IronMind juttu Slovakian kisasta
Konstiantyn Ilin Wins SCL Slovakia
by Randall J. Strossen, Ph.D. | ©2011 IronMind
“Although the top athletes were not there, because of their WSM preparation, it was still a very hard event in Slovakia,with 7 events in one day,” SCL cofounder Marcel Mostert reported to IronMind today.
“Ilin won the ninth stage of the Monster Milk Strongman Champions league in Kosice – Slovakia. Local hero Golier Brano got second and Tomi Lotta from Finland took third place. The events were the Log lift for reps , Grip Medley (Farmer’s Walk / Frame Carry / Car carry ), Car Deadlift , Super Yoke, Conan’s Wheel , Tractor Pull and Atlas Stones . . . in just one day and 30 degrees [86 F], is a serious strength test.
“We started at 2 p.m. and finished at 7 p.m., with a great crowd and a very happy winner, Konstiantyn Ilin from the Ukraine. It was his first win ever in the Strongman Champions League. Ervin Katona remains the overall leader in the SCL ranking," said Mostert.
Here are the top 12, officially:
1. Konstantin Ilin (Ukraine) 79.0
2. Branislav Golier (Slovakia) 76.0
3. Tomi Lotta (Finland) 72.0
4. Gregor Stegnar (Slovenia) 64.5
5. Warrick Brant (Australia) 60.0
6. Ákos Nagy (hungary) 59.5
7. Tomasz Kowal (Poland) 59.0
8. Jiří Žaloudek (Czech) 49.0
9. Pavol Jambor (Slovakia) 49.0
10. Peter Puszér (Slovakia) 47.5
11. Patrik Baboumian (Germay) 46.5
12. Plamen Svetanov (Bulgaria) 24.5
“The semi finals in Canada is coming near, at 29 September, the start of an absolute top field, as announced before on IronMind,” Mostert said.
“And it will be exciting: Four days long, and with 10 events to do, it won’t be easy for nobody to get crowned as the first SCL winner of Canada ever.
“Meantime, SCL wishes all athletes good luck at the World’s Strongest Man in the USA,” said Mostert.