Tätä haastattelua olen odottanut siitä lähtien, kun Fouad alkoi viime vuonna puhumaan.
Aivan mahtava juttu kun vielä näin pitkänki sai eikä ollut vaivaista 60 min.
Time Stamps:
00:00 - Connor fight.
04:35 - Can you still be hungry when you're successful?
09:03 - Do you beat yourself up about working too hard?
14:14 - Strong mindset and where it came from.
19:04 - Leaving your family, the start in bodybuilding, Neil Hill.
27:28 - Loyalty, celebrating other peoples wins.
29:53 - Family upbringing. Business mindset at a young age.
40:55 - Leaving Wales, coming to America.
49:36 - First contracts. Earning money from bodybuilding.
52:13 - Manscaped ad.
57:30 - Flex's daughter.
1:05:22 - Having another child. Managing time.
1:10:50 - A couple more things and then I'll let you go, because we have been on for a while"
1:12:04 - Competing against Hadi, going to the Open class, giving back.
1:20:08 - Winning the Olympia.
1:23:18 - Becoming an Open bodybuilder, weight, eating.
1:28:55 - Talking about the ups and downs.
1:33:07 - Flex's social media channels.
1:34:03 - Stem cells.
1:46:53 - The Dragon's Lair. Moving to Vegas.
2:00:28 - Being an ambassador.
2:03:24 - Car collection.
2:08:33 - QUICK HITS
2:11:27 - Saying goodbye but not really.
2:17:17 - The UFC.