Tässä hieman sääntökertausta teille sanchez, Vilu ja Jm1, kun ette tunnu ymmärtävän vapaaottelusta mitään.
Judges shall evaluate mixed martial arts techniques, such as effective striking, effective grappling, control of the fighting area, effective aggressiveness and defense. Evaluations shall be made in the order in which the techniques appear, giving the most weight in scoring to effective striking, effective grappling, control of the fighting area and effective aggressiveness and defense.
Effective striking is judged by determining the number of legal strikes landed by a contestant and the significance of such legal strikes.
-Tässä ottelussa kumpikaan ottelija ei saanut osumia perille, koska Guida juoksi pakoon koko ottelun.
Effective grappling is judged by considering the amount of successful executions of a legal takedown and reversals. Examples of factors to consider are take downs from standing position to mount position, passing the guard to mount position, and bottom position fighters using an active, threatening guard.
-Alasvientejä ei nähty. Maynardilla ainoa lopetusyritys, joten pieni etu hänelle.
Fighting area control is judged by determining who is dictating the pace, location and position of the bout. Examples of factors to consider are countering a grappler's attempt at takedown by remaining standing and legally striking; taking down an opponent to force a ground fight; creating threatening submission attempts, passing the guard to achieve mount, and creating striking opportunities.
Effective aggressiveness means
moving forward and landing a legal strike or takedown.
-Maynard kontrolloi kehän keskustaa Guidan juostessa pakoon koko ottelun ajan. Etu Maynardille.
Effective defense means avoiding being struck, taken down or reversed
while countering with offensive attacks.
-Guida väisteli Maynardin osumia hyvin, muttei edes yrittänyt iskeä vastaan.
Seuraavana vuorossa sääntörikkeet.
Fouls- (with explanations where warranted)
The following are fouls and
will result in penalties if committed:
23. Timidity (avoiding contact, or consistently dropping the mouthpiece, or faking an injury
Timidity is defined as any fighter who purposely avoids contact with his opponent, or runs away from the action of the fight. Timidity can also be called by the referee for any attempt by a fighter to receive time by falsely claiming a foul, injury, or purposely dropping or spitting out their mouthpiece or other action designed to stall the fight
Scoring the foul to be performed by the Scorekeeper
Fouls may result in a point being deducted by the official scorekeeper from the offending mixed martial artist's score. The scorekeeper, not the judges, will be responsible for calculating the true score after factoring in the point deduction.
Only a referee can assess a foul. If the referee does not call the foul, judges shall not make that assessment on their own and cannot factor such into their scoring calculations.
Eli sääntöjen mukaan tuomari olisi voinut ottaa Guidalta pisteen jokaisessa erässä ilmiselvien ja jatkuvien sääntörikkeiden takia. Voi kunpa tuomareilla vain olisi enemmän munaa tehdä näin.