BB PRO Dorian Yates

3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%
HYH #11 Dorian Yates - Phil Heath - Rivalry - 90’s guest posing - India Trip - heros - psychedelic experiences - DMT and Mushrooms - Costa Rica ayawasca journey - June 2 Costa Rica ayawasca journey - History of mind altering herbs - Daily health routine - Nutrition, exercise - yoga - Wim Hof method - Human potential - visualization - vegetable based diet - MDMA - Cannibis - Olympia 2019 - Focus - early life - minimalism
Yates ollu 3.5% rasvoissa kuukaus enne kisoja :O
As an aspiring bodybuilder in Birmingham, Dorian “the Shadow” Yates never thought he’d compete at the level of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lee Haney, Frank Zane and other Mr Olympia winners. That attitude soon changed with success, winning Mr Olympia six consecutive times. His is a story of confidence, determination and belief that we can all learn from for anything that we do.
We all want a bigger chest? Well who better to learn from than Six Time Mr Olympia Dorian Yates! In this video we run through a full workout on how to build a bigger chest with Dorian Yates We trained at the awesome m13 gym in Marbella that is superb, a definite must, we also discuss his developments with DY nutrition and the plans for the future! If your serious about your chest training, this is a must!

The Workout: Warm Up - 1 set on lat pulldown 8-10 reps (~50% intensity)
A: Pullover Machine Set 1: Warm up 6-8 reps (~50% intensity) Set 2: Working set 8-10 reps (70-90% intensity) Set 3: Push to concentric and eccentric failure 10 reps (100% intensity)

B: Under Hand Grip Lat pulldown- Set 1: Warm up 8-10 reps (~70% intensity) Set 2: Working set 8-10 reps (70-90% intensity) Set 3: Push to concentric and eccentric failure 10+ reps (100% intensity)

C: Bent Over Single DB Row Set 1: Working set 8-10 reps (70-90% intensity) Set 2: Working set 8-10 reps (70-90% intensity) Set 3: Push to concentric failure 10+ reps (100% intensity)

D: Seated Cable Row (Pronated Grip - Shoulder Width) Set 1: Working set 8-10 reps (70-90% intensity) Set 2: Working set 8-10 reps (70-90% intensity) Set 3: Push to concentric and eccentric failure 10+ reps (100% intensity)

E: Reverse Pec Dec Fly Set 1: Warm up 8-10 reps (~70% intensity) Set 2: Working set 10-12 reps (70-90% intensity) Set 3: Push to concentric failure 12+ reps (100% intensity)

F: BB Deadlifts (Top 2/3s of movement - constant tension) Set 1: Warm up 6-8 reps (~70% intensity) Set 2: Working set 8-10 reps (70-90% intensity) Set 3: Push to failure until form gets sloppy 8+ reps (100% intensity)

*No set tempo - each exercise generally consisted of squeezing the contraction and controlling the negative (eccentric) portion of the movement.
*No set rest period - each set was performed once I had got my breath back and was fully recovered.

Kuinka paljon maksaisi Dorianin vetämä treeni Marbellassa :cautious:
Viimeksi muokattu:

M-Nutrition juomat hurjassa alessa, jopa puoleen hintaan


Joo tossa ei sarjoilla kerskuta! Mutta jos sen naulan lyö yhellä lyönnillä pohojaa nii mikspä sitä enempää hakkaa ;) Dorian ilmeisesti kouluttamassa virallista PT tiimiä tolle omalle tyylilleen.


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