, I know where I got my glory but that doesn't mean I won't go to USA one day"
Uusia matseja:

Kazuhiro Nakamura vs. Yoshiro Nakao
Yousuke Nishijima vs. Cyborg

Veikkaan että Nakamura lukottaa Nakaon ja Nishijima tyrmää Cyborgin.
Viideolta kattelin potkunyrkkeilymatsin, jossa toi Diabate otti pistevoiton Michael Bispingistä. Kyllä se siis jotain ainakin osaa...

M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe

Jotain kuvia...







Matsi järjestys:

1. Yousuke Nishijima vs Evangelista Cyborg
Nishijima rd2 ko
2. Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira vs Josh Barnett
nog dec.
3. Mirko Cro Cop vs Wanderlei Silva
crocop rd1 ko
4. Sergei Kharitonov vs Aleksander Emelianenko
sergei rd2 ko
5. Lee Tae Hyun vs Ricardo Morais
lee rd1 sub
6. Kazuhiro Nakamura vs Yoshihiro Nakao
nak rd1 sub
7. Ricardo Arona vs Allistair Overeem
arona rd1 sub
8. Mauricio Shogun vs Cyrille Diabate
shogun rd1 sub
9. OWGP Championshiop Final
crocop (vs nog) dec
Toivon että Cro Cop voittaa, mutta epäilen että Minotauro vie...

Olisi kyllä kiva nähdä CroCopin ja Nogin uusinta, kun ensimmäinen matsi oli kultaa :)
En kyllä osaa veikata voittajaa, on kaikki niin kovia jätkiä! En malta odottaa viikonloppua :)
veikkaan että barnett ja cro cop voittaa, ja cro cop hoitaa sitte barnetin.
muita täysin varmoja: Kharitonov, Shogun, Arona, Ricardo Morais.:kippis1:
Nog on kyllä kova pala, en tiedä tuosta! Mutta Barnett on ollut hiton kovassa vireessä, paha sanoa!
veikkaan että barnett ja cro cop voittaa, ja cro cop hoitaa sitte barnetin.
muita täysin varmoja: Kharitonov, Shogun, Arona, Ricardo Morais.:kippis1:

Lee hakkaa Moraisin satavarmasti. Morais ei ole käytännössä voittanut ketään urallaan! Jos olisi rahaa niin löisin siitä vetoa. Pride hommasi Leen isolla rahalla Koreasta ja kyseessä on Ssirium mestari. mm. Hong Mon Song (sic) on myös sieltä. Siis se K-1 stara joka voitti Semmy Schiltin.
Lee hakkaa Moraisin satavarmasti. Morais ei ole käytännössä voittanut ketään urallaan! Jos olisi rahaa niin löisin siitä vetoa. Pride hommasi Leen isolla rahalla Koreasta ja kyseessä on Ssirium mestari. mm. Hong Mon Song (sic) on myös sieltä. Siis se K-1 stara joka voitti Semmy Schiltin.

Morais on voittanut ainakin Absolute Fighting Championship 1 turnauksen venäjällä. 5 matsia samana iltana ja kaikista voitto. :rock: ...Ja vanhan ajan kaikki käy säännöillä!
Joskus katoin tuon turnauksen ja aika rajua menoa oli.

....Se on toinen asia pärjääkö Morais enää nykypäivänä vaparissa.

Tuossa vielä Highlight video Afc 1 tapahtumasta:
Toivon, et joko Wandy tai Crocop vie koko homman. Uskon, et Barnett voittaa decisionilla Nogin. Ja Crocopilla olis parempi tsäänssi sit Barnettia vastaan finaalis.
Mut tsemiä Nogilleki. Nogin tappio finaalis kummalle tahansa olis herkkua.


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