Siin oli sellanen "off-record" on record pätkä Roganista kommentoimassa Aldon olemusta parin tuotantotiimikaverin kanssa.
If you can't hear properly:
Rogan: Look how smooth his body looks.
Producer 1: Yeah, he looks good, huh Joe?
Rogan: No, he looks soft.
Producer 1: Oh he does?
Rogan: Yeah, he looks soft.
Producer 2: I agree Joe, i agree.
Producer 1: Around the middle you're saying?
Producer 2: Yep, yep, he looks soft.
Rogan: He looks deflated.
Producer 2: He looks soft, actually. You're right.
Rogan: He looks way different. But it could be that he's done a lot of cardio. Don't want to jump to conclusions. (producers talking about technical shit here, losing signal etc)
Producer 1: Who do you like Joe?
Rogan: Right now? I think I like Conor.
Producer 1: Same here.
Rogan: Aldo looks nervous as fuck too
Translation in the comments (No idea how accurate it is)
Aldo's speech: "Ofc we're sad for everything that happened, but we need to get over it. It's a sport! How many times we've won? Now we've lost. I've accepted it. It's ok! Now it's time to get back to the gym and get over it. - reporter: What do you want now? - Aldo: Ofc I want to get a rematch. Every other champ got their chances. And specially the way I lost, no excuses ofc because it was a very good strike and he was happy with that good connection. But, if it's God will, we'll be back stronger and get over this."
edit. toinen versio käännöksestä:
We were really sad with what happened, but we're gonna turn it around. I'm past it, it's a sport. Victory and defeat are part of it. How many times did we come out on top? Now, we lost. I'm at peace with it. I'll go back to the gym to train harder and I want a rematch. Every champion who's lost has gotten it, and I think doubly so because of the way I lost - and I don't mean this as an excuse, I did lose - he connected a good strike and got it done, but logically I want the rematch so we can come back much stronger.