Pakkiksen pienet tiedeuutiset

Oon itseasiassa kuullut tuosta toisen paskan nauttimisesta jonkin vaivojen takia, tosin nenästä ei ollut puhe silloin.

Juu, vanha menetelmä, mutta nautitaan eri kautta. Aikaisempi siirto tapahtui suoraan alapäähän. Tää ehtii ilmeisesti kasvaa paremmin matkalla.
Nelijuosteista dna:ta löydetty ensi kertaa elävistä soluista. Mielenkiintoista. Koeputkessa tota on saatu muodostumaan mutta ei ollut tietoa, että onko kyseessä artefakti vai luonnossakin tapahtuva ilmiö.

Physical studies over the last couple of decades had shown that quadruplex DNA can form in vitro -- in the 'test tube', but the structure was considered to be a curiosity rather than a feature found in nature. The researchers now know for the first time that they actually form in the DNA of human cells.

New lithium-ion battery design that’s 2,000 times more powerful, recharges 1,000 times faster

"Which brings us neatly onto the University of Illinois’ battery, which has a higher power density than a supercapacitor, and yet comparable energy density to current nickel-zinc and lithium-ion batteries. According to the university’s press release, this new battery could allow for wireless devices to transmit their signals 30 times farther — or, perhaps more usefully, be equipped with a battery that’s 30 times smaller. If that wasn’t enough, this new battery is rechargeable – and can be charged 1,000 times faster than conventional li-ion batteries. In short, this is a dream battery."

"....imagine a smartphone with a battery the thickness of a credit card, which can be recharged in a few seconds"

Jokohan VIHDOIN (toki puhutaan silti vuosista) saataisiin eteenpäin tätä akkujen asiaa...................... muistan kun, öö, mitä vuosi/pari/kolme sitten oli juttua uudesta akkuteknologiasta millä muistaakseni 8x latinki vs. nykyiset ja piti olla valmis tuotantoon muutaman vuoden sisään. Ei oo näkyny.

Se joka oikeasti uuden akkuteknologian keksii, tai oikeastaan tuo ekana markkinoille, on harvinaisen rikas aika äkäseen.
NASA will separate twin brothers for a year: one on Earth, one in space

NASA announced the experiment last week in a request for research proposals, but sadly didn't specifically call out the "twin paradox," a 1911 thought experiment by French physicist Paul Langevin that says an astronaut in space should age slower than his twin on Earth due to relativity.

As currently conceived, this project will center on established plans for blood sampling on the flying twin at regular intervals before, during and after the one-year ISS mission, and will obtain corresponding samples from the non-flying twin, who will otherwise maintain his normal lifestyle.

NASA has of course previously studied such differences in individual astronauts before, during and after space flights, but this will be the first study of its kind to examine two genetically identical individuals separated by space at the same time.

NASA will separate twin brothers for a year: one on Earth, one in space | The Verge

Tämän voi ottaa uutisena, vitsinä tai molempina. Välillä sitä oikein pysähtyy julkaisua lukiessa, että mitä minä juuri luin - kuten tässä tapauksessa:

"... but birds are not gas molecules." (Clark, J.S., Ecology letters 2005 (8) 2-14)
First Human Brain-to-Brain Mind Meld Achieved

This year, we’ve seen remarkable breakthroughs in rat-to-rat brain interfaces and even human-to-rat interfaces that put us one step closer to telepathy. But now researchers at the University of Washington have achieved the ultimate: a non-invasive telepathic interface between two humans brains.

PHOTOS: Optical Illusions: Your Brain Is Way Ahead of You

By wearing an EEG cap that read his brain’s electrical signals, UW computer scientist Rajesh Rao was able to use his thoughts to control the actions of assistant professor Andrea Stucco, who wore a transcranial magnetic stimulation coil that stimulates brain activity. A code was used to translate brain signals from EEG readings into brain commands.

With both hands on his chair’s arm rests, Rao envisioned his right hand moving, as if he was clicking a “fire” button on a cannon shooting video game. Across campus, Stucco had his back to the computer screen where the video game was playing out. Still, he involuntary moved his right hand and pushed his keyboard’s space bar to fire the cannon.

“It was both exciting and eerie to watch an imagined action from my brain get translated into actual action by another brain,” Rao said in a university news release. “This was basically a one-way flow of information from my brain to his. The next step is having a more equitable two-way conversation directly between the two brains.”

BLOG: Two Rats Communicate Brain to Brain

Before you clutch your skull and run for the hills, Rao said the technology only reads certain kinds of simple brain signals, not a person’s thoughts. Also, the interface doesn’t give anyone the capability to control actions against a bother’s will. Still, Stocco jokingly referred to the breakthrough as a “Vulcan mind meld.”

In the future, researchers say the technology could allow a person with disabilities to communicate his or her thoughts or help a flight attendant or passenger land an airplane should the pilot become incapacitated. Next, Rao and Stocco plan to conduct an experiment that will transmit more complex information from brain to brain, which will require a larger pool of participants. In the meantime, check out the jaw-dropping video of Rao and Stucco’s mind meld.

via PopSci

Credit: University of Washington

Jos tämä todellakin toimiin niin kohtuullisen cool.
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Nyt se on virallista: Voyager jätti aurinkokunnan - Tiedeuutiset - Ilta-Sanomat

" Voyager on ensimmäinen ihmisen tekemä laite, joka on matkannut tähtienväliseen avaruuteen.

- Tämä on tärkeä virstanpylväs paitsi tieteellisesti myös historiallisesti. Tätä voi verrata tutkimusretkiin, kuten ensimmäiseen purjehdukseen maapallon ympäri, tai siihen, että ihminen jätti ensimmäisen jalanjäljen Kuuhun, sanoi Voyager-hankkeen päätutkija Ed Stone BBC:lle."

Voyager 1 ? Wikipedia

" OHanswerME4Hamlet20 1 päivä sitten Tämä kommentti on saanut liian monta negatiivista ääntä

so fucking fake and inaccurate. things are either round or they arent. there is no 'roundest object in the world' any randomly selected rubber superball is just as round. any smooth sphere is"
Viimeksi muokannut ylläpidon jäsen:
" OHanswerME4Hamlet20 1 päivä sitten Tämä kommentti on saanut liian monta negatiivista ääntä

so fucking fake and inaccurate. things are either round or they arent. there is no 'roundest object in the world' any randomly selected rubber superball is just as round. any smooth sphere is"

Ricky Mendham 1 päivä sitten

Karl Pilkingtons head must be rounder.

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