Ufc 111 ***spoilers***

3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%
kannattaa totutella tuohon gsp:n "makaamiseen"se nimittäin tulee olemaan mestarina vielä pitkään:hyper:

Eikä haittaa ainakaan minua yhtään. Mielellään katson tuon jätkän "makaamista" vaikka useammin ;) vaikka kuulostaakin hieman hintahtavalta


Siinä sitä Carwinin kokoa..
GSP:llä on 20 voittoa, joista 14 lopetuksella (yksi keskeytetty vastustajan haavan takia) ja 6 päätöksellä. Tässäkin matsissa lopetusta haettiin, mutta Hardy oli vaan sitkeä. Jonkun Alvesin ja Fitchin lopettaminenkaan ei ole ihan helpoin homma.

No näinhän se on, mutta viimeisestä 4:stä matsista 3 on decision voittoja. Ja kyllähän Gepsillä yritystä oli lopettaa ihan tosissaan matsi, mutta ei vain onnistunut. Fitchillä ei mun mielestä isompaa yritystä ole edes hakea lopetusta.
Siinä sitä Carwinin kokoa..

Brockilla on tossa kengät jalassa, kun taas Carwin on paljain jaloin. Brock on kuitenkin sentin pari pidempi kuin Mir, joten varmaan sellaiset 5-7 pidempi kuin Carwin. Reachi on kaiketi aika sama molemmilla. Brock varmaan pudottaa vähän enemmän vaa-alle painoa, ainakin jos pääsee vanhoihin massoihin.
No ei kyl mun mielestä millään nois kaikis videois tehny samaa, yhes piti chokin iha liian kauan mut mun mielest iha jees jos pitää lukon siihen asti et joku pysäyttää...

Pitää lukon on eri asia ku vittu vääntää loppuun asti ja vähän päälle niin että luut pamahtelee. Kai tos voi joku järkikin olla mukana... Kunnon apina tää Palhares.

Offarii: tokan videoklipin musa on eeppinen. Tulee aina Prideä ikävä kun ton kuulee. :D

Nyrkkienkin kokoero selvisi.
mun mielestä lesnar käyttäyty yllättävän asiallisesti tässä kohtaamisessa, ehkä sillä on vähän enemmän respectia shane carwinia kohtaan tai jotain...
isommaltahan tuo Carwinin nyrkki näyttää. hanska hieman vääristää mutta ei Lesnarilla ainakaa isompi ole.
Kaikkein puhutuin aihe sai selityksen eli miksi Pellegrinon slämmi ei ollut laiton:
"It should be noted that when a fighter is placed into a submission hold by their opponent, if that fighter is capable of elevating their opponent, they may bring that opponent down in any fashion they desire because they are not in control of their opponent's body," Lembo wrote. "The fighter who is attempting the submission can either adjust their position or let go of the hold before being slammed to the canvas."

M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe

Tuossa näkyy tuo nyrkkien kokoero paremmin.

Eikö nyt kuitenkin parempi vertailukuva ole toi ylempi, jossa kädet ovat kohdakkain samalla tasolla. Tossa tokassa kuvassa Carwinin käsi näyttäis olevan lähempänä kameraa..
Eikö nyt kuitenkin parempi vertailukuva ole toi ylempi, jossa kädet ovat kohdakkain samalla tasolla. Tossa tokassa kuvassa Carwinin käsi näyttäis olevan lähempänä kameraa..

Samaa mieltä, sivustapäin otettu kuva kertoo paljon enemmän kuin viistosta otettu kuva.
GSP'stä ja miehen dominoinnista kertova artikkeli, mm. pystyssä ollessa iskujen vaihdoista edellisiä neljää vastustajaa vastaan..


Georges St. Pierre's Dominance, By The Numbers

Mike Chiappetta is an MMA Writer for FanHouse

Twitterholic and UFC President Dana White said that during last Saturday's UFC 111 title fight between Georges St. Pierre and Dan Hardy, his Twitter feed – which is followed by over 1 million people – was blowing up with negative feeback on the fight.

The fans, it seemed, were not overly impressed by St. Pierre's systematic five-round beatdown of Hardy. Perhaps the fight was so dominant, so lopsided, that to them it bordered on boring. The somewhat absurd corollary to this is that people believe Hardy's stock shot up with the performance while St. Pierre's dipped.

Oh, really? The guy on the beating end gets a credibility boost for surviving while the guy on the business end of the punches somehow suffers? That's preposterous. Hardy does deserve credit, but if you think his survival was something to behold, it is only because of the attack that came his way. Either they both get credit, or neither does; I accept the former. St. Pierre's performance shows that he is true to his word of trying to break down a fight to a mathematical formula, and here are the statistics to prove it.

As the statistics – culled from our friends at Compustrike -- explain, he's simply on another level from the rest of the UFC's best welterweights, as evidenced by his last four performances, against Hardy, Thiago Alves, B.J. Penn and Jon Fitch. St. Pierre has dominated each of them.

First of all, let's put to rest the theory that says St. Pierre is afraid to stand up with strikers. The fact is that St. Pierre has easily out-struck his opposition in the standup.

In the four fights, St. Pierre landed 197 of 401 standup strikes (49 percent). His opponents landed 141 of 426 (33 percent). Most telling are the stats against Alves, who is considered the most dangerous striker of the bunch and had finished five of his previous six opponents with KOs or TKOs. GSP easily won the standup battle in a bout that had plenty of striking action. St. Pierre landed 62 of 132 standing strikes (47 percent) while Alves landed just 47 of 166 (28 percent). And there's no argument that St. Pierre blanketed Alves for the win. As the stats show, the fight was equally contested on the feet and on the ground; St. Pierre threw nearly half of his strikes on his feet (132 standing, 136 on the ground). Alves had his chances; he was simply out-classed.

That said, the building block of St. Pierre's attack is his wrestling. Based on near-perfect timing and seamless transitions, St. Pierre's wrestling continues to bear fruit with stunning effectiveness. In his last four fights, he's attempted 35 takedowns and completed 29, a staggering 83 percent clip. Against Hardy, he was a perfect 9-for-9. That wasn't the only jaw-dropping stat he authored against his recent British challenger. He avoided every single one of Hardy's standing arm strikes against him; Hardy was 0-for-17 in head-hunting. It seems likely that St. Pierre thought his ground advantage was so substantial against Hardy, there was literally no purpose to engaging him in the standup.

St. Pierre apologized for his performance after the fight, but he has nothing for which to be sorry. Football teams don't apologize for routing an opponent 42-0, neither do baseball teams for a rout or tennis players for steamrolling a foe in one-sided fashion. He simply dissected Hardy and overwhelmed him in his most vulnerable area. Everyone enjoys a good slugfest, but if you want MMA to be considered a sport, you can't complain about fighters employing actual strategy.

Many will complain about St. Pierre's lack of finishes (only Penn didn't make it to the final bell with him in that four-match stretch), but that's a function of the toughness of his opponents as much as St. Pierre's inability to close them out.

Think about the streaks that those opponents had been on before facing him:

• Hardy had won 12 of 13 (only loss coming via DQ) and hadn't been finished since 2005
• Fitch was on a 17-fight unbeaten stretch and hadn't been finished since 2002
• Alves had won 9 of 10 with his only loss coming to the aforementioned Fitch

That's a combined record of 38-2 just before facing St. Pierre, yet he steamrolled each of them. He knocked down Fitch four times during the course of the fight in a hellacious beating. He smashed Alves around for five rounds. He came close to submitting Hardy twice, and in truth, other fighters might have tapped from either the kimura or arm bar he applied.

St. Pierre hasn't lost a round on a judge's scorecard since round one against Josh Koscheck in Aug. 2007. That's 25 straight rounds of dominance, with no end in sight. If you criticize him for finishing only one of his four most recent opponents, you truly aren't seeing the bigger picture: he's fighting the best welterweights in the world and he's literally embarrassing them.
Eikö nyt kuitenkin parempi vertailukuva ole toi ylempi, jossa kädet ovat kohdakkain samalla tasolla. Tossa tokassa kuvassa Carwinin käsi näyttäis olevan lähempänä kameraa..

Ylempi kuva on melko suttunen ja vastaavasti Lesnarin käsi hieman lähempänä kameraa.
Ei mulle sinänsä väliä kummalla on isompi käsi, pisti vaan silmään tuo kokoero ku kuvan näin.
Ei kyllähän tuo nyt on todella tärkeää saada todistettua että Lesnarilla on isompi nyrkki! Merkkaa todella paljon ensi matsissa

Carwin is an absolute beast of a man. At 6’2”, weighing an impressive 264 lbs. (one pound beneath the heavyweight limit), Carwin required special gloves to be made for MMA competition, currently and officially wielding the biggest fists in the UFC. Outdoing even Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar’s size 4-X fist pads, Carwin’s 5-X gloves properly suit his monstrosity of a fist, though you have to wonder if a glove is going to help anyone on the receiving end of a punch that big and powerful.
tää uutinen paljastu ankaks myöhemmin, Carwin ite sano käyttävänsä ihan samoja hanskoja kuin Lesnar..


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