Syke ja verenpaine nousevat/joka laskee suorituskykyä:
Faster heart-beat is due to the stimulating effect of nicotine. The resulting increase in heart-rate, and blood pressure, paradoxically, decreases the flow of blood through the blood vessels, and this, in turn, reduces performance.
Lisää insuliiniresistanssia:
Long-term use of nicotine gum is associated with hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance. Eliasson B, Taskinen MR, Smith U.
Saa glukoosin nopeammin liikkeelle maksasta:
Nicotine also stimulates the liver to release glucose into the blood as an immediate source of energy.
Saattaa toimia painonpudottajana ja estää painon nousua:
Some accredited clinical studies support nicotine for weight loss and preventing weight gain.
Sanigorski A, Fahey R, Cameron-Smith D, Collier GR. Nicotine treatment decreases food intake and body weight via a leptin-independent pathway in Psammomys obesus. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism. 2002;3:346-50.
Laskee estrogeenitasoja miehillä:
From a hormonal perspective, nicotine is attractive to male athletes because it can lower estrogen levels by competitively inhibiting the aromatase enzyme.
While theoretically, this would allow one to gain increased benefits from DHT, it might also potentiate DHT's negative effects on the prostate and hairline.
Laskee testosteronitasoja:
Unfortunately, beyond individual inhibition of enzymes, nicotine and its metabolite cotinine appear to have a largely negative effect on steroidogenesis. Both nicotine and cotinine have been implicated in decreasing testosterone synthesis in leydig cells.
Lisää dopamiinin ja norefedriinin eritystä:
Musso N, Benci S, Indiveri F, Lotti G. L-tyrosine and nicotine induce synthesis of L-Dopa and norepinephrine in human lymphocytes. Journal of Neuroimmunology. 1997;74:117-120
Lisää noradrenaliinin eritystä:
Nicotine elicits noradrenaline secretion by binding to nAChr's on noradrenergic neurons .
Lisää serotoniinin eritystä jonkin verran:
Nicotine increases the release of serotonin in various parts of the brain, though to a lesser extent than the catecholamines.
Nikotiinin positiiviset vaikutukset liittyvät painonpudotukseen. Tässä mielessä kofeiini ja L-tyrosiini vaikuttavat synergistisesti.
Given Nicotine's pharmacology, it appears to be most useful during periods of intense dieting. By enhancing the actions of dopamine, serotonin and leptin, as well as partially inhibiting the actions of neuropeptide Y, nicotine can partially deceive the body into thinking it is fed-thereby decreasing appetite, mobilizing fat, and preserving lean body mass-even in the presence of a calorie deficit.
Pitkäaikaiskäytössä nikotiini nähdäkseni hidastaa lihaskasvua ja vaikuttaa negatiivisesti harjoitteluun.
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