ALDOgate - All information on the drug test
Here is information about the drug test and related fight information in a condensed form. If you have any other information and sources please provide it.
June 10
10:00 am - The drug tester arrives in Brazil by plane
01:29 pm - The drug tester attempts to contact Aldo's team to collect the sample
01:51 pm - Aldo's head coach, Andre Pederneiras, returned drug testers call, say he will attempt to locate Aldo
04:00 pm - Efforts by Aldo's coach were unsuccessful, drug tester and Pederneiras arranged for the test to be done the following day at 10:30 a.m. at Aldo's training facility.
June 11
10:30 am - Aldo arrives at his training center and meets drug tester. The process to get a urine sample starts
11:15 am - After 45 minutes of trying, Aldo has finished the urine sample. Before the drug tester can process the sample one of Aldo's trainers stops the process as the head coach was not there to witness it.
11:30 am - Pederneiras arrives at the training center, an hour after he told the drug tester to arrive, and says "I should have been here for the test" even though he is an hour late. He calls CABMMA to see if they are aware of the test.
11:31 am - As the drug tester attempts to argue his right to take the collected sample an off duty police officer who happens to be listening approaches the drug tester and asks for his passport. The off duty police officer immediately confiscates the drug testers passport. He then tells the drug tester his Visa is invalid.
11:45 am - CABMMA representative Christiano Sampaio arrived at the training facility and halts the test, claiming the test was not being conducted in accordance to Brazilian MMA procedures
12:00 pm - "Drug Free Sport", the agency the drug tester works for contacts a brazilian doping control officer to perform the test.
01:00 pm - The brazilian doping officer arrives but CABMMA representative Christiano Sampaio refuses him to test, stating that only a CABMMA collection officer would be allowed to collect the sample. At the same time Aldo's urine sample is destroyed as Aldo and the drug tester had lost contact with it.
06:00 pm - A second test was scheduled with Aldo to take place at the gym on June 12, conducted by a CABMMA doping officer and monitored by the American drug tester. The test was scheduled to take place between 8:30-9 a.m.
06:30 pm - Brazilian immigration officials arrived at the gym to review drug testers paperwork. Drug tester was fined and given eight days to leave the country, but he was approved to monitor the collection process of Aldo's sample the following day.
June 12
08:30 am - Drug tester arrives at Aldo's training center to find Aldo is not present.
11:40 am - Aldo finally arrives at training center 3 hours and 10 minutes late, he says he missed his drug test because he was trying to get a Visa.
11:49 am - Aldo finishes a urine sample, but while passing it to the CABMMA official he spills it and destroys the sample
12:29 pm - After an hour Aldo can provide another urine sample, this one he safely passes to the CABMMA official. It has now been 47 hours since a request for Aldo to give a urine sample was made.
12:30 pm - After CABMMA official hands sample to the American drug tester he poses for photo with Aldo and gets his autograph.
01:40 pm - Urine sample is shipped to the lab.
June 23
11:00 am - 10 days after the drug test whilst sparring Aldo suffers a rib injury, awaits further tests to determine if he can fight.
June 29 - One day prior to new drug testing scheme coming online Aldo pulls out from July 11 fight with McGregor. According to his doctor Aldo asks for and is granted a therapeutic use exemption from Nevada for corticosteroids and other usually banned substances to heal his rib.
July 1 - UFC's new USADA partnered drug testing scheme begins operation. Until Aldo's TUE's have expired he will receive no testing.
July 7 - Aldo's urine test he finally completed on June 12 comes back clean.
2:45 in the video here Rickson Moraes Aldo's doctor interview.
[reporter] Would it be considered doping if he took some kinda medicine to control the pain
[aldo doctor] Yeah if you perform an injection in this place with corticosteroids this is a doping. But we may, we may, we may report to the commission about the necessity of the injection, the corticosteroids. So they gave us a therapeutic use exemption for this medicine and we can, we can, use this kinda drug to improve the pain.
Eiköhän Aldon legacy ollut siinä. Olisi ollut hauska nähdä tuo kohta missä Aldo "vahingossa" läikyttää kusinäytteensä pilalle, kun oli antamassa sitä testaajalle :D