Kalleimmillaan lenkkarit olleet 50-60€ luokkaa. Tällä hetkellä käytössä viime kesänä ostetut lenkkarit (jotka maksoivat sen 50€) ja ihan hyvässä kunnossa vielä on.
"How frickin' natural is it for anyone to suck down huge amounts of protein that the body was not designed for. Or, to be so obsessed with the fact that if you don't get your next meal in the next hour, your whole gains come to a stop. See what I mean, bodybuilding itself is not a natural thing to undertake. Also, yeah, if you don't have something, Anabolics or anything else will not give it to you. You can't correct your insertions, your high calves, your high lats, unless you surgically alter them. Even then, how natural is that?"
-Dave Henry