Virallinen Mr.Olympia 2005 thread

  • Keskustelun aloittaja Keskustelun aloittaja Jonny
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M-Nutrition EAA-valmisjuoma 24-pack

Pineapple Passion Fruit

Perhanan Flexonline, olen yrittänyt päästä sisälle 15min, mutta jostain syystä pääsivu ei aukene.
Victor Martinez -- Holey Moley! Victor's in shape -- Could be a little bit sharper -- Waist is streamlined, hams are cut and hanging --
Branch Warren -- Improved his upper body but lacks detail -- His legs are outstanding but for him just a little flat this time -- Could be a lot sharper in the upper body --
Etusivulla rullaa yläreunassa. Sinne tulee vain yksi juttu kerrallaan eikä mitään historyä ole, joten jos sopii niin kopsailen alkuvaikutelmat tänne?
-- Overall a little way off from his 2002 peak -- His midesection is streamlined -- Front lat spread knock out -- kukas tää on?
-- Jay Cutler -- Jay is sharp and full -- Back double biceps much improved -- Although there is an inbalance between his left and right thigh
-- His best ever -- Abs are deep -- Stomach noticeably distended -- Jay edelleen kai? (voi viulu miten idiootti systeemi)
-- Chris Cormier -- Has been a lot sharper -- Seems to be enjoying himself -- Great shape. But just not deeply cut in the way he needs to be. May struggle to be in the top 6.
-- Ronnie Rockel -- WOW! He's as sharp as a tack. His tan is a bit off-putting. Has great proportion and detail. Great abs. -- Great shape. But just not deeply cut in the way he needs to be. May struggle to be in the top 6. -- If the new advisory is in force he should make the top 10
ring his legs up to that level. He's weighing 305 pounds but with his height needs to add even more muscle to be complete. A good showing in his O debut -- Ronnie Rockel -- WOW! He's as sharp as a tack. His tan is a bit off-putting. Has great proportion and detail. Great abs.
-- Gustavo Badell -- First impression midsection looks under control. Hams tremendous. Great side chest. He's cut and full. Back is wider and thicker. Front thighs are a little flat.
ression midsection looks under control. Hams tremendous. Great side chest. He's cut and full. Back is wider and thicker. Front thighs are a little flat.
-- Quincy Taylor -- Great upper body. Needs to bring his legs up to that level. He's weighing 305 pounds but with his height needs to add even more muscle to be complete. A good showing in his O debut
-- Darrem Charles -- Biceps peak amazing. Best lat spread ever for him. Milking each mandatory pose with showmanship. Sharper and tighter than at his two pro wins earlier in the year. Possibly the greatest serratus ever.
no niinpas onkin. Onpa typera tapa laittaa ne eetteriin. Olisivat nyt edes tehneet sivun josta nakyis komenttihistoria. Laita vaan ihmeessa kommentit jos viitsit, muuten ne jaa suurimmalta osalta nakematta
Cutlerilla imbalanssia vasemman ja oikean jalan koossa...terävä ja täysi, back double bi kehittynyt paljon...
Cormier nauttii menosta, mutta kireyttä puuttuu.

edit. Dopey ehtii vikkelästi, mutta onpahan tässä suomennoksia porukoille :D
Joo ubertyperä systeemi kun ei nää edellisiä kommentteja.

EDIT: editoin näitä tuonne ylös edelliseen postiin niin ei threadi kasva turhaan.
EDIT2: no nyt siellä pyörii muutama edellinenkin loopissa - mitä näitä turhaan etukäteen suunnittelemaan :hyper:
Onkin mielenkiintoista nähdä ketkä pääsevät ensimmäiseen call-outtiin. Nythän menee vasta henkilökohtaiset poseeraukset.


Grapefruit Lemonade

Ei pääse enää editoimaan, vähän toistoakin tässä:
-- Jay Cutler -- Jay is sharp and full -- Back double biceps much improved -- Although there is an inbalance between his left and right thigh
-- Chris Cormier -- Has been a lot sharper -- Seems to be enjoying himself -- Great shape. But just not deeply cut in the way he needs to be. May struggle to be in the top 6.
-- Ronnie Rockel -- WOW! He's as sharp as a tack. His tan is a bit off-putting. Has great proportion and detail. Great abs. -- Great shape. But just not deeply cut in the way he needs to be. May struggle to be in the top 6. -- If the new advisory is in force he should make the top 10
-- Gustavo Badell -- First impression midsection looks under control. Hams tremendous. Great side chest. He's cut and full. Back is wider and thicker. Front thighs are a little flat.
-- Quincy Taylor -- Great upper body. Needs to bring his legs up to that level. He's weighing 305 pounds but with his height needs to add even more muscle to be complete. A good showing in his O debut
-- Darrem Charles -- Biceps peak amazing. Best lat spread ever for him. Milking each mandatory pose with showmanship. Sharper and tighter than at his two pro wins earlier in the year. Possibly the greatest serratus ever.
-- Fedorov -- Absolutely enormous legs. His waist is thickish and he doesn't have the condition he had at the 2004 Russian Grand Prix. His pec injury is obvious. Avsolutely massive arms. Side tricep amazing.
-- Mustafa Mohammad -- Legs are ridiculous. He's hard and full and just a mass of muscle. Massive back. Should be in contention for a top 10 spot.
-- Ronnie Coleman -- Legs full and shredded. Maybe 20 pounds lighter than last year. Still totally massive. Hams and glutes ripped. Still looks to have a problem with his left lat. Could be sharper.
Coleman 20 paunaa tiukempi. Lights out.
pexxi sanoi:
Coleman 20 paunaa tiukempi. Lights out.
Jos kommentti on "could be sharper" ei luultavasti homma ole vielä ohi. Järjettömän challenge roundin ansiostahan koko homma on kiinni viimeisestä posesta.
Dopey sanoi:
Jos kommentti on "could be sharper" ei luultavasti homma ole vielä ohi. Järjettömän challenge roundin ansiostahan koko homma on kiinni viimeisestä posesta.

Tana vuonna Challenge Round on erillinen kisansa, eika vaikuta Mr. O'n lopputulokseen.
Mulla näkyy Kikkeligrilli selittämässä jonkun fitnesshoron kanssa jotain. Onko oikea lähetys? Tuoltako tulee livekuvaa kisasta? Grilli kertoi että kohta tulloo Lee Priest lähetykseen.

Noi mainokset on kyllä äklöttäviä kun joku Melvin selittää joku purkki kourassa miten hän turposi tällä ja tällä sponsorituotteella ihan vitusti.

Menee hermot tota katsoessa kun joku Twinlabin kuikelo puhuu paskaa tuotteista. Ei voi katsoa. :david:
Oikeastaan ihan hyva systeemi luoda mielenkiintoa kisaan. Ainoa huono puoli on se, jos joku muu kuin Mr. Olympia voittaa sen, alkaa kauhea itku ja spekulointi kuka on paras, mutta tuota nyt on liikkeella joka tapauksessa koko ajan...


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