
3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%
Jos nyt Trump kutsui Dana White kiitospuheessaan lavalle puhumaan, niin ehkä seuraavassa saadaan Engin Terzi sekoilemaan tai sitten ihan Devon ketamiini päissään.

Olisi aika mielenkiintoinen juonikuvio, tosin Devonille ei enää mitään mömmöjä 😄
Jos nyt Trump kutsui Dana White kiitospuheessaan lavalle puhumaan, niin ehkä seuraavassa saadaan Engin Terzi sekoilemaan tai sitten ihan Devon ketamiini päissään.

Ei ihan tyhjää maksettua puhetta, vaan ovat oikeesti frendejä ja Trump jeesas isosti kun UFC oli pulassa.
”This brand was so bad, venues didn't even want us. Arenas didn't want us. We had a hard time finding venues. Trump literally called us. He said 'Come to my place, do the event here. We'll have you at the Trump Taj Mahal.' We get there, greatest set up for us. Showed up at the first fight and he was there until the last fight. Both times we went there."
Ei ihan tyhjää maksettua puhetta, vaan ovat oikeesti frendejä ja Trump jeesas isosti kun UFC oli pulassa.
”This brand was so bad, venues didn't even want us. Arenas didn't want us. We had a hard time finding venues. Trump literally called us. He said 'Come to my place, do the event here. We'll have you at the Trump Taj Mahal.' We get there, greatest set up for us. Showed up at the first fight and he was there until the last fight. Both times we went there."
Ai tuo osoittautui todeksi, käy järkeen.

M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

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