BB PRO Derek Lunsford

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Derekillä on kyllä hyvä pää harteillaan, ottaa kakkossijan todella kypsästi. Aloin tuossa miettimään että ketä muita on sijoittunut toiseksi ekassa olympiassaan. Yates 1991, Levrone 1992, Flex wheeler 1993. Ihan ok tason joukkoon siis liittyy. Onko tuon jälkeen muita saman tehneitä?
Ei taida olla. Joten todella pieneen eliitti ryhmään pääsi.


Time Stamps: 00:00 - Intro, the debut & feelings about it, coming down to 212. 06:09 - The offseason with Hany. The guest posing & going to open. 13:03 - Working with Hany while he works with Hady. 16:45 - Walking thru peak week. Press conference, meet & greet. 24:44 - Growing as a person and why. Mental strength, perspective. 40:54 - Hype and how it effects you. Religion & people around you. 46:34 - Thoughts on the show, prejudge, elation afterwards. 59:43 - Getting ready for finals. Posing routine. Walking through finals. 1:09:01 - Were you able to be present and in the moment. 1:11:49 - The thought process during the final two moment. 1:14:13 - Thoughts on next year. 1:17:39 - Social media fun. Showing more personality. 1:24:12 - Wrapping up.


Derek Lunsford moved up from reigning 212 Olympia champion to nearly upsetting the whole field of open competitors and placing 2nd at the 2022 Mr. Olympia. This feat was possible due to a few key variables, one of those being Derek's meticulous and methodical way of training. Hany Rambod, Derek's coach, has utilized many forms of training but one that sticks out both for its insane pump and the mental fortitude it requires to complete it is called FST-7.
The whole idea is to complete 7 sets with sub max weight and only 30 seconds of rest in between. The FS stands for fascia stretching - the insane pump achieved from 7 sets and not letting the blood dissipate from the target muscle is the angle for this super intense training technique.

Here Derek Lunsford takes us through his leg training post Mr. Olympia.

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