IFSA WC Koreassa 9-16-9-2007

  • Keskustelun aloittaja Keskustelun aloittaja Mike
  • Aloitettu Aloitettu
3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%
Tiukka tulee kyllä.. Paha on noista sanoa..:thumbs:
Nuot finaalilajit sopivat niin hyvin Savickasille, että pidän aika ihmeenä, jos hän ei voita jälleen kerran.
After 2 events.

1. Virastiuk 23,5 pkt
2. Poundstone 20
3. Blekaitis 19,5
4. Murumets 17
4. Robert 17
6. Savickas 12
7. Brusokas 9
8. Kokliajew 8
8. Katona 8
8. Hatfield 8
8. Mc Clure 8
12. Hams 6 pkt

Myös sellainen tieto tuli vastaan, että eka laji(rekan veto) olisi keskeytetty 9 kilpailijan jälkeen. Eli voi olla, että kolme kilpailijaa ei ole suorittanut ekaa lajia.

"First event Truck pull after 9 competitors stop. I don`t know whats happend.

In Yoke won Virastiuk with Blekaitis time 11,34

5. Szczepanski

Farmers walk 160 kg per hand
1. Virastiuk
2. Murumets
3. Poundstone
4. Szczepanski

In saturday 4 events.

Sorry, only this I know."

Frame Walk
Virastyuk 52.63m
Murumets 49.9m
Poundstone 48.84m
Szczepanski 40.8m
Blekaitis 36.54m
Katona 32.53m
Hatfield 32.29m
McClure 28.54m
Kokylaev 25.5m
Savickas 25.25m
Brusokas 13.42m
Hams 12.65m

Virastyuk 11.34s
Blekaitis 11.34s
Poundstone 14.37s
Savickas 14.56s
Szczepanski 14.94
Brusokas 14.97s
Murumets 17.19s
Hams 18.19s
Kokylaev 19.16s
McClure 20s
Hatfield 20.06s
Katona 20.69s

The competition started under a tent because of the expected rain. The first event, bus pull, began after a long delay. Organizers spent a long time on the bus' tires to make the pull harder. Vidas Blekaitis started first followed by 8 more competitors. Best time of all who completed the event was by Vasyl Virastyuk, in the area of 23 sec. The ninth to go was Andrus Murumets. He had a strong pull and pulled the bus all the way, however at the finish line the bus' brakes gave out and Murumets was ran over by the bus. Fortunately Murumets was not hurt.

Then the circus began. At first everyone was happy that Murumets was not hurt, then the deliberation began whether the event can be continued. On one hand there was still 3 competitors who were yet to go (Koklyaev, Brusokas and Savickas), on the other hand it started raining and the course began to flood, on top of all that no one was sure that the same incident would not repeat. Organizers made attempts to dry the course and checked the brakes, however half an hour later the decision was made to abandon the event. It was also decided that the 3 competitors who did not get to do the bus pull will go first in the next event.

Attempts were made (by Savickas and others) to argue the point that timber walk is a strategic event and it makes a big difference to know your opponents' result before you go. It was proposed to draw lots for the starting order, however Virastyuk categorically refused. It was argued that what occured wasn't the last 3 guys' fault but it didn't matter.

The first pair to go in the farmer's walk were Koklyaev and Brusokas, next to go were Savickas and Hams. As expected, each pair that followed got better times than the first two. What a shame. It felt as if this was another GP, not the Championship of the World. Next was the super yoke. There was some strange refereeing. One example was Derek Poundstone dragging the yoke for part of the course, yet his result counted.

Just before the start of the final it was announced that there will be no Conan's circle but no reason why was mentioned. As a result the events changed to:

Day 1:
Timber walk
Super yoke - 410 kg.

Day 2:
Manhood stones - 170 kg. for reps, 155 cm., 140 cm. and 125 cm.
DL for reps - 340 kg.
Apollon's axle for max
Medley - sack for 25 m., famer's for 25 m. and shield for 25 m.
1. Virastiuk 57,5
2. Kokliajew 52,5
3. Savickas 51,5
4. Poundstone 50,5
5. Mrumets 46,5
6. Blekaitis 41,5
7. Szczepanski 40,0

1. Misha Kokylaev 6 ylitystä

2. Vasyl Virastuk 5

2. Robert Szczepanski 5

4. Dearek Poundstone 4

4. Van Hatfield 4

4. Tom McClure 4

7. Zydrunas Savickas 3

7. Andrus Murumets 3

7. Saulius Brusokas 3

10. Vidas Blekaitis 2

11. Erwin Katona 1

11. Jarno Hams 1


1. Zydrunas Savickas 200kg (UUSI ME)

2. Misha Kokylaev 195kg

3. Andrus Murumets 190kg

4. Vasyl Virastyuk 185kg

5. Saulius Brusokas 180kg

6. Derek Poundstone 170kg

6. Tom McClure 170kg

6. Jarno Hams 170kg

9. Van Hatfield 165kg

9. Vidas Blekaitis 165kg

11. Ervin Katona 160kg

12. Robert Szczepanski 150kg


1. Zydrunas Savickas 11 toistoa

1. Misha Kokylaev 11

3. Van Hatfield 8

4. Vidas Blekaitis 7

4. Derek Poundstone 7

6. Ervin Katona 6

7. Andrus Murumets 5

7. Robert Szczepanski 5

9. Jarno Hams 3

10. Saulius Brusokas 1

11. Vasyl Virastyuk 1

12. Tom McClure 0

4. MEDLEY 100kg säkki 25m, 182kg kilpi 25m, 125kg farmit 25m

1. Vasyl Virastyuk 55.54sec

2. Zydrunas Savickas 59.06sec

3. Misha Kokylaev 59.76sec

4. Andrus Murumets 66.69sec

5. Derek Poundstone 76.94sec

6. Vidas Blekaitis 82.35sec

7. Robert Szczepanski 87.06sec

8. Saulius Bruskoskas ; Kilpi 15.09m

9. Tom McClure; kilpi 10,89m

10. Van Hatfield; kilpi 3.43m

11. Ervin Katona; säkki 25m

12. Jarno Hams (loukkaantui maastavedossa)

M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe

Meni sitten vähän perseelleen koko kisat, ainakin tuon jutun perusteella. Onko tuo nyt sitten lopullinen lista, ilmeisesti on?

1. Virastiuk 57,5
2. Kokliajew 52,5
3. Savickas 51,5
4. Poundstone 50,5
5. Mrumets 46,5
6. Blekaitis 41,5
7. Szczepanski 40,0

Kärkikolmikko oli sitä mitä sopi odottaakin, mutta tais Sitruunalta ja Mishalta loppua lajit kesken. Kovassa kunnossa oli kyllä varmasti myös Virastuk.
Joo tuo on lopullinen lista.

Olipa huono suoritus Savickasilta kivissä, ottaen huomioon, että oli viime vuonna ykkönen kivissä ME ajalla ja oli Arnold Classicissa kakkonen kivissä tänä vuonna. Kivet olivat juuri yksi niistä lajeista, missä odotin Savickasilta paljon kun veikkasin häntä koko kisan voittajaksi.


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