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Huhu Fibosta:

"According to rumors from FIBO there is a new Pro Bodybuilding federation on the horizon - (head quaters in Asia?) As far as we have heard for Mens Pro competitions! Seems like there are talks about new shows as early as 2006! And it looks BIG & REAL!!!!! We are sure that something is in the making............we will keep you updated with news as the story develops!"

Lähde: Muscletime
Onhan nämä NABBAt, WABBAt ja WBF:t nähty. Eiköhän tuo IFBB jatkossakin porskuta omassa sarjassaan, viime aikojen muutoksista huolimatta.

Edit: Toisaalta, onhan siellä idässä varmasti kilpailijapotentiaalia; Kaikki Kiinan pingisvelhot pumppaamaan... :hyper:
Saa nähdä miten WFF Finlandin käy. Jäsenmaita liitolla onkin nykyisin jo yli 60 ja esim. vuonna 2004 maailman mestaruus-kilpailuihin osallistui yli 200 fitness-urheilijaa. Myös kehonrakentajat ovat kiinnostuneita osallistumaan WFF: n järjestämiin kilpailuihin, ja heidän määrä onkin lisääntynyt vuosittain. Siksi kehonrakentajille onkin omat sarjansa Miss ja MR. EXTREME Fitness.

WFF: n kilpailuissa on kolme sarjaa:

* Miss Aerobic Fitness
* Miss Fitness
* Mr. Fitness

Näistä kukin sarja on edelleen jaettu viitteen kategoriaan:
* Classic Fitness
* Performance Fitness
* Athletic Fitness
* Super Athletic Fitness
* Extreme Fitness ( Body Building )

Painorajoja ei ole, sillä tuomarit jakavat kunkin sarjan kilpailijat eri kategorioihin kilpailijoiden kunnon mukaisesti. Myös kunkin kilpailun taso määrittelee, mihin kategoriaan tuomarit kilpailijan asettavat.

"New Federation - Overheard @ Rimini Trade Show

Seems like a Japanese Contest Group is behind the new Pro Federation. It has done the following so far:
1. They have contacted over 20 IFBB Pro Ahtletes. And most of them are interested in the Tokyo show.
2. A former IFBB official and judge has been hired by the Japanese group to work on the event.
3. IFBB officials in Australia and New Zealand have been contacted about representing the group and running Pro events for them in Australia and New Zealand.
4. The Japanese group is looking to start their own magazine and will be approaching writers and photographers from the BB world to work for them."

Lähde: Muscletime
Pro-Pain sanoi:
"New Federation - Overheard @ Rimini Trade Show

Seems like a Japanese Contest Group is behind the new Pro Federation. It has done the following so far:
1. They have contacted over 20 IFBB Pro Ahtletes. And most of them are interested in the Tokyo show.
2. A former IFBB official and judge has been hired by the Japanese group to work on the event.
3. IFBB officials in Australia and New Zealand have been contacted about representing the group and running Pro events for them in Australia and New Zealand.
4. The Japanese group is looking to start their own magazine and will be approaching writers and photographers from the BB world to work for them."

Lähde: Muscletime

Erittäin hienoa, jos tulee vähän säpinää tällekin alalle. Moni ammattilainen lähtee varmasti mukaan, jos rahaa lyödään pöytään tarpeeksi.

Tuo kohdan 2. henkilö on varmasti Wayne S. DeMilia, joka loi lähes nollasta IFBB:n ammattilaisjärjestelmän.

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