From his wife christina on mayhem:
We are finally back home, and very happy to be here! Our week in Pasadena was nothing short of hell. It started on Thursday while I was shaving Mark my oldest Madison (age 7) complained of a stomachache. I told her to lay down in our bed and get some rest. Well about two minutes later she was puking from both ends. She threw up about 15 times!! I took her to the ER, because she was severely dehydrated. They gave her an IV of fluids and anti-nausea meds, but was still sick the following day. On Saturday while we were at prejudging I received a phone call from my mother-in-law that my 5 year old, Lauren, had just puked. So we left immediately back to the hotel. I decided to stay with her during the finals that night....good thing too. About 5 minutes after everyone had left, I started puking from both ends.
Mark and the others returned from the night show, only to tell me my youngest Julia had thrown up at the show. So I put her in bed with Lauren and I. The two of them in the bed, and myself at the foot of the bed. You see 3 year olds are lucky if they puke in the target and I really wasn't in any condition to be cleaning up after anyone. So I figured if we all were close together it would be easier for me to help them out. Mark left after returning from the show, feeling funny, he thought maybe he was just hungry. Unfortunately when he returned he realized he was sick too.
He began to vomit at about 11:30 at night. By 2:30am I barely got down the stairs to check on him, he was in horrible condition. The smell in the room sent me to the kitchen vomiting. I urged him to call 911 or have his father take him to the ER. He refused, but an hour later he decided it was best for him to get some help.
The combination of being in contest shape and the stomach flu had been devastating to his body. He weighed in at 211 on Friday, he weighed in at 202 at the hospital. He was admitted for a night, as they gave him continuous IV's and anti-nausea meds. The doctor told him it would be disastrous to try and deplete anytime soon, and Mark has decided to heed that warning. If he were to compete at the Arnold depletion would begin on Sunday, in 4 days, which simply isn't enough time for his body to recover, especially since he has yet to go to the bathroom normal and his stomach is still not back to normal.
At the time we couldn't understand why Mark was holding water on Saturday, when on Friday he was in such great condition. Just looking at the pics from the weigh in to the pics from Saturday the change in his conditioning is noticeable. Looking back now, Mark had all the signs he was getting the flu early on Saturday, he just thought it was the normal pains of condition. We now know the bugs were in his system, they just hadn't manifested themselves yet.
The stomach flu has been going around our gym and our area schools for a month now, I guess it was our turn. Unfortunately it couldn't have hit us at any worse time. We are blessed to have made it home, and that we are all doing well now.
My heartbreaks for Mark and our family, 16 weeks of dieting, a year of training, and he didn't truly get the opportunity to present what he had worked so hard for. I say our family, because the sacrifice that are made in this sport aren't only those of Mark's, but of the families, as we all give up something for him to be in this sport. It really truly is a team sport.
The bright side is, Mark will continue to steadily improve and is more motivated that ever. He has proved that he will be a contender in this sport. With the support of our family, his determination, consistency, Lord willing, Mark has many years to prove himself and continue to make is mark in bodybuilding.
Blessings to all,