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Itse asiassa liian usein syömisestä voi olla jopa haittaa lihastenkasvatukselle. Mutta se on sitten aivan toinen aihe.<--- voisko joku lyhyesti kertoa miks tost olis haittaa?
Ysikymppisellä ollut tylsää? :D
- Tuosta HIIT:istä... Kun olet enemmän perehtynyt aiheeseen, kerropas oletko törmännyt sellaiseen ilmiöön että keho normalisoi rasvojen ja sokerien käytön energiaksi vuorokausitasolla? Itse olen joskus löytänyt tällaisia tuloksia mutta nyt ei jouda kaivamaan artikkeleita. Niiden mukaan HIIT:in aikana käytetään paljon sokereita energiaksi, mitä kroppa kompensoi treenin ulkopuolella käyttämällä vastaavasti enemmän rasvaa.
Despite the elevation of glucose and insulin following high-CHO meals during recovery, CHO oxidation and PDH activation were decreased, supporting the hypothesis that glycogen resynthesis is of high metabolic priority. Plasma fatty acids, very low density lipoprotein triacylglycerols, as well as intramuscular acetylcarnitine stores are likely to be important fuel sources for aerobic energy, particularly during the first few hours of recovery.
Entäpä oletko perehtynyt HIIT:in vaikutuksiin esim. testotasoihin? Voisin kuvitella että em. syistä esim. painoilla toteutettava intervallitreeni olisi huomattavasti parempi rasvanpolton kannalta kuin juosten tehty. Samalla myös aerobista juoksulenkkiä paljon parempi. Sinähän varmaan näppäränä pubmedittajana kaivat tälle joko tuomion tai puollon ;)
J Sports Sci. 1995 Aug;13(4):305-11.
Influence of aerobic versus anaerobic exercise on the relationship between reproductive hormones in men.
Hackney AC, Premo MC, McMurray RG.
Applied Physiology Laboratory, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 27599, USA.
This study examined the effects of equal anaerobic and aerobic total work outputs on the relationship between reproductive hormones in men. Nine subjects performed three randomized trials on separate days: (1) 1 h period of rest (control), (2) 1 h continuous aerobic exercise (65% VO2 max), and (3) 1 h intermittent anaerobic exercise (which included 2 min exercise periods at 110% VO2 max). The total work output of the aerobic and anaerobic trials were equated. For the 8 h after each experimental trial, blood samples were collected hourly and analysed for testosterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), prolactin and cortisol. Diet, physical activity and circadian influences were all controlled. Compared with the control, the aerobic and anaerobic trials significantly (P < 0.05) elevated testosterone, prolactin and cortisol; however, these changes were transient and returned to control levels within 1-2 h of recovery. Neither exercise produced significant (P > 0.05) changes from control for LH and FSH. The area under the hormonal response curves (AUC) was calculated for the 8-h recovery period. The testosterone and LH AUC results did not differ (P > 0.05) among the trials (the FSH AUC was not calculated). The prolactin AUC for the aerobic and anaerobic trials were greater (P < 0.01) than the control trial. The cortisol AUC for the anaerobic trial was greater than both the control and aerobic trials (P < 0.05), but the aerobic and control trials did not differ from one another.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
One session involved intermittent water resistance training at a Borg-scale intensity of 19 (W19), whereas the other involved continuous water aerobic training at an intensity of 13 (W13). The samples were used to determine salivary levels of free testosterone and cortisol. There was a significant increase on salivary testosterone in both groups after the W19 protocol (p < 0.05), but no such alteration was observed after W13
The subjects performed, in random, order two 28-min treadmill running exercises at a velocity associated with VO(2max): 14 bouts of 60-s runs with 60 s of rest between each run (IR(60)) and 7 bouts of 120-s runs with 120 s of rest between each run (IR(120)).
Hormone levels remained unchanged compared to the pre-exercise levels during the recovery days and there were no significant differences between the two exercise bouts in any of the observed post-exercise day-to-day response
No change from PRE was observed in testosterone or T:C
Both groups replaced part of their usual training with 8 30-minute sessions consisting of sets of explosive single-leg jumps alternating with sets of high-intensity cycling sprints performed at either low cadence (60-70 min(-1)) or high cadence (110-120 min(-1)) on a training ergometer
Testosterone concentration in each session increased by 97% +/- 39% (mean +/- between-subject SD) in the low-cadence group but by only 62% +/- 23% in the high-cadence group.
A total of 286 subjects were randomly assigned to moderate-intensity exercise (approximately 60% maximal oxygen uptake (VO(2max)); group 1, n=143) and high-intensity exercise (approximately 80% VO(2max); group 2, n=143) groups. The two groups exercised for 60 weeks in five sessions per week, each session lasting 120 min
Blood samples were drawn for the determination of the levels of the following hormones: LH, FSH, prolactin, testosterone (T), free testosterone (fT), inhibin B, and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). The HPT axis was assessed using GnRH and human chorionic gonadotropin tests. After 24 weeks of exercise, the subjects exercising with high intensity demonstrated significantly declined semen parameters compared with those exercising with moderate intensity (P=0.03). Serum T and fT began to decrease, and serum SHBG began to increase at the end of 12 weeks with both moderate- and high-intensity exercises. The serum LH and FSH concentrations decreased below the baseline level at 12 weeks in both groups (P=0.07 in group 1 and 0.03 in group 2). Both groups had blunted LH and FSH responses to GnRH
(1) progressive exercise to exhaustion, (2) prolonged exercise of 50 min duration at the anaerobic threshold of 4 mmol . l-1 blood lactate (AE), (3) a single bout of short-term high-intensity exercise at 156% of maximal exercise capacity in the progressive test, leading to exhaustion within 1.5 min (ANE
Testosterone and oestradiol increased by 14% and 16% during ANE and by 22% and 28% during AE
Serum testosterone, cortisol, and the testosterone/cortisol ratio did not change at any time for the CWT group
The strength exercises caused elevated ratios of cortisol:testosterone and cortisol:insulin, indicating a prevalence of stimulation of catabolic processes as well as of mobilization of energy reserves but during the recovery period the reverse of this was observed
Gary Taubesin
Our results demonstrate that 1) low muscle glycogen content has variable effects on the basal transcription of select metabolic and myogenic genes at rest, and 2) any differences in basal transcription are completely abolished after a single bout of heavy resistance training. We conclude that commencing resistance exercise with low muscle glycogen does not enhance the activity of genes implicated in promoting hypertrophy.