- Liittynyt
- 17.8.2006
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Mrna rokotteet herättää ainakin huolia monissa. Joka on normaalia.
NOin 40ssä päivässä kyhätty rokote on turvallinen ja pakko ottaa jos haluaa kahville 2022 luvun suomessa herättää oikeutetusti kysymyksiä.
Suurin huoli on pitkäaikaisvaikutukset, piikkiproteiinit on myrkyllisiä jne. Onko näihin syytä? Tåtä on tutkittu erittäin herkillä mittareilla 18-35 kertasilla annoksilla. Eikä siltikään ole kertynyt elimistöön.
''Of these three parts, I most often see mRNA and its spike protein cited in safety concerns. But they all travel together. We have to understand where before we think about risks. The intramuscular route (
) dramatically limits travel to most organs |''
The study administered 50 micrograms of lipid nanoparticles to each rat. As explained by David Gorski, a professor of surgery at Wayne State University and editor of Science Based Medicine, this would effectively translate to a much higher dose in rats than in humans. This is due to the large difference in body weight:
Ja sille on syy miks rokote lyödään lihakseen, se estää sen, että se lähtee kiertelee ympäri elimistöö merkittävissä määrin.
Rokotteita on annettu miljardeja. NOin 30-50k ihmistä saanut jo 2vuotta sitten ensimmäiset.
Mitä mrna rokote pitää sisällään: Jaan tän kolmeen pää ''raaka-aineeseen''. Muut pystyy ostamaan jokainen kaupasta.
Lipidipartikkeli- eli rasvaa ja Polyetyleeniglykoli joka on laksatiivi.
Jota on tutkittu mm. LASTEN UMMETUKSEN HOITOON. https://www.kaypahoito.fi/nak08617
(ei äkkiseltään kuulostaa kauheen vaaralliselta)
Ummetuslääkkeenä käytetään 5-10 gramman annoksia. Rokotteessa sitä on 50 mikrogrammaa.
Tuhansia kertoja vähemmän. Jos peg pelottaa, älkää juoko maitoa, hedelmiä tai hilloa.
Ja sitten viestin viejä rna/mrna- Nukleioidihappo ''koodi'' joka kuljetettu proteiinin solun sisään.
''The final, most essential ingredient, of course, is some messenger RNA (mRNA), a type of nucleic acid, the code of which is “translated” into protein inside a cell.
This type of RNA is present in virtually all of our cells: our genes, encoded in DNA, are first transcribed into mRNA before being translated into proteins.
In the case of vaccines, mRNA molecules are delivered and translated,
but they subsequently decay and disappear entirely over the days following vaccination, without the possibility for renewal.
After all, we have no gene to refresh the vaccine-delivered mRNA encoding the spike protein.
Once this mRNA is cleared from our bodies, the spike protein too is gone, ( ja tämä tapahtuu suurimmilta osin muutamassa päivässä. Kaikkineen rippeineen viimestään 28vrkssa.)
having shortly existed as just one of tens of thousands of proteins in any given cell.''
Rokotteen kaikki ainesosat me tiedetään ja tunnetaan.
Jotka näitä kyhää tietää miten elimistö toimii sekä tietää miten nämä aineet toimii biologisesti ja fysiologisesti.
''To understand risk in this case, you need to understand what is happening in your body. The exact immune response elicited by COVID-19 vaccines varies between products,
but in all cases, T cells are primed and move out of the lymph nodes looking for a fight just days after the first dose is administered.
Systemic antibody levels rise substantially, increasing in abundance and affinity for the spike
protein after the second dose, which functions as a trigger to enhance immunity and convince your immune system that this particular foreign protein is something you may regularly
encounter and thus deserves to be taken seriously.
''Putting all this together, the implications for the long-term safety argument are clear. Interpreting personal risk based on complex data can certainly be overwhelming. There is no absolute certainty in biology and medicine; that is for the pure mathematicians. Yet it is crucial to recognize that the same holds true for any applied science—including all the engineering that goes into constructing the buildings we live and work in, the cars we drive in, and the bridges we cross every day.
It is natural and important to be concerned about safety, and there is no doubt that COVID-19 has caused an unprecedented disruption to our lives. But the right question to ask isn’t whether we have absolute certainty; it’s whether we have enough certainty. And in the case of the COVID-19 vaccines, the evidence is overwhelmingly clear: we do.''
Part 1. Halusitte tai ette, mä kyhään näitä lisää.
NOin 40ssä päivässä kyhätty rokote on turvallinen ja pakko ottaa jos haluaa kahville 2022 luvun suomessa herättää oikeutetusti kysymyksiä.
Suurin huoli on pitkäaikaisvaikutukset, piikkiproteiinit on myrkyllisiä jne. Onko näihin syytä? Tåtä on tutkittu erittäin herkillä mittareilla 18-35 kertasilla annoksilla. Eikä siltikään ole kertynyt elimistöön.
