
M-Nutrition EAA-valmisjuoma 24-pack

Pineapple Passion Fruit

Pikku esimerkki reeni minkä vedin tänään ennen duunivuoroa. Ei mitään ihmeellisyyksiä, mutta kandee kokeilla jos tylsää mitä paukuttaa apuliikepäivänä :D

a) Kiertoa ja nostatusta lekalla 3x10
b) Rannekääntö fatgripillä 3x10

a) Kiertoa ja nostatusta remmillä 3x10
b) Rannekääntö käsipainolla 3x10

Captain of crush

Hauiskääntö käsipainolla

Muscle up renkailla
20xOP (helpotettu)
1xOP (hidas negatiivinen)

Ylätalja yhdellä kädellä
5x 5s staattinen isoilla painoilla
Moldovassa käyty tänään yksi historian kovimmista kädenvääntökilpailuista!

Avoimen voittajalle 10 000e palkinto :)

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Moldovassa käyty tänään yksi historian kovimmista kädenvääntökilpailuista!

Avoimen voittajalle 10 000e palkinto :)

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Oikean avoin:
Aika kaunis tuo Olegin vasuri. Näkyy 6:30 paikkeilla.

Joo rupee olemaan aikamoista Total recal kamaa hanska :D

Tossa vielä kivaa lähikuvaa kisoista:


Grapefruit Lemonade

On rannelukkoa, nojaamista, itteensäpäin vetämistä, saa auttaa toisella kädellä tapista kiinni pitäen.. kaikki ironisesti pahinpia kuolemansyntejä kansan keskuudessa ku lajista keskustelee :D

Hauskoja nämä tavis säännöt muutenkin, kun kaikki niitä kuitenkin rikkoo tiukan paikan tullen, kun ainaki itse törmännyt siihen, ettei se baarin riskein jätkä nyt pienemmälleen voi (saa) hävitä vaan tulee mahdollisesti vielä lisää sääntöjä, että saadaan oikea mies voittamaan :D
Hauskoja nämä tavis säännöt muutenkin, kun kaikki niitä kuitenkin rikkoo tiukan paikan tullen, kun ainaki itse törmännyt siihen, ettei se baarin riskein jätkä nyt pienemmälleen voi (saa) hävitä vaan tulee mahdollisesti vielä lisää sääntöjä, että saadaan oikea mies voittamaan :D

Itteä huvittaa ehkä eniten tuo "rannelukon" uskomaton vihaaminen.

"Kuka tahansa voittaa jos ottaa rannelukon!"

Miksei ite ota sitten rannelukkoa jos se on kerta super helppoa ja tie varmaan voittoon?

Left Hand:
1. Oleg Zhokh
2. Andrey Pushkar
3. Levan Saginashvili (I think he’d beat Pushkar but until he does…)
4. Vitaly Laletin
5. Travis Bagent (arguably should be even lower/off, what’s he done the last year? I’m unimpressed by the way he seemingly avoided competition today. No reason he couldn’t vs. John RH but still pull tourney LH)
6. Devon Larratt
7. Krasimir Kostadinov
8. Alex Kurdecha (2nd 95+ after Pushkar, ahead of Lutidze)
9. Revaz Lutidze (3rd 95+, 4th in open, losing to Krasi in huge battle)
10. Evgeny Prudnik (lost to Stetsiuk in 95kg but Cristian wrote that it only happened due to war Prudnyk had with Sasho… Prudnyk also beat Kurdecha in open but lost to Revaz)
11. Sasho Andreev (lost to Prudnyk and ? Didn’t do opens)
12. Rustam Babayev (lost to Pushkar+Krasi in opens. Beat Trubin and Stetsiuk. Lost to Sasho+? in 95kg?)
13. Vadim Stetsiuk (2nd behind Krasi in 95kg but Cristian wrote he only beat Prudnyk due to war Prudnyk had with Sasho. Then he lost to Makeev and Rustam in open.)
14. Dmitry Silaev (consisdent top 3 finisher at EAF/WAF and 8th in current rankings, but lost to Rustam earlier this year at Lotoshino)
15. Alan Makeev (beat Stetsiuk first round of open category but how did he do in 95kg?)

