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Joskus osuu silmään näitä kiropraktiavideota, mutta tämä kyllä sai repeilee. Kohdassa 13:00 tulee mielenkiintoinen apuväline mukaan kehiin. Erityisesti huvitti ton potilaan tukahdutetut huudot koneen äänen yli :D :D

15:00 eteenpäin on suunnilleen sama mitä JTO:kin suosittelee. Bilteman kiillotuskone, löytyy kotoa ja toimii kyllä! :) Tolla saa hyvin jumit auki varsinkin selästä.
Bard Harin highlight. Ite diggaan kyseisestä henkilöstä pirusti!

Onhan se helvetin taitava, vaikkakin vähän epäurheilijamainen aika ajoin :)
Hurjaa katsottavaa tuo vastustajien mestaaminen. Ottelutyylistä välittyy aika hyvin sellainen vihan, raivon ja aggression sekoituksen tunnetila.
Onhan se helvetin taitava, vaikkakin vähän epäurheilijamainen aika ajoin :)
Hurjaa katsottavaa tuo vastustajien mestaaminen. Ottelutyylistä välittyy aika hyvin sellainen vihan, raivon ja aggression sekoituksen tunnetila.

Joo onhan sillä pari äksidenttiä sattunu ja availi vähän tota asiaa siinä dokkarissa mikä siitä oli. Tuossa vielä copypaste wikipediasta tuosta Harin agressiivisuudesta. About his violent eruptions, Hari has said: "I am able to explode at any moment. [...] When my brakes are off, it's just one big clump of explosion, chaos and noise, and I become blind to it all. [...] A storm, a hurricane, a disaster. [...] There just is a certain aggression inside of me, of which I don't know what to do with and neither where it comes from."

3 kpl M-Nutrition Anabolic Overdrive 6 kg

Orange - Sweet berry - Rasberry kiwi

Joo onhan sillä pari äksidenttiä sattunu ja availi vähän tota asiaa siinä dokkarissa mikä siitä oli. Tuossa vielä copypaste wikipediasta tuosta Harin agressiivisuudesta. About his violent eruptions, Hari has said: "I am able to explode at any moment. [...] When my brakes are off, it's just one big clump of explosion, chaos and noise, and I become blind to it all. [...] A storm, a hurricane, a disaster. [...] There just is a certain aggression inside of me, of which I don't know what to do with and neither where it comes from."

Ehkä se on jo muidenkin turvallisuuden kannalta ihan hyvä, että on löytänyt itsensä tämän lajin pariin :)
Parempi se on ringissä noi pahimmat höyryt päästellä.

Ya, this trick is not an illusion. In fact, it is not a "trick" at all. In some water cells, especially when a curtain is used, the escape artist may actually have an air pocket. Sort of like Houdini's milk can trick. There is not really any danger. But when they do this particular escape with a real cell, no false tops, etc., they really have to hold their breath until they can pick the locks. A lot of escape artists will always use false handcuffs, or easy open handcuffs during water tricks, to minimize the risk, but obviously these were real. To me it looked like she took waaaay too much time on the handcuffs. And obviously she wanted to get the manacle off of the one wrist, when she probably should have started working on the top, as she already had the cuffs free on the left wrist. But, that is not how she wanted to perform the trick, as she wanted to pick all the locks. Now I am not sure whether she was beyond her breathholding capacity, or whether her body just happened to freak out on this particular occasion. Because obviously she has practiced holding her breath underwater many times. Holding your breath underwater is completely different fom holding your breath while out of the water, mainly due to the pressure, but also the stress, etc...It takes practice. It is a good thing she was able to start breathing on her own again. I did wonder if this was part of the trick though, as it is definitely more exciting than the regular way it is done. I don't know if that is true though. And if not, who was the moron who was actually laughing?

Ei mitenkään erityisen miellyttävää nähdä ihmisen hukkuvan.

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