''Of these three parts, I most often see mRNA and its spike protein cited in safety concerns. But they all travel together. We have to understand where before we think about risks. The intramuscular route (

The study administered 50 micrograms of lipid nanoparticles to each rat. As explained by David Gorski, a professor of surgery at Wayne State University and editor of Science Based Medicine, this would effectively translate to a much higher dose in rats than in humans. This is due to the large difference in body weight:
“The human vaccine contains […] basically ~0.46 mg lipids or 460 μg. Let’s just round it up to 500 μg (0.5 mg). That’s approximately 10x the dose given to the rats. However, for the typical ‘70 kg’ male, 0.5 mg represents a per-weight dose of 0.0071 mg/kg, or 7.1 μg/kg. Let’s compare to the rats, which generally weigh around 200 g (0.2 kg), give or take, at 8 weeks, which is the usual age rodents are used for experiments. That would translate to a per-weight dose of ~250 μg/kg. Even if you used much older rats, who can weigh as much as twice as much, that would still translate to a dose of 125 μg/kg. So we’re looking at a lipid nanoparticle [dose] of ~18-35 times higher (as a rough estimate) than the typical adult human dose.”

COVID-19 vaccines don’t affect ovaries or fertility in general; the vaccines are highly effective at preventing illness and death
Real-world evidence shows that the COVID-19 RNA vaccines are highly effective at preventing illness and death. There is evidence indicating that spike protein during infection can lead to damage, but this isn’t representative of the situation in vaccination. The level of spike protein generated...
Ja sille on syy miks rokote lyödään lihakseen, se estää sen, että se lähtee kiertelee ympäri elimistöö merkittävissä määrin.
Rokotteita on annettu miljardeja. NOin 30-50k ihmistä saanut jo 2vuotta sitten ensimmäiset.
Mitä mrna rokote pitää sisällään: Jaan tän kolmeen pää ''raaka-aineeseen''. Muut pystyy ostamaan jokainen kaupasta.
Lipidipartikkeli- eli rasvaa ja Polyetyleeniglykoli joka on laksatiivi.
Jota on tutkittu mm. LASTEN UMMETUKSEN HOITOON. https://www.kaypahoito.fi/nak08617
(ei äkkiseltään kuulostaa kauheen vaaralliselta)
Ummetuslääkkeenä käytetään 5-10 gramman annoksia. Rokotteessa sitä on 50 mikrogrammaa.
Tuhansia kertoja vähemmän. Jos peg pelottaa, älkää juoko maitoa, hedelmiä tai hilloa.
Ja sitten viestin viejä rna/mrna- Nukleioidihappo ''koodi'' joka kuljetettu proteiinin solun sisään.
''The final, most essential ingredient, of course, is some messenger RNA (mRNA), a type of nucleic acid, the code of which is “translated” into protein inside a cell.
This type of RNA is present in virtually all of our cells: our genes, encoded in DNA, are first transcribed into mRNA before being translated into proteins.
In the case of vaccines, mRNA molecules are delivered and translated,
but they subsequently decay and disappear entirely over the days following vaccination, without the possibility for renewal.
After all, we have no gene to refresh the vaccine-delivered mRNA encoding the spike protein.
Once this mRNA is cleared from our bodies, the spike protein too is gone, ( ja tämä tapahtuu suurimmilta osin muutamassa päivässä. Kaikkineen rippeineen viimestään 28vrkssa.)
having shortly existed as just one of tens of thousands of proteins in any given cell.''
Rokotteen kaikki ainesosat me tiedetään ja tunnetaan.
Jotka näitä kyhää tietää miten elimistö toimii sekä tietää miten nämä aineet toimii biologisesti ja fysiologisesti.
''To understand risk in this case, you need to understand what is happening in your body. The exact immune response elicited by COVID-19 vaccines varies between products,
but in all cases, T cells are primed and move out of the lymph nodes looking for a fight just days after the first dose is administered.
Systemic antibody levels rise substantially, increasing in abundance and affinity for the spike
protein after the second dose, which functions as a trigger to enhance immunity and convince your immune system that this particular foreign protein is something you may regularly
encounter and thus deserves to be taken seriously.
''Putting all this together, the implications for the long-term safety argument are clear. Interpreting personal risk based on complex data can certainly be overwhelming. There is no absolute certainty in biology and medicine; that is for the pure mathematicians. Yet it is crucial to recognize that the same holds true for any applied science—including all the engineering that goes into constructing the buildings we live and work in, the cars we drive in, and the bridges we cross every day.
It is natural and important to be concerned about safety, and there is no doubt that COVID-19 has caused an unprecedented disruption to our lives. But the right question to ask isn’t whether we have absolute certainty; it’s whether we have enough certainty. And in the case of the COVID-19 vaccines, the evidence is overwhelmingly clear: we do.''
Part 1. Halusitte tai ette, mä kyhään näitä lisää.