FITNESS PRO Missy Truscott

Viimeksi muokattu:

En tiennyt että vapari vastaa 2/3 kilpailupisteistä.
Mielestäni Oksana Grishina oli taiteellisin ja paras vapaaohjelma. Whitney Jones oli myös erittäin hyvä, mutten olisi uskonut että se riittää voittoon.
Molemmat Oksana ja Whitney häviävät fysiikka vertailut isolla erolla. Varmasti oli katkera tappio Missylle.

Itse kanssa vähän hämmästelin tota Jonesin voittoa. Vähän kun ois väsähtäny siinä vaparin loppupuolella kun taas Oksana ja Missy veti kyllä omasta mielestä ihan sata lasissa vaparit.
Lisäksi just tuo fysiikka Missyllä huomattavasti parempi kun Jonesilla, mutta... Joku jossain tais spekuloidakin että kun Jones on ollut tuolla Wings of Strenghtin riveissä juontamassa yms yms yms, että olisko sillä ollut vaikutusta tuohon voittoon.
Joku jossain tais spekuloidakin että kun Jones on ollut tuolla Wings of Strenghtin riveissä juontamassa yms yms yms, että olisko sillä ollut vaikutusta tuohon voittoon.
Joka olis varsin ikävää ottaen huomioon minkä työmäärän noi tytöt laittaa tohon hommaan.

3 kpl M-Nutrition Anabolic Overdrive 6 kg

Orange - Sweet berry - Rasberry kiwi

Tässä esimerkkejä tuosta Jonesin kaksoisroolista:

Eli vielä niinkin myöhään kuin syyskuun puolivälin jälkeen Whitney Jones on co-host (Olympian järjestäjätahon) kanavalla, joka käsittelee muun muassa, yllätys yllätys, Fitness-kategoriaa (ja toki muitakin kategorioita). Huomasin tämän jo aikoja ennen Olympiaa, ja ajattelin, että varmaankin on TÄYSIN poissuljettua, että Jones osallistuu. No osallistui ja voitti.
Ei hän toki sysihuono ollut, mutta ei millään mittapuulla voittaja.

Tästä aspektista en ole huomannut puhuttavan mitään kv. forumeilla, joten onkohan pelko (tulemisesta persona non grataksi) esteenä...
Hey guys! This concludes my Road to the Olympia 2021. This was an emotional journey for me and I appreciate everyone who has followed along 🥺❤️🙏🏻

I know it's been a minute since I've posted..I needed some time to gather myself as I continued to get ready for Legion Sports Fest where I'll be doing my own prep.

This weekend I went to Reno NV for the Legion Sports Fest! Wow! Firstly I've never been to Reno before and it was super quaint compared to Las Vegas which honestly was a great change! Matt and I had such a fun time in the sports books and preparing for the contest! I'm not one to toot my own horn but I did my own stage makeup and hair which I'm super proud about!

Hey guys! This week has been so awesome! I'm not in my "off season" enjoying food and extras carbs carbs with my meals! In this video I am training legs for the first time since my prep! Also I'm taking you all with me to the Granite Supplements photo shoot in CALI! I can't wait to make more videos for you guys! Thank you so much for all the support! 🙏🏻❤️

Hey guys! I’m taking you all to Idaho with me and Matt! In this video you’ll see me do a guest performance for the NPC Idaho Cup in Boise 🙏🏻😊

In this video I’m training back and biceps! I give some pointers on what I’ve learned from John. Matt and I head to Las Vegas for a day trip literally 3 hours in Vegas 😂💪🏼. Also I show you a little of my Christmas decorating and our 2021 Christmas card photo!

Hey guys, In this video Matt and I are training legs!

Make sure you check out Miguel’s IG @torture_room - Matt and I had an amazing session with Miguel at his new location in Las Vegas inside the Dragons Lair!!

Also Little update on our Schultze girl and I got 2 tattoos - both I’ve been wanting for a long time 🙏🏼

I'm all in for the Arnold 2022 March 3rd and the Boston Pro show March 12th! Here's a leg day and Matt and I are going to explain our sleep schedule!

Hey guys, The count down is on! I've officially been invited to the Arnold Classic 2022 so I'm now 10 weeks out and 11 weeks out from the Boston Pro! In this video Matt and I train chest and tri, play with my "fitness prop" hahaha! And thoughts on portioning nut butters?? lol Am I crazy?! 😂

Super busy time of year but the prep keeps going!

Hey friends! I know it’s been awhile and I’m so sorry! Matt has been sick with Covid so it was hard to get filming done the last couple weeks - but we’re back and feeling 100x better ❤️💪🏼

In this video you’ll see my check in video with my coach, cooking Turkey burgers on the ninja foodie XL, leg day with my friend Lana and my giveaway 🎉

I’m back! 3 weeks out now from the Arnold Classic! Check out my chest day!

