BB PRO Evan Centopani

EAA-valmisjuoma 24-pack

Pineapple Passion Fruit

SUPER WHEY ISOLATE (3,9 kg) -24%
"15 years ago... Holy shit I feel old now..." :D


3 kpl M-Nutrition EAA+

Mango - Hedelmäpunssi - Sitruuna - Vihreä omena

Evan ja Universal taas yhteistyössä :rock:
Many of you know that I began my bodybuilding career with the support of Universal Nutrition. It was Animal that introduced me to bodybuilding fans around the world and helped me to establish myself as a professional. They have secured their place in this industry as a brand that pledges their allegiance to the people; the fan, the enthusiast and the hardcore athlete alike. When trust, service, respect and the ever-present desire to do what is right serve as the fundamental precepts of how you do business, the resulting institution is more family than anything else. That’s something worth being a part of. I’m both proud and excited to announce that Animal and I will be working together once again. There really is no place like home. @animalPak
Zone-sarja -42%
Centopani palasi sinne mistä ei koskaan olisi kannattanut markkinointi miesten perässä lähteäkkään, hienoa!

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