Ei kannata tehdä noin. Excelissä saa vaakasuoraan "vain" 256 saraketta, eli et saa vuotta kasaan. Pystysuoraan mahtuu sen sijaan 65 000 riviä (noin 180 vuotta), joka kyllä riittää toviksi jos toiseksikin.
Jos tulee paljon dataa per päivä, niin kannattaa harkita suosiolla jotain tietokantaratkaisua.
Edit: Excelin autofill toimii näin:
Automatically fill in data based on adjacent cells
By dragging the fill handle of a cell, you can copy that cell to other cells in the same row or column. If the cell contains a number, date, or time period that Microsoft Excel can extend in a series, the values are incremented instead of copied. For example, if the cell contains "January," you can quickly fill in other cells in a row or column with "February," "March," and so on. You can create a custom fill series for frequently used text entries, such as your company's sales regions.