I'm 2 weeks out from the Arnold Classic! In this video you'll see me pose a little with Kenny and I'm training legs with Lana! We're almost there guys!!!

1 week out also known as PEEK WEEK 😎💪🏼❤️

I’m 2 days out and bringing you along this entire Arnold Sports Festival weekend!! ❤️💪🏼 @Kristin Pope is my fitness client! Make sure you follow her!

Getting real good at these disappointment videos. Here’s a recap of day 1 - show day the Arnold Classic 2022. Keep watching until the end of the video to hear mine and Matt’s thoughts on it.

1 day out from the Boston Pro show! Check it out as Matt and I bring you along for our chats and all the behind the scene task that I do to get ready for a show!

WOW we did it TUBES ❤️🙏🏻🏆 this is my 8th PRO show win 🥇 such a great weekend in the lovely city of Boston! In this video you’ll see all the behind the scenes preparation to get on stage. Thank you so much for all the support my TUBES - now it’s time to get to work this off season 🙏🏻

Hey my tubes! ❤️ I’m starting a new series here but same style of vlog! “Love my life ❤️” in this episode Matt and I are getting treatment from Miguel The Torture Room! We also have a sick leg day and post workout Denny’s 🥞!

Hey my tubes ❤️❤️ Here’s episode 2 of my off-season! We’re going to Matts office to chat on how to get RICH 🤑💰💪🏼 also training with my best friend @brookepighin (IG Handle) 💪🏼❤️.

Hey my tubes!! First off I want to thank everyone who enter my giveaway! 💪🏼❤️ I plan to do more over the spring and summer!

Now let’s get down to business! I went to Las Vegas and trained with 7x Mr. Olympia @Flex Lewis we had great conversations and an epic training with @Rafael Brandão! Matt and I also had a session with Miguel in the Torture Room! I hope you guys enjoy this video!

Hey my tubes!!

First off I want to thank everyone who enter my giveaway! 💪🏼❤️ I plan to do more over the spring and summer!

Now let’s get down to business! I went to Las Vegas and trained with 7x Mr. Olympia @Flex Lewis we had great conversations and an epic training with @Rafael Brandão! Matt and I also had a session with Miguel in the Torture Room! I hope you guys enjoy this video!

Hey my tubes ❤️

We had another super busy week - which I’m extremely thankful for! Let me know in the comments your favorite part of the video ❤️💪🏼

Champion bodybuilder Missy Truscott stops into The Lair and talks to us about her inspirations, hobbies, favorite kicks, and more!

Been a couple weeks sorry for the delay in videos…I’ll explain in the up coming videos ❤️ Please enjoy my 2 guest performances from the Emerald Cup in Washington and the NPC Ironman and Ironmaidan in Minnesota 🙏🏻🏆

Big news! I signed with a new supplement sponsor! @Axe & Sledge Supplements this is kicking off my 2022 Olympia prep and I'm bringing you guys along with me! I had an awesome week at Elite FTS training with Dave Tate and had some tissue work done with The Torture Room Miguel! BIG THINGS TO COME!

This is week 19 of my Olympia prep! I'm starting to feel a lot better as the weight is coming off now and my cardio is increasing! Thanks for following along!

In this week video I'm 18/17 weeks out from the Olympia! Time stamps below! Thanks for watching!!

This week videos I'm 17 weeks out! The physique is starting to change on a weekly basis now!


We have lots going on the in this weeks vlog. Please make sure you check the time stamps 🙏🏻❤️

Time Stamps:
Intro: 00:00 - 0:38
Posing for beginners: 0:38 - 6:30
Matt's spin on the "Nick Walker Bowl": 6:31 - 12:04
Back day with Matt: 12:05 - 24:26
Trip to NY for Axe and Sledge: 24:26 - 40:42
Outro: 40:42 - 42:05

7 weeks out here! I actually have been sick for a couple days 😩 but starting to feel better today as as I upload this video!! Hope you all have a Happy Halloween and stay safe! 🎃❤️

Wow its been tough trying to kick this cold! 🤧😷 this week will be better! I can feel it 🫶🏼❤️🦈


Hey my tubes! We did it! I thanked you all in my winning speech on stage 🫶🏼🥇❤️

You all know I’m super positive and I’m a little hesitant on posting this because I didn’t want people to think I was making excuses if I didn’t win - that’s why I didn’t put our daily vlogs because I was so sick. Matt and I decided to stop filming but this is what we have 🥹 I’m so proud we pulled off the win my tubes 🫶🏼❤️🏆🥇

Let's get it! I'm taking you guys along with me for this new series where we're going to deep dive into my and Matt's life when it comes to my off season!

What an awesome week!! Thanks for coming with me!!



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