Right Hand:
1. Dmitry Trubin (beat Pushkar)
2. Andrey Pushkar
3. Dave Chaffee (beat Trubin 10 months ago, but should’t go above Pushkar without beating him. Need to beat current #1 to take #1 spot IMO)
4. Michael Todd (the guy people love to hate… since we bring up Chaffee beating Trubin, Mike also scored 2 wins on Pushkar the same day… WAF rules)
5. Devon Larratt (maybe ranked too high… maybe not)
6. Jerry Cadorette (beat the Monster but lost to Larratt)
7. Rustam Babayev (wasn’t top 3 in open class but beat open class #2 to win 95kg)
8. Levan Saginashvili (could he beat Rustam, maybe… but the guy he always goes back and forth with just lost to Kurdecha…)
9. Evgeny Prudnik (2nd 95kg…. 2nd open at Moldova Open, with a win on Rustam. Also beat Kurdecha in open… this rank might be too high though? He hasn’t struggled to medal in 90/95kg the last couple years)
10. Revaz Lutidze (beat Kurdecha in 95+ class)
11. Alex Kurdecha (beat Genadi… also beat Silaev last year at Zloty, Silaev is current WAF Champ and also beat Genadi for 1st there, Levani too!)
12. Genadi Kivikvinia (4-2 over Bresnan, goes back and forth with Levani)
13. Tim Bresnan (will move higher after he beats Rustam )
14. Dmitry Silaev (current WAF 110+ champ, beating Genadi and Levani. Rustam smoked him earlier this year, at Lotoshino I believe. But below Levan, Kurdecha, ect. at Zloty)
15. Matt Mask (beat Devon once, Jerry once, in supermatches this year, but needs to pull others on this list and actually beat them, not just get 1 win in a series of matches, to move higher. Think he deserves to be ranked in top 15 though)

Left Hand:
1. Oleg Zhokh
2. Andrey Pushkar
3. Levan Saginashvili (I think he’d beat Pushkar but until he does…)
4. Vitaly Laletin
5. Travis Bagent (arguably should be even lower/off, what’s he done the last year? I’m unimpressed by the way he seemingly avoided competition today. No reason he couldn’t vs. John RH but still pull tourney LH)
6. Devon Larratt
7. Krasimir Kostadinov
8. Alex Kurdecha (2nd 95+ after Pushkar, ahead of Lutidze)
9. Revaz Lutidze (3rd 95+, 4th in open, losing to Krasi in huge battle)
10. Evgeny Prudnik (lost to Stetsiuk in 95kg but Cristian wrote that it only happened due to war Prudnyk had with Sasho… Prudnyk also beat Kurdecha in open but lost to Revaz)
11. Sasho Andreev (lost to Prudnyk and ? Didn’t do opens)
12. Rustam Babayev (lost to Pushkar+Krasi in opens. Beat Trubin and Stetsiuk. Lost to Sasho+? in 95kg?)
13. Vadim Stetsiuk (2nd behind Krasi in 95kg but Cristian wrote he only beat Prudnyk due to war Prudnyk had with Sasho. Then he lost to Makeev and Rustam in open.)
14. Dmitry Silaev (consisdent top 3 finisher at EAF/WAF and 8th in current rankings, but lost to Rustam earlier this year at Lotoshino)
15. Alan Makeev (beat Stetsiuk first round of open category but how did he do in 95kg?)

Right Hand:
1. Dmitry Trubin (beat Pushkar)
2. Andrey Pushkar
3. Dave Chaffee (beat Trubin 10 months ago, but should’t go above Pushkar without beating him. Need to beat current #1 to take #1 spot IMO)
4. Michael Todd (the guy people love to hate… since we bring up Chaffee beating Trubin, Mike also scored 2 wins on Pushkar the same day… WAF rules)
5. Devon Larratt (maybe ranked too high… maybe not)
6. Jerry Cadorette (beat the Monster but lost to Larratt)
7. Rustam Babayev (wasn’t top 3 in open class but beat open class #2 to win 95kg)
8. Levan Saginashvili (could he beat Rustam, maybe… but the guy he always goes back and forth with just lost to Kurdecha…)
9. Evgeny Prudnik (2nd 95kg…. 2nd open at Moldova Open, with a win on Rustam. Also beat Kurdecha in open… this rank might be too high though? He hasn’t struggled to medal in 90/95kg the last couple years)
10. Revaz Lutidze (beat Kurdecha in 95+ class)
11. Alex Kurdecha (beat Genadi… also beat Silaev last year at Zloty, Silaev is current WAF Champ and also beat Genadi for 1st there, Levani too!)
12. Genadi Kivikvinia (4-2 over Bresnan, goes back and forth with Levani)
13. Tim Bresnan (will move higher after he beats Rustam )
14. Dmitry Silaev (current WAF 110+ champ, beating Genadi and Levani. Rustam smoked him earlier this year, at Lotoshino I believe. But below Levan, Kurdecha, ect. at Zloty)
15. Matt Mask (beat Devon once, Jerry once, in supermatches this year, but needs to pull others on this list and actually beat them, not just get 1 win in a series of matches, to move higher. Think he deserves to be ranked in top 15 though)


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