BB PRO James "Flex" Lewis

3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%
Voi elämä noita forkkuja.

Screenshot 2021-04-30 at 11.01.11.JPG
Vaikea sanoa ovatko, mutta kuitenkin kelpaisi Phil tai Lewis käsi geenit :unsure:


Flex is back at it going hard in the new Dragon’s Lair Las Vegas with the likes of Hassan Mostafa, Coach Neil “Yoda” Hill, Rafael Brandão, Shawn Rhoden, & our gym GM Justin Dees. In this video we see some chest, back, and leg workouts with a little bit of gym talk included.
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M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe

Sama tunne, kaikki poisjäämiset ovat olleet toki ymmärrettäviä joka vuosi, mutta hieman erikoista skipata tänäkin vuonna.

Jep ja vielä kun miettii sitä lisävastuuta ja kaikkea muuta mitä nämä suunnitelmat tuo mukanaan, niin kuinka paljon sitä keskittymistä riittää enää muuhun puuhasteluun?
JES! 💪
Tätä haastattelua olen odottanut siitä lähtien, kun Fouad alkoi viime vuonna puhumaan.
Aivan mahtava juttu kun vielä näin pitkänki sai eikä ollut vaivaista 60 min.


Time Stamps:
00:00 - Connor fight. 04:35 - Can you still be hungry when you're successful? 09:03 - Do you beat yourself up about working too hard?
14:14 - Strong mindset and where it came from. 19:04 - Leaving your family, the start in bodybuilding, Neil Hill.
27:28 - Loyalty, celebrating other peoples wins. 29:53 - Family upbringing. Business mindset at a young age.
40:55 - Leaving Wales, coming to America. 49:36 - First contracts. Earning money from bodybuilding.
52:13 - Manscaped ad. 57:30 - Flex's daughter. 1:05:22 - Having another child. Managing time.
1:10:50 - A couple more things and then I'll let you go, because we have been on for a while" 😂
1:12:04 - Competing against Hadi, going to the Open class, giving back. 1:20:08 - Winning the Olympia.
1:23:18 - Becoming an Open bodybuilder, weight, eating. 1:28:55 - Talking about the ups and downs.
1:33:07 - Flex's social media channels. 1:34:03 - Stem cells. 1:46:53 - The Dragon's Lair. Moving to Vegas.
2:00:28 - Being an ambassador. 2:03:24 - Car collection. 2:08:33 - QUICK HITS 2:11:27 - Saying goodbye but not really. 2:17:17 - The UFC.
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We follow Flex Lewis around as he goes about his day. Family matters, training, eating, and recovery take place as we hear a little insight as to why things happen the way they do in 2021 for the man himself.

In this video we take a look at what Flex Lewis thought of the Olympia this year and Flex gives us some very important news.


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