BB PRO Evan Centopani

Tätä kaveria on kyllä mukavaa kuunnella. Pystyy heittämään melko hyvää juttua vaikka on varmasti aikamoinen suhina päällänsä jo tuossa vaiheessa kisaurakkaa.

Nineteen days out from the Arnold Classic, Evan Centopani blasted out a leg workout at Golds Gym in New Haven, Conn. On hand to capture this event was Ron Harris with video and Per Bernal with photos. In part one, Centopani does a real number on his quads as he hits cardio on the stepmill, cranks out some leg extensions, and suffers through a torturous session on the leg press with his training partner Chris Tuttle. Enjoy!

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3 kpl M-Nutrition Anabolic Overdrive 6 kg

Orange - Sweet berry - Rasberry kiwi


In part 2 of Evan Centopani's quad blast, he explains how he took them from a weak bodypart into a strong point. Watch him rep out 500-pound squats - AFTER heavy drop sets of leg presses - then put the finishing touch of torture on his quads with brutal supersets of walking lunges and hack squats!

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Oonko ainoo kenen mielestä evanin puhetyyli ja ääni kuulostaa ihan phil heathilta :D Jos pitäs pelkkää puhetta kuunnella en erottas.
VIDEO: Chest training 2.5 weeks out from 2012 ASC

Evan Centopani has overpowering shoulders and triceps. Awesome, right? Not if you're trying to build a set of pecs worthy of the Arnold Classic title! At 18 days out from the big day, The Ox shows us how his strategy of pre-exhausting his chest with not one but two isolation movements has gone a long way toward beefing up his pecs since last year. If you're not totally happy with your chest development, this is one MD video you'd better not miss!
neljännellä yrityksellä pääsin kattomaan tuon uusimman rintareenivideon. Aiemmin iski erroria jostain syystä.

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