Jean-François Delfraissy, l'equivalente oltralpe di Brusaferro, è convinto che potremmo avere un vaccino entro l'anno. "Francia e It…
There is talk of openness by region, age, profession .. What is the plan?
"It's the ongoing debate between our committee, the government and the Elysée. I can only tell you that we will not go from black to white. There will be shades of gray. We made the calculation of the people most at risk, including the elderly, cardiopaths, obese people and other pathologies. There are 17 million French people. This already makes you understand the complexity of the situation ".
Are we beginning to know how many French people are immunized?
"We have the first serological studies and unfortunately they are not encouraging. In the areas most affected by the epidemic we see that immunity is around 10 percent. From what I know it is the same in Lombardy. It is much less than what we we waited, and we hoped. We are very far from a natural immunity in the population. But there is another problem ".
"This virus is very particular. We noticed that the lifespan of the protective antibodies against Covid-19 is very short. And we see more and more cases of recurrence in people who have already had a first infection."
So nobody is really protected against coronavirus, not even those who have already fallen ill?
"It seems so. This is why our committee no longer recommends an immune license, a sort of pass for those who have had a first infection."
Jos tämä pitäisi paikkaansa, niin onkohan tuo ruotsalaisten, noiden omia koululaisiaan pelkäävien reppanoiden, strategia sittenkään se autuus ja onni...