DC asiantuntijaa??


Pineapple Lemonade, 24 tlk


Markku Tikka

3 590
Treenasin aikanaan hyvin tuloksin DoggCrapp systeemillä ja olen taas kahlannut läpi Danten tekstejä, kun olen yrittänyt löytää, että puhutaanko niistä missään tiettyjen lihasryhmien priorisoinnista.

Ainoat Danten suosittelemat treenijaot, joihin olen törmännyt ovat:

DC 2-jakoisena:
1. Rinta, olkapäät, ojentajat, selkä leveys/paksuus
2. Hauikset, kvarret, pohkeet, taka-, etureidet

DC 3-jakoisena:
1. Rinta, olkapäät, ojentajat
2. Hauis, kvarret, selkä leveys/paksuus
3. Pohkeet, taka-, etureidet

Tottakai pystyn itse sellaisen prio-ohjelman äkkiä tekemään, mutta nyt olisi siis haussa tietoa aiheesta Danten itsensä kirjoittamana. Ajattelin kysyä täältä apua, että onko joku sellaiseen törmännyt??? Sillä noita DC tekstejä on "muutama" sivu ja minulla tuskin edes on kaikkea mitä aiheesta on netissä yleisessä jaossa.
2 jakosessa voi keskittyä myös heikkoihin lihasryhmiin. pitää vaan käyttää omaa päätä :)


3 jakosessa on sitten vähän erillaiset mahdollisuudet. silloin heikolle lihakselle tehdään yleensä "wm" sarja normi rest pause sarjojen jälkeen.


tässä vielä danten tekstiä:

The only way personally Ive ever been able to get up someones weak bodypart is I have to find a key exercise that i usually call "widowmakers" (an exercise that lends itself to a powerstroke for lack of a better word). And I take that key exercise and bomb it with heavy weights and high reps coming down to lower reps over time. I have the person perform it starting out for 20-30 reps and over time (months) i keep the weight constantly going up and the reps very slightly coming down. I try to find exercises that are like the leg press where there really isnt a hitch, pause or weak link in the exercise and it can just be repped out with alot of power and in pretty strict form. I have the person use this key exercise every single time that bodypart comes up in rotation. For example for biceps because full preacher curls have that bottom range sticking point/hitch and barbell curls get to the point where your doing reverse grip high pulls (cheating) I would go with something like preacher curl machine half reps where you go half way down and then back up again. (again alot of power and alot of weight can be added over time). An alternative exercise I would have someone do is undergrip chins while leaning slightly backward on a assisted (kneeling) chin dip apparatus. For a lagging chest ill use pec deck push presses (you put your hands on the pads and turn it into a power press exercise) or other power exercises. For triceps Ill have them do kneeling assisted dips (deep full range) again for 30 reps starting out and every single time triceps comes up you have to add weight and/or drop reps (every single time-progressive progressive progressive weight is the mindset). For lats i use this exercise I developed called "pulley row high pulls", these hurt like a bastard. I have people do these widowmaker exercises after their main rest pause training (I only do all this with advanced trainees FOR GOOD REASON). What i have people do with any widowmaker exercise is start off heavy but for 25-30 reps and over time and weeks and months it looks something like this.

Ill use hypothetically pulley row high pulls
(next time bodypart comes up)
(next time bodypart comes up etc)
and so on and so on and so on over time till that person gets down to a point where they are using such heavy ass weights they can only get 8-10 reps with it--lets say in the above case maybe 245x9. At that point they switch to another key exercise for that bodypart and brutalize it, destroy it and widowmaker it. I do the above and also have them stretch that bodypart religiously for up to 90-120 seconds in an extreme stretch position. I usually have 3 main rest paused exercises for bodyparts that get rotated every time that bodypart is hit (2x every 8-9 days) but again this above widowmaker exercise is done every single time that bodypart comes up in rotation.
Regardless of all this, Ive honestly never seen anyone who had certain weak bodyparts after 2 years of hard training turn those same bodyparts into their standout bodypart. In my opinion your weak bodyparts in the beginning will be your weak bodyparts in the end. Milos Sarcev will never make his arms his standout bodypart, Craig Titus could never make his chest his standout bodypart, Jeremy Freeman could never make his triceps his standout bodypart and so on....but with alot of effort I do believe people can improve their weaker bodyparts

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