- Liittynyt
- 17.4.2002
- Viestejä
- 319
Fallacy: All muscle hypertrophy is essentially the same
The impressively large and muscular physiques of bodybuilders, weightlifters, powerlifters and gymnasts may tend to create the impression that their shape is due to the same sort of muscle hypertrophy. Research by Russian scientists (Nikituk & Samoilov), however, has shown that there are at least two different types of muscle hypertrophy: sarcomere hypertrophy and sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, the first one associated with growth of the contractile components of the muscle fibers (the actin and myosin complex) and the latter with growth of the structures supporting and surrounding the contractile elements (the sarcoplasmic reticulum and sarcoplasm).
Sarcomere hypertrophy, maximally stimulated by Olympic weightlifting style training, results in significant increases in strength, unlike the sarcoplasmic variety, which is markedly increased by bodybuilding style training. The former, therefore, is of greater relevance to the weightlifter or any other athlete who needs functional hypertrophy for improving sporting performance, with the latter form offering minimal sporting benefits, unless sheer bulk is needed for superiority, as is often the case in bodybuilding posing and sumo wrestling. Obviously, then, one would be wary of relying largely on bodybuilding methods as a form of supplementary training for other sports.
Lähde: Mel Siff, Facts and Fallacies of Fitness, sivut 25-26.
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