The Ultimate Fighter: Team GSP vs. Team Koscheck

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Jumalauta että toi Kösekki on ärsyttävän olonen jannu. Sen suustakaan ei oikeen tunnu tulevan mitään järkevää. Noh muutama kuukausi niin GSP pääsee tukkimaan sen toistamiseen :rock:
GSP ei tosiaan omaa mitää erikoisia verbaalisen dominaation taikoja ja ne harvat kerrat ku puhu tuossa ni totes vaa jotai pari faktaa "he was good". Ja kun tuota Nam Phania vähä hehkutettiin tuossa ylempänä ni mun mielestä se kaverin matsi oli huonoin mitä siinä jaksossa näytettiin.
GSP ei tosiaan omaa mitää erikoisia verbaalisen dominaation taikoja ja ne harvat kerrat ku puhu tuossa ni totes vaa jotai pari faktaa "he was good". Ja kun tuota Nam Phania vähä hehkutettiin tuossa ylempänä ni mun mielestä se kaverin matsi oli huonoin mitä siinä jaksossa näytettiin.

mietin ihan samaa tosta Namista. Odotin paljon räväkämpää ja terävämpää menoa ton highlight nauhan katselun jälkeen.
Sama juttu. Se entinen pro skeittari kuka sil oli vastassa oli viel ni huono pystys et ootin et se potkasee sitä päähä heti ekassa kosketuksessa mut toisin kävi.
Olipahan taas jengi valittu ottamaan mittaa ekaan jaksoon. Bisping of middle-east, yhden moovin kalastaja Alaskasta, Intiaani punaisella irokeesilla joka kaasuttaa 3min jälkeen jne jne.
Olipahan taas jengi valittu ottamaan mittaa ekaan jaksoon. Bisping of middle-east, yhden moovin kalastaja Alaskasta, Intiaani punaisella irokeesilla joka kaasuttaa 3min jälkeen jne jne.

Casting ollu taas vauhdissa kun mukaan lasket ton kiintiö britin, omaperäisen afrotukan. Varmaan aika paljon vaikuttaa noi tekijät siihen ketä tonne otetaan sisään. Showtahan tossa tehdään ja haetaan katsoja lukuja.
Siitä joku kirjoitti kun oli käynyt kokeilemassa onneaan taloon, että jo alkuhaastattelun jälkeen suurinpiirtein tiesi ketkä pääsee yrittään taloon, räväkät luonteet tms, niinku just tää brule leeson vai mikä olikaan.. Hyvä jakso, odotan innolla kuinka pahasti Kos saa GSPn pasmat sotkettua vittuilemalla, Leben käy varmaan vieläkin Kossin takia psykiatrilla..
Joo jos ootte lukenu sen stoorin minkä joku vääns sherdoggiin kun oli ollu siel "pääsykokeis" tonne tuffii ni suurin valtti taitaa olla se mahdollisimman räikee persoonallisuus. Voisin yrittää ehtiä sen threadin tuolta.

haha tuli melkeen ku samasta suusta
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Rhadi Ferguson, a former olympian, attended the tryouts as a potential 205. I met him, and he was a very respectful man, calling me sir, and standing to shake my hand when I walked up to him. Knowing his qualifications, I told him he was a shoo-in. Immediately after this, Dana White walked past, and Rhadi introduced himself by full name to Dana. Dana didn't even seem to know who he was. Anyways, Rhadi's group was called in, and I fully expected him to be one of the guys selected for the interview. However, he wasn't even selected after the grappling to continue to the striking test. Apparently during the grappling (which started from the knees, go figure), his partner proceded to lay on him in the half guard, squeezing his head so that nothing could happen for the 2 minute duration. Rhadi Ferguson a black belt in BJJ and Judo, a former Olympian and ADCC competitor, was cut after the grappling portion. I was simply shocked. And anyone who has attended the tryouts will tell you that the grappling for the 205s was subpar at best.

Other notes:

Jason Guida attended the tryouts for 205. I don't know if he was successful or not. Clay was also there, likely to support his brother. He also watched some of the tryouts. Clay was easily the most recognized fighter there. Everyone wanted pictures with him, and he was happy to oblige. A very nice guy from what I saw. He was also wearing a Pride shirt.

Charles "Krazy Horse" Bennett also attended the tryouts. He is (obviously) very likely to make the show, as he easily made it to the interview portion.

Takanori Gomi was there to support two of his friends/students (whatever they were) who were trying out. They were cut at the grappling portion, and were apparently suprised that there were no leg attacks allowed during the grappling test.

Darrill Schoonover was at the tryouts, supporting some of his army buddies. James Tomko, a pro fighter in the army, was with him, and made it to the interview portion.

Some guy was there dressed like T.I. (or at least looking like T.I.), carrying a bullhorn and a stereo. I told my buddies that he was going to make a scene to get noticed. Sure enough, after checking in with his application, he hit the siren on the bullhorn, and did a backflip off the wall when he had everyone's attention. Mind you, no one of real importance was actually around. When his group went in for the test, he turned his stereo on(and was told by Dana to turn it off). He was selected to go to the interview portion. Go figure.

Also, some guys showed up as Bruce Leroy and Neo from the Matrix. I believe Bruce Leroy made it to the interviews. I don't know how Neo did.

Joe Lauzon was there all day. I am not sure if he was just there to hang out, or to support a friend attending.

The grappling test seemed to reward people who stayed more active, and not so much the people who were deliberate and technical. Some guys dominated the grappling part and were not picked, and some high level grapplers who were paired with equally high level guys saw there numbers not called as well.

When the interviews were beginning, the guy that was organizing most of the events told us that they didn't care about, "how you can knock everyone out, or submitted this many guys," but how much personality you had, and how interesting you were going to be. A lot of the guys waiting to be interviewed began drinking, as soon as their striking test was done (to loosen up for the interviews).

I will say this about Dana, he is very involved, and very motivated. He sat in on the tests all day, which took quite a long time, from about 10 am to 6 pm. He is also a bigger guy than I expected him to be.

Most of my information from the inside came from a buddy that was inside watching the tests, so you can take it how you want. He is a purple belt though, so he does know what he is looking at, when it comes to grappling. I was in the waiting lobby for most of the proceedings with the rest of the guys that were waiting to be tested, and there guys from everywhere, even other countries. There were a ton of lightweights, but only about forty light heavyweights. I was just soaking it in, and making mental notes of what I saw and heard. I didn't make it past the grappling part, but that's not too disappointing. I had a good experience, and learned a lot.

Siinähän sitä
Ihan positiivinen avaus kahteen edelliseen kauteen verrattuna. Vaikutti siltä, että joukossa voi olla jopa pari ihan oikeetakin tekijämiestä. Koscheck on kyllä ihan huippuäijä, saa kunnon härdellin tonne varmasti pystyyn. Tekee titteliottelustakin huomattavasti mielenkiintosemman, vaikka pelkäänkin, ettei GSP:tä vastaan ihan hirveen pieniä kertoimia tule olemaan tarjolla.
Taitaa olla, että Koscheck tekee tän kauden. Oli ainakin ekassa jaksossa GSP erittäin tylsä ja Josh hoiti kaiken puhumisen.
Sääli että Josh on totaali dorka ja vitun tylsä ottelija.
Kai se kusee pitkin nurkkia ja huutelee muitten kakaroitten kans että saa huomiota.
Ja sit onneks GSP vie sitä taas 100-0.
Josh Koscheck tylsä ottelija? Jos Kos on tylsä niin mikä kuvaa GSP:tä? Ja täytyy vielä sanoa että fanitan itse molempia kavereita
Joo tietysti noita ottelijoita valitaan aika pitkälti persoonallisuuden mukaan tuonne, mutta eipä tuo toisaalta ihan tyhmää ole. Ne oikeasti tosi kovat tyypit pääsee UFC:hen kyllä ilman TUFfiakin.
Josh Koscheck tylsä ottelija? Jos Kos on tylsä niin mikä kuvaa GSP:tä? Ja täytyy vielä sanoa että fanitan itse molempia kavereita

Ilmeisesti huutelet Joshin puolesta ainoastaan ku se puhuu paskaa ihan vitusti, mutta silti päivän päätyttyä se on edelleen vitun tylsä väkisinmakaaja joka sillointällöin osuu snagari oikeella ja kehutaan kuin vitun hyvä sen pysty esim on,lol.
En oo kenenkään nähnyt UFC:ssä FILMAAVAN niin paljo kesken matsin kuin Josh, pelle mikä pelle ja on ku jalkapalloijat makaamas ja itkees ku osu silmään vaikka vastustaja oo edes lähellä.

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