BB PRO James "Flex" Lewis

3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%
Arriving may 2022!🎉

We get a little update from Flex Lewis ONE YEAR after his procedure. We also get a little insight as to what he's been up to for the past couple of months and what to expect in the future.


Flex and Dom get an easy leg workout in to get the legs going again and we hear a little from both gentlemen about recent events.
Andrew Jacked is in Las Vegas and gets a shoulder workout in with Flex Lewis as he takes another young talent and takes him through the ringer. Andrew Jacked is getting ready for the Arnold Amateur competition in March and will be training at The Lair until then. Let’s see if he can do what it takes!


Rafael Brandão & Dom Cardone train along side Flex Lewis at the Dragon’s Lair Gym in Las Vegas as Rafael prepares for the Arnold Classic Brazil.

M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe


Flex Lewis breaks down his thoughts on Rafael Brandão’s prep and talks about some exciting new projects coming to life soon!
Varmasti menee nyt terveys edellä, perhe ja menneet loukkaantumiset. Elättää itsensä muilla tavoilla kuin kilpailemalla jne. Uskomaton kaveri kehonrakentajana